Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Sharon Stone Says Her Comments About China Were Because Of Miscarriages

Obviously any kind of publicity is better than no publicity in the world of Sharon Stone. I can see no other reason why she would choose to dredge up her comments about China from earlier in the year and all the negative publicity she received after her statement.

When China suffered an earthquake earlier this year and all those children died, Sharon suggested it was karma for the way they treated Tibet. She says now though that the reason she made those comments was because she was in "crazyville." In an interview with Prestige Magazine she said the following:

"I was in some kind of crazyville. The horrific loss of those people's children caused me tremendous grief. I was relating to this earthquake like some kind of crazy mother.

"In that moment, I was so grief-stricken, and I was really relating to their grief. I had lost children myself. All of that was really heavy upon me. I was really speaking as a heartbroken mother.

"I had two pregnancies that I lost in the late fifth month. And this is so awful because I had to go have surgery when my children died. This is a trauma that you just cannot bear."

I agree that miscarriages are truly awful and to lose children in your fifth month of pregnancy has to be even worse. However, trying to use those miscarriages which happened years ago as an excuse for what she said just seems to be a big reach. I think she wants us to feel sorry for her and now reporters will ask her about the miscarriages and she will get a chance to cry and be emotional and hopefully the world will feel like she has suffered enough and that she really didn't mean what she said about all those Chinese children dying.

Why did she wait months to tell this story? From now on will she blame everything bad she says on those miscarriages? All she is doing is trying to get publicity for herself. Nothing more.


  1. Agreed. Thanksfully, I will never understand what passes for "logic" in a famewhore's mind.

  2. I had a miscarriage years ago too so I will be playing the incoherent bitch card immediately.

  3. Even if that's what you really believe, keep your damn fool mouth shut.

  4. and what exactly do these alleged miscarriages have to do with what she said?

    i hate this dumb bitch. what is she famous for? flashing her crotch in a mediocre movie---that's what. she even claimed she had no idea they were going to shoot it that way. HA!
    she can't open her mouth without showing her ass. STFU, sharon.

  5. Sharon, we all know your permanent address is

    1 Crazy Drive
    Crazyville, Crazyland CRZY

  6. Anonymous11:09 AM


    Why bring this up if everybody forgot about it?

  7. LOL Kathryn. The short bus is parked in the driveway.

  8. If anything, she showed a lack of empathy for the loss of children, not more empathy. Can we please stop letting this woman speak? Thank you.

  9. I forget what she said...I guess she's just not interesting enough to remember.

  10. Some explained how alienating 2 billion of their potential customers wouldn't earn her dollar one.

  11. Someone

    Yesterday the edit your comments option was available for me, about the third time I've seen it. Does anyone else ever get that option? (it shows up to the right of the comments link)

  12. Talk about reaching.

    One in four women suffer a miscarriage and some don't even know it. Can you just imagine if one in four of us walked around acting like Sharon Stone?

  13. HAHAHAHAHAHAhahahahahah *snort* hahahahahahaha FREAK!! That's the best picture of her EVER. I'm savin that bad boy for a rainy day. Awesome! Thanks, Enty! Oh and I knew a girl that lost her baby in the fifth month and she was pretty much crazy like Sharon is. But, like Sharon, she was nutso BEFORE her miscarraiges...

  14. .robert, really?! We have all been dying for an "edit" option. Let's hope it comes back!

  15. I also call Shenanigans

  16. I want a spell check option. Mea culpa for my horrendous spelling mistakes.

  17. lmao @ Cheryl.

    I wonder if the piece of brain Sharon Stone had removed was the part that contained her common sense.

  18. @ Cheryl....the comment, not the miscarriage. ;o)

  19. Is Anne Heche an unacknowledged child of Sharon Stone's? Seems as if they both live in Crazyville. They need to go live in a regular house in aregular town as "regular" people for five years. Go through a couple of layoffs and wondering how they're going to both be at work and be at the PTAmeeting. Then come back and tell us made up lies about why they have such sense of privilege.

  20. Right... because the Sichuan quake, which happened almost a year and a half ago, was all about her.
    She's not worth the ink used to print this vile sh*t.

  21. Poor Shazza, she onced had a good career, but that went down hill years ago. All this personal angush revelations helps put her back up in there in a different light. A different famewhore now. BUT STILL A FAMEWHORE!

  22. Um, I don't give a damn about China, or their children, or anything of the sort. Hell, they don't care themselves, so why should I waste the energy and time pretending to care about people halfway around the world? It's not like they would give a shit about us, hell, they'd probably have a celebration if the same shit happened here! But the difference between me and Sharon Stone is that I stand by my comments (this one and any others), and don't make asinine excuses for why I say these things. Because the reason is...I just don't care. And I can accept the criticism because...yes, that's right, I don't care! See? it's so easy even Sharon Stone could do it!
