Friday, October 16, 2009

The Worst Mom Ever - ***Very Disturbing***

A woman in the UK has plead guilty to one count of cruelty on a person under 16 from which she caused or procured a child to be ill-treated, abandoned or exposed in a manner causing unnecessary suffering or injury to health, and a charge of intending to pervert the course of justice for making a false accusation of rape.

So how did all this come about? I will summarize, but if you want to read every last thing she did, you can click here and read the article.

Th 35 year old woman wanted money. How could she get money? She decided that she would pretend her baby was sick. For over 6 years this woman claimed benefits based on the fact that authorities believed he was sick. It is bad enough to exploit your child for money like this, but this gets so much worse.

She claimed her son was diabetic and provided fake glucose and urine samples.

She claimed her son needed a wheelchair and that he had cerebral palsy, cystic fibrosis, the throat disorder dysphagia and that he was allergic to all types of food.

She took the boy to school in a wheelchair fitted with oxygen bottles and gave him a special diet for diabetics which saw him prescribed medication he did not need and receive care at three hospitals.

She invented so many false symptoms over a six-and-a-half year period that doctors regularly fed him through a tube and were eventually forced to operate in a bid to find a mystery illness which did not exist.

His condition was thought to be so rare that medics eventually fitted him with a permanent feeding tube meaning he was fed through a food pump he had to wheel around behind him. He spent at least six weeks a year in hospital.

All of this so she could collect about $200K from the government plus countless other donations from charities including money and tickets and vacations.

When doctors grew suspicious, she would cancel appointments by claiming she had been assaulted or raped all in an attempt to make sure she wasn't caught. She sacrificed her son for money.


  1. Anonymous12:00 PM

    She has what they call munchenhausen syndrome.

  2. Wow. That poor, poor kid. He's not even been given a "normal" life and will probably have issues his entire life. I feel for him.

  3. How come it took doctors six years to figure this out? Don't they do blood work and tests over there?

  4. Yup...worst...parent...ever....well...almost...I have heard worse, but this is pretty gosh darned bad.

  5. Munchausens by proxy.

  6. Oh, and an evil person.

  7. Anonymous12:25 PM

    Why is her face blurred in this pic? This horrible woman should not be able to hide her identity from anyone!

  8. Anonymous12:39 PM

    OK, I give. There IS a worse mother than Britney.

  9. What Ms. Cool said.

  10. This is why sometimes I hope there is a hell. She deserves a first-class ticket there.

  11. Isn't Munchausens-by-proxy about attention and not money? This is just greed. I didn't read the full article though.

  12. As a mother of a child who has actually needed 14 surgeries in the first 3 years of his life, and will probably need many more, I say this to her: FUCK YOU, you worthless, rotting piece of trash. I hope her son never has to see her face again.

    And she has Munchausen by proxy.

  13. I agree with .robert. This my be munchausen, but greed factored into the equation. What a tremendous bitch.

  14. Special place in hell for special people like her.

  15. Munchausens by proxy is a serious mental disorder and can be treated with medication such as anti-depressants or else she may have to be institutionalized. I feel for her son. Doctors should have been diagnosing HER and not treating the boy. I hope he has no permanent damage due to the medication and surgeries he was forced to have. What a sad story.

  16. Christine, I agree. I would give anything for my son to have a healthy body, free from pain and disability. And here this piece of garbage violated her son's body and the trust of people who had helped them FOR SIX YEARS.

    And yes I understand that she may have M-b-P. But this was calculated with such maliciousness and greed, I can't help but believe she is pure evil.

  17. I'm with Christine and Leah. I would give anything for my little boy to be healthy and not to have suffered ever. Someone in her life should have known -anyone. So a big FUCK YOU to them, too.

  18. Christine & Leah - I'm so sorry for what you've all gone through. I can totally see why this hits a raw nerve.

    I don't defend this woman, but she can't be judged by normal standards. Münchhausen by Proxy, greed or not, she's clearly very disturbed. I took over care of my step-son when he was 9, I had alot of anger towards his mother. I was told by professionals to let it go - because no mother in her right mind leaves their child, and none would harm theirs for money or attention unless she's really off.

    I can't imagine what it's done to her son. Can anyone ever get over that?

  19. Whoa. That is just beyond heinous. There really IS no justice for people this horrible. I think feeding them to starving lions is as close to justice as they can get.

  20. Anonymous2:43 PM

    Who says the UK has a bad health care system?

  21. I can't believe it took six years for doctors to figure out this horrid woman was lying. Did they not do any tests on the child? Did they just take her word for it when she kept coming up with more illnesses her son supposedly had? I don't understand at all.

  22. Anonymous4:49 PM

    Krissie: In MbyP, the parent makes the kid sick. In some cases, by puting feces in the feeding tube and other things like that. I'm surprised the doctors never caught on, because when there's a mysterious illness like this, they're trained to look at the parent.

  23. execution and not in a nice way

  24. Sick. Poor kid. I hope he has someone who loves him.

  25. Anon 4:49-I know about MbyP. What I don't understand is why the doctors didn't figure out this was a case of MbyP for six years. That is a long-ass time for the poor kid to suffer.

    I aslo don't understand the way this woman got out of appointements. Saying she was raped-how many times did she use that excuse? Did she use it on the same doctors? I would think they'd find it odd that she kept saying she'd been raped every time they tried to talk to her about her son. I'm guessing she kept switching doctors.

  26. MbP indeed.
    Along with a heart of stone - if ever an eye for an eye applied, it's here.
    I can't wait until karma bites her in her fat ass.

  27. Sean, I don't really think this the kind of story that suggests the NHS is a bad health care system.

    There are many ways she could've got away with this, including registering at different locations, using different names and so on.

    I feel desperately sorry for the son though. Hopefully, there wasn't any permanent damage and he has help to deal with the situation.

  28. Anonymous5:57 PM

    I don't give a sh!t if this woman is mentally ill or not. This is what lethal injection is for.
    When people cause so much harm to others, it doesn't matter to me whether mental illness is the root fo their actions; they need to be put down.
