Monday, November 02, 2009

$150K Worth Of Liquor Destroyed VS McDonald's Being A-Holes

If you are going to operate a forklift at a liquor warehouse I'm guessing you might not want to sample too much of the product first. If you do, then incidents like the one below are bound to happen. A drunk forklift driver destroyed $150K worth of booze.

A McDonald's employee in American Fork, Utah called the cops because she feared for her safety when a group of teenagers rapped their order at the drive-thru window. Even though the boys were long gone by the time the police came to the store, the police tracked down the car and the occupants and issued them a ticket.


  1. #1: Oh, the humanity!

    #2: Oh, the inhumanity!

  2. Jeez, lighten up McDees. I would think it makes for excitement and creative inspiration on an otherwise boring as shit job.

    I used to put on a heavy Scottish accent at the mic box, then get to the window & talk like a regular Canadian. Totally screwed with the poor window server.

  3. we used to put a sign on the box saying "speaker broke, please yell" and sit across the street watching the poor person at the window cringe. It was awesome.

    as far as the first one goes....that is just plain alchohol abuse.

  4. Anonymous11:52 AM

    What would they get a ticket FOR, 'cause if being a wiseass is a punishable offense(re: fines), this country should be swimmin' in cash.

  5. was the reporter of the alcohol incident present at the time of the crash? Girlie slurs like she's been in the sauce...

  6. OMG...that's like dominoes with LIQUOR!!

    I can just see it, it's coming--

    "911, what's your emergency?"

    "Billy's lookin' at me funneeeeee!!!!"

    Let's roll.

  7. There must be NOTHING to do in American Fork, Utah.

  8. Did they really rap that bad???
    That drive-thru worker must be the most uptight person in America.

  9. Trying to understand what those boys did besided rapping to scare the McD worker. Poor kids! They look harmless.

    On the other hand, if you feel threatened, you should do something.

  10. As someone who worked drive thru at McDs and was just feet away when someone shot the window out (not kidding, and this was in a small town), not to mention present when a group of teenagers grabbed the girl working back drive thru and pulled her halfway through that window trying to get her out to beat the shit out of her, this isn't McDs being assholes. This is McDs looking after the safety of its employees. You guys wouldn't BELIEVE the crap that gets pulled on drive thru employees.

  11. I understand McD's worried about employee's safety but this seems a bit ridiculous.

    I used to work the drive-thru for KFC in a very small town when I was in high school, There were a few times when I would get some creepy or smart ass types. Nothing was major enough for me to call the police for.

    My favorite has to be the time two very intoxicated gentleman came through and asked me "are your breasts original or extra crispy?" and then hyena-laughed their way on. Priceless.

  12. Well it IS Utah. She probably just panicked and called the police because she thought they were Black.
