Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Anthony Michael Hall Gets Restrained

The NY Post is reporting today that Anthony Michael Hall has been ordered to stay away from Diana Falzone. Anthony and Diana dated for about a year but things turned very nasty very quickly last week. Falzone accused Hall of attempting to kick down her door in the middle of the night. For some reason she let him in her apartment and when he came in she says that he bashed her head against a wall.

Hall who is bi-polar has had several incidents in the past related to his disorder primarily when he doesn't take his medications. Hall is due in court next week. His spokesperson wasn't aware of the restraining order but said the accusations were erroneous. I think that is a fancy word for saying the question came as a complete shock and sounds more wishy washy than denying it outright and being proven wrong later.


  1. Anonymous12:41 PM

    If this guy has had problems before in mistreating women why hasn't he been put in jail??

  2. Because the legal system is a bizarre mess. Near me 25 cops spent a day destroying a married couples house, locked them up, over 1.4 (one-point-four) ounces of pot. They don't have time for stalkers.

  3. @ .robert

    ohhhhh 1.4 ounces of pot. gosh what terrible criminals!

  4. I found this hard to believe until I saw this picture. http://dlisted.com/node/34862. he is just scary looking.

  5. "Nice! Nice manners, babe!"

  6. I thought he came out as gay in the late eighties early nineties?

  7. Nikki, charged them with 4 felonies and 2 midemeanors since they had scales in a kitchen cabinet. Stupid cops in ninja masks with assault rifles got 1.4 ounces of pot...

    And when I say destroyed their house, 25 cops in ninja masks with assault rifles only found 1.4 ounces, they looked really hard before telling their boss, I suppose. What happened is some tweeker knew they had a few joints lying around and fingered them after getting busted rather than cutting off his own source.

  8. .robert: In what state was this? Please tell me it wasn't a medical marijuana state. A county in CA just had to pay $155,000 to a medical marijuana grower for taking away what he was legally licensed to grow, as well as arresting him. I hate it when cops decide what they think the law should be, not enforce what it is.

    That said, police are also capable of amazing acts of grace and care. I think about emergencies--Fort Hood, 9/11, etc, but also everyday acts of love: literally looking for lost kittens for children, or helping stranded motorists. I just don't like it when they decide to interpret the law.

    Anyway, was this in a medical marijuana state?

    And shame on Anthony Michael Hall. Someone needs to get their head screwed on straight, and fast.

  9. Brian from the Breakfast Club?? I had no idea he was bipolar and had issues...last I heard he was on some off cable tv show....? Wow.

  10. no wayyyyyy...wow. i had no idea about amh.

  11. GladysKravitz, Florida. The cops here can shoot and kill a guy wearing only a speedo at the beach and claim they thought he was armed, and get away with it.

  12. Looks like Farmer Ted went full retard....

    /you NEVER go full retard

  13. This gives people with mental illnesses a bad rep.

  14. c17...that was just plain not right.

    and Karmen...this IS people with bipolar disorder/mental illness. I am bp, and I have stories. All the people who share this disorder have stories, like this one or much worse...
    but no one wants to see OUR names on a gossip site. we aren't famous. You should watch Stephen Fry's documentary "The Secret Life of the Manic Depressive". I defy anyone not to understand then.

    I hope he starts taking his meds again, and talks to someone. The remorse and shame usually kick in with the clarity.
