Monday, November 16, 2009

Bill Gates & Strippers - Who Knew

When I think of Bill Gates I somehow don't picture him heading over to Scores and getting lap dances all night. I guess I was wrong though because Bill loves the strippers and is a really big tipper. Good for him. The former owner of Scores strip club is in the process of writing a book and in it he gives some scoop about some of the clients who have walked through the doors of the strip club. Besides Bill Gates he says that Madonna was a visitor and stiffed the staff. I guess she didn't have a good time. He also says that Russell Crowe almost got into a fight with an Irish waiter and that Michael Lohan only wanted strippers that looked like Lindsay Lohan. For his part, Michael only remembers going to Scores but doesn't remember what kind of strippers he liked. Uh huh.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Ewwwww ~This is like picturing my dad going to a strip club, blech! What those poor poor women have to do to earn a buck....

  3. To quote Revenge of the Nerds: Jocks only think about sports, nerds only think about sex.

  4. p.s. regarding Michael Lohan~ double ewwwww!

  5. This post made me giggle. Thanks, Enty.

  6. Augh! Michael Lohan gets sicker and sicker like every day. No wonder Lindsay's all kinds of messed up.

  7. surprised? no. maybe he wanted to unwind. the former strip club owner must be hard up for cash.

    i would love to give bill gates a lap dance. i am not surprised that he is a generous tipper.

  8. the michael lohan part makes me want to puke.

    this just reaffirms that i think he sexually abused her. she acts like a victim of a abuse.


  10. Gates BETTER be a good tipper! Sheesh.

    And the Michael Lohan thing is beyond disgusting.

  11. nikki, good point about lohan.

  12. This is really old news. And I heard he doesn't limit himself to strippers...he likes to go all the way. Not very surprising...he has so much money he probably feels he can do whatever he wants and his wife is probably happy to look the other way.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Well, a billionaire businessman who likes strippers. Big surprise. And Michael Lohan- well, no comment 'cause I'll just throw up and ruin my keyboard.

  15. what, no papa joe?

    those darn pc people.

  16. Someone said something interesting this weekend about the Michael Lohan thing. Lindsay looks just like Dina, so maybe Michael was looking for strippers that looked like Dina.

    As for Bill Gates, lets just say if I worked there I would be dancing my ass off for him.

  17. Who cares if men want to see long as they look and don't touch and go home to their significant other, what harm is done?

    Its the age old argument. SSDD

    And that part about the lohan' sad :(

  18. Anonymous11:19 AM

    So Madonna visit the stripped club was this before she was married or after her divorce??

  19. Adds new meaning to the phrase Micro Soft!

  20. Other than madonna being a cheap bitch, why is this news?

    @Jasmine: "What those poor poor women have to do to earn a buck."

    You have never been to a strip club have you? Or met strippers. They got their nakid lazy asses there all their own because they didn't want to get a real job & tow the line, for a basic wage. Oh ya, they think they'll be 'discovered' one day too.

  21. @mygeorgie,
    Or my favorite, that they will bag a rich NFL, NBA or MLB player, get knocked up and or wifed and never have to work again, lol

    But with all Gate's money why not just hire the girls to come to you that way you don't have to have people in your business??

  22. and no story on Matt Damon and his wife?

  23. How funny. I knew Bill Gates loves the stuff! He has too. All nerds do!

    Anyway, Michael Lohan would have a hard time trying to find strippers that looked as freckled and nasty as his daughter.

  24. My blood started racing when I read about Russell Crowe. A Strip club is not a strip club without a couple of guys fist fighting!

  25. So Michael Lohan only wanted dancers who resembled LiLo, eh?

    THAT is just about the most telling, "proving" thing we've heard in a long time.

    Makes all KINDS of sense, doesn't it?

  26. Ick. Nast.
    That is all.

  27. I don't know why this keeps surprising people. Men like sex. Men in a position of power cheat. They might be owner of a small business, manager at a chain restaurant, president or lead singer but, they all cheat. Their wives all hope they wont and if they do, they hope they'll be discrete.

  28. I wonder if he laughs like Robert Carradine's character in Revenge of the Nerds when the girls are grinding on him.
