Monday, November 09, 2009

Britney On Lockdown In Australia

I don't doubt that people walked out of the Britney Spears concert in Perth Australia over the weekend. I also don't doubt there may have been a hundred or more who left as early as the third song. I do doubt though they actually paid for their tickets and not the news organizations reporting the story.

If you are such a big fan of Britney Spears that you are willing to spend half your week's pay to go see her, don't you think you would know that you are going to see her lip syncing? Did you really think she was going to get up there and sing for two hours? As John Mayer said in one of his Twitter posts this weekend, "If you're shocked that Britney was lip-syncing at her concert and want your money back, life may continue to be hard for you."

I think life will be impossible for you. Would I pay $200 to see Britney dance around on stage? No, but I know plenty of people who would and who don't care if she sings or not. I think news organizations wanted a story and were willing to manufacture things a bit and also were really pissed that Britney's people imposed so many restrictions on photographers that the news organizations simply decided to not send still photographers to any of her shows and then they "found" people like Amanda Hawlet. "I want my money back or I want her to sing properly. The ticket cost me $200 and she lip-synched the whole thing. It's cost me half a week's wage and you've got bills to pay, but you look forward to this concert, it's a night out - and what do you get? Nothing! It was a waste of $200 - I could have got four pairs of shoes for that."

So, if you spent that much and it is your night out, then why would you leave the show early? Wouldn't you suck it up and hope it got better? If you click the link you can find video of her show in Perth as well as a host of other articles about the controversy and how Britney is holed up in her hotel room and won't leave.


  1. I loved Kathy Griffin's stand up act "Balls of Steel" when she mentioned how she went to this last concert and summed it up as pretty much Britney just hitting the boom box "Play" button for her and the back up dancers to dance to.

    She's just a fancily-dressed monkey dancing to the auto-tuned organ grinder's muisc, that's all. Why anyone would pay that much money to watch it, is beyond me, unless it's for the train wreck factor, which is even more fucked up.

  2. From the first concert it was well-reported that it was a lip-sync fest. Honestly, doesn't news travel to Australia?

  3. yeah, sounds like a made up story to me

  4. how did australia not know what the rest of the world already knew? i don't get it.

  5. This isn't exactly a Britney thing either. Try a whole lot of acts lip sync or sing a long to support tracks during their shows.

    Has there ever been anyone that has been able to do a heavy dance show w/o lip syncing at least some of it? At least support tracks? Are peeps in Australia that stupid?

    Get off Brit Brit's ass. If she stood there and sang, everyone would bitch that she wasn't dancing.

  6. uh..i think it has more to do with the fact she is dead behind the eyes and lifeless than the fact she can't sing live. i read a few reviews and a lot of them were saying the show was just half assed. if i were dissapointed enough, i might leave. i've already out the money, i don't have to be out the time too.

    we ALL know she has no business touring at all right now...meltdown in 5...4...3

  7. Does anybody sing live at all nowadays? I thought that was standard in the industry. The amount of strain the voice would get if it sang for 2 hours straight everyday for a 6 month is just cause why most acts lip synch some songs if not their whole concert.

  8. I'm sure room service is getting a real workout with Brit "holed up in her hotel room" ...
    And didn't Australia just pass that law about acts having to disclose whether the performer is live or Memorex?
    For a country that gave us "Priscilla, Queen of the Desert" and holds its drag queens in such esteem, you'd think they'd be used to lip syncing...although I sincerely doubt anyone would pay $200 a head to see one perform.
    Oh wait. They just did.

  9. I agree - manufactured story by the press. Amanda Hawlet's an idiot - if she were truly a fan she would have known what to expect.

  10. Why automatically blame the fans?

    Just because people know or should have known that Britney Spears lip synchs doesn't mean that this story isn't legitimate. From the very beginning of her career she has been called an "entertainer" and as much as I dislike her actual music she did put on a pretty good show.

    I think that the people who paid that were probably expecting some semblance of entertainment, and from the reveiws of her show here in the U.S. I would infer that it even fails on that count.

    I will agree that if there hadn't been such an uproar about the lip synching in the first place that those 100-200 people would've never been covered in a story.

  11. idiots should not be allowed to speak - and where is she getting 4 pairs of shoes for AU$200 in australia - it is so much more expensive to buy clothes here than the US or europe (even with the cheapest of the cheap it would be a struggle!)

    i am guessing amanda hawlet has not been to a concert since the 80s - when acts did do stuff live occasionally and shoes were cheap!

  12. There is a lobby group in Australia at the moment trying to push through a bill that would require concert promoters to put a disclaimer on the tickets saying that some portions of the concert are pre-recorded. This has been news for MONTHS. There is no one in this country that didn't know that Britney would be lip-synching, they've been talking about it and using her upcoming concerts as an example, and it's been all over the news for ages. And now suddenly the concerts are here and they're finding people who "didn't know" it would be lip synched? Please. These stories are a set up, by either news companies starved for Britney stories and making something out of nothing, or a lobby group trying to further their cause. It's complete bs. Um, tell you what, the tickets say "Britney Spears in concert". There's your disclaimer. You're not going to see live singing!

  13. Also, the whole, Britney being holed up in her room thing... um, it's 35 degrees here right now. EVERYONE is holed up in the A/C. Seriously, making a story out of NOTHING. Australian news companies give us such a bad rep.

  14. @ whoever above asked if anybody sings live anymore: Bruce Springsteen still sings live and performs for more than two hours and moves around the stage quite a bit and he's old.

    Britney's not a great singer despite the Herculean attempts in the studio to make her sound better on an album, so who the heck would want to hear her sing live anyway? If you're a fan and you've got $200 to blow and you like watching her backup dancers on stage and listening to an album play in the background, then I guess it's worth it.

  15. This is one of the things I hate about pop music and r & b, it's so damn fake, listen to some real music, then you get to see some great live shows, Foo Fighters, Muse, The Killers, Gomez, Kasabian, Franz Ferdinand, Violent Femmes, the White Stripes, etc, are just a sample of what I've seen play live over the years, nothing fake about them.
