Friday, November 13, 2009

Emmy Rossum Thinks Far Too Highly Of Herself

In an interview with the DJ Valentine, Emmy Rossum spoke about her secret marriage to producer Justin Siegel. She said that she kept the marriage a secret because, "It's hard to have a private life and keep it private and hope that people don't pick you apart and that's kind of what's difficult about this job." Umm, I don't think anyone really knew you existed until they found out about the secret marriage and that you were now dating Side Show Bob aka Adam Duritz.

Did she think we would spend hours picking over her marriage? That she would suddenly put her in the Jennifer Aniston stratosphere and wonder if she was pregnant or how the marriage was progressing? Does she really think she is that famous?

She says all she wants now is her freedom and to be happy. I noticed that when she found a famous guy to date that she didn't try and keep that a secret.


  1. There's something about this girl I just don't like. My guess is that marriage was kept secret for another reason.

  2. What a twit. I will have to see what Lainey says about this. She HATES Emmy.

  3. Perhaps if she had a career she wouldn't have time for silly interviews. Unfortunately nothing of note before Phantom of the Opera and nothing of note after it.

  4. Gerard Butler and Emmy Rossum... if I thought I could sit through Phantom of the Opera again, today would seem to be the day. But I just can't.

  5. I've always wondered why folks seem to dislike her so intensely -- even Nikki Finke has snarked on her, I believe. Is it because her mother (or father) is a notorious stage parent?

  6. I will admit to having quite a fascination with Adam Duritz, ever since the heyday of Counting Crows. It's the hair. His face isn't great, but I'm a sucker for that dirty hair.

  7. i can't stand her and maybe one reason is she thinks we give a shit about her.

  8. Anonymous12:40 PM

    I can give her a break on this one. Hoillywood is a "damned if you do, damned if you don't" situation. Maybe she has been overly cautious in her career, which has lead to the decisions she did or did not make.

  9. @Nicole, it was revealed somewhere a few years ago that Adam Duritz' dreads are actually a wig! I kid you not. Ugh, what a dork.

  10. Anonymous1:05 PM

    @Pookie. EXACTLY.

  11. Hell, I don't even know who this chick IS, other than a passing name familiarity.

  12. Oh yeah, I've read about her at Lainey's.

    And about Adam Duritz--Yeeeiiiiccckkkk!

  13. Anonymous2:31 PM

    Adam Duritz's hair? I heard its a wig. Like Andre Agassi. Seriously, dreadlock toupee.

  14. If it's a

    And the only reason I know her is because she was in some random disney movie I used to watch when I was like 11 and her slaughtering of chichi in dragonball. 'Nother famewhore

  15. I've only ever seen Emmy Rossum in that Phantom of the Opera movie, but technically that's one more movie than I've seen with any of those Twilight kids, and yet I hear about them every day. If the reason no one hears much about Emmy is because she made a conscious decision to keep her life private, then good on her. Of course, it's possible that she really wants to be tabloid-famous and it isn't happening because she doesn't have much of a career, but a career doesn't seem to matter much these says. She's cute, and young, and not the worst actress I've ever seen, so I feel like she could have been a lot more famous if she slept with the right people or went around "accidentally" flashing her girly parts in front of paparazzi. I give her a pass until she does/says something a lot worse than this.

  16. She gives off the snottiest, most unpleasant vibe.

  17. I don't even know who this person is, but ha ha Nicole! I, too, love the dirty hair look. When I first started dating my husband, he had long hair and it was frequently dirty. I was so hooked. Adam Duritz, not so much.

  18. Nicole, I too have a weird facination with Duritz. I used to like the hair, but I think it's time for him to move on to another look. For me though, I was hooked by the Mr Jones video where he touches his stomach. Guess I have a thing for pudgy guys. lol

  19. Oh Emmy, one gives a shit.
