Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

There won't be any updates tomorrow, but I will be back on Friday. Hungover and full, but back. I want all of you to know that I am thankful for each of you. Over the past three years all of you have become like my family and I love getting to see you everyday. I wish there was a place big enough in the world for all of us to sit down and eat together and drink and have one big party. Every day I wake up in the morning and am so thankful to have all of you in my life. Wherever you are headed this weekend or whatever you are doing, I hope you have a great time, make wonderful memories and stay very safe. I want to see my family back here on Friday!!


  1. Bless you Too Enty! Enjoy your day to the 'fullest' :)


    The mini gourds are a lovely touch :)

  2. Happy Thanksgiving to you too!

    You know what would really make me/us *really* thankfull - if we got a Christmas present of you letting us choose one of the New Year's day reveals....

    (Seems like a good day to chance my arm in asking, non?!)

  3. awwww. thnx.

    Happy Thanksgiving everyone.

  4. Ps. That table spread reminds me of that nasty but delicious American delight, Rotel & Velveeta. Damn you! We don't have Rotel up here :(

  5. Happy Thanksgiving to you too Enty and to all the CDANers I've come to know and look forward to reading their posts eveyday. We're one big dysfunctional familia and I wouldn't have it any other way.

    I'm thankful for everything and everyone in my life. God bless us every one.

  6. Happy Thanksgiving Enty! I look forward to making it thru a day with those other people and getting back here to family :)

  7. Happy Thanksgiving EL! You stay safe as well!!!


  9. Happy Thanksgiving EL!

    From the other El. :)

  10. Happy Thanksgiving Enty and the rest of my CDAN family!
    As someone who's self professed to be greedy, I'm working Thanksgiving (hey, at what they pay I'll give up a holiday anytime) but that doesn't mean I'm not thankful! (just greedy)

  11. aw, thanks Enty. Right back atcha! Happy Thanksgiving to all the US CDANers and Happy Thursday to everyone else!

  12. SentimEnty?

    You have been hittin' da booze all day. ;o)

  13. Here's to a safe and wonderful Thanksgiving!!!

  14. Thanks, Enty. I'm thankful for you, too. You're my go-to gossip guy! Have a great holiday. :-)

  15. Happy Thanksgiving Enty! Enjoy your day off, and see you Friday!

  16. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

  17. Anonymous2:51 PM

    Thanks Enty. You're a doll :) Happy Thanksgiving to everyone.

  18. Happy Thanksgiving all! eat and drink 'till you burst! I will teehee.

  19. Aw, Enty. We're going to be sooo happy after we're married. But I digress.

    I have met a lot of great people on this site and I hope that our friendship lasts a long time. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

    And Enty - I am going to TWO Thanksgiving dinners. At the second dinner at my sister's house, she's going to announce to my parents and God-fearing, too-rigid aunts that she is engaged to the man who's been living in her converted basement for 5 months! She's known him for 8 months. I have reserved a front row seat for this spectacle.

    Oh, did I mention she's getting married in January? In Vegas?

    Yep. I have booze at the ready.

  20. Thank you (((Enty))) - you have a wonderful Thanksgiving too. Much love,
    Interplanet Janet

  21. Oh Enty, I am so touched. You and the "family" certainly make my day. I would run screaming to find the butter knife most days if not for you and the wonderful people on this site.

    Happy Thanksgiving to all.

  22. Love you too Enty! You're always the highlight of my day!

  23. Hey, I'm a longtime lurker but new to posting. Just wanted to wish everyone a happy thanksgiving. I'm just back from the states and I love how you have a holiday dedicated to giving thanks. Enjoy the day :)

  24. Thanks so much Enty! Sniff! Happy Tgive!

  25. I miss American Thanksgiving like crazy! This is the first time in three years I'm not celebrating but I hope everyone has a delicious, delectable, drunken time!

    OH! I can still give thanks, though. This year I am thankful for my beautiful community, both virtual and in real-life. I'm incredibly blessed to have such wonderful, amazing, supportive, and wacky individuals in my life. I have oodles of love for you all!

    (Sorry, I live with hippies. Sometimes I sound like one.)

  26. you are so very loved, enty. know that.

    happy thanksgiving everyone!

  27. Love you Enty, and all my fellow CDaNers too! (Except the racists.) Happy Thanksgiving to everyone! ♥ ♥

  28. Right back atcha, ya big lug :)

  29. LOVE YOU, ENTY! I hope everyone on here (except the racist trolls, of course) have a HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!! You guys and Enty make me laugh on a daily basis. Probably too much...might need a job if my boss ever looks at my weblog...RUT-ROH!!! Be Safe all and Cheers!!!


  30. Happy Thanksgiving Everyone, and ENTY!! great looking spread...

  31. Wishing you all a wonderful Turkey Day with all the fixins' and no drama. Okay maybe a little. ;)


  32. Happy Thanksgiving to all of my American friends. Enjoy your long weekend (in moderation). Oh...what the Hell...screw moderation. Have fun!

  33. Long time lurker, but coming out to say Happy Thanksgiving to Enty and all here. You're a scream.

    Have a festive and happy time.

  34. Giving thanks for you, Enty, Happy Thanksgiving.

  35. Oh my... love you all. This is the greatest group of all time. Happy Day tomorrow to all of us - no matter what tomorrow holds, we can make it through, and then read about it later. EL - Thank you for this forum. My favorite.

    Mooshki- c u at the 'ville. Thx for being my neighbor!

  36. Vivien and Annie4:35 PM

    We're thankful for YOU! Thanks for all that you do!

  37. We're down here already cooking up a storm!

    Gonna be goooood.

    To everyone, worldwide--

    PEACE, OUT!!!

  38. Happy Thanksgiving enty, and thanks for all the snark!

  39. Happy Thanksgiving Everyone, especially you make everyday at work bearable!!!

  40. Awww! Happy Thanksgiving to you, too Enty!

  41. Anonymous4:53 PM

    happy thanksgiving, Enty and my cdan family. There are many, many things to give thanks for this holiday weekend - family, friends, beagles, continued paychecks, etc. - but this site is certainly on my list! Happy holidays, my friends.

  42. Happy Thanksgiving Enty!!
    and also to the CDAN family! Enjoy, eat and be merry!!!

  43. Happy Thanksgiving to you too Enty! I am very greatful for all the entertainment you have provided for me over the past three years.

  44. Anonymous6:00 PM

    Thank you, Enty, for the wishes and the birthday greetings and the laughs over the past years. We're thankful to have you in our lives too. See you Friday!

  45. I wish we had Thanksgiving in Australia :-(

    I am thankful for this site! Don't know what I would do without my daily CDAN fix... so Enty, thank you! And enjoy your turkey!

  46. Have a very Happy Thanksgiving!!!

  47. Happy Turkey Day ya big lug!!!
    always thankful for a sweaty man who drinks before noon on a tueday.

  48. Enty, I just came across this and immediately thought of you...especially since if you're like the rest of America, there's gonna be leftovers.

    And yes, it's apparently very real.

  49. This comment has been removed by the author.

  50. Oh heavenly mother of God.

    Not only does it come in "regular" and "lite" but it's also certified Kosher.

    And it comes flavored - Hickory, Peppered, Jalapeno, Maple, Applewood and Mesquite.
    And this company makes a Bacon popcorn.

    Enty, never doubt I love you.

  51. Many many many blessings 'fat man'. :)

  52. Happies to everyone, especially to our "host with the most"... bacon! =;>

  53. That is an exceedingly sweet sentiment and remarkably rare for anything internet related. Happy Thanksgiving, Enty.

  54. that is very possibly the sweetest think i have ever read...and i don't even celebrate the holidays! hahahaha1 i love this site, and reading what MOST of you have to say! i may only comment myself every once in a while, but i read all the comments, and am quite amused :)

  55. Anonymous8:13 PM

    Aww...happy Thanksgiving everyone.

  56. Anonymous8:31 PM

    Happy Turkey Day, Ent and my fellow CDANfans.

  57. Thanks Enty! I'll add my name to the being greatful for all that is Enty list :) Also on the list is each and every one of the rest of you! Be safe and have a great day Thursday.

  58. Happy Thanksgiving!

  59. Thanks Enty, that was so sweet, happy Thanksgiving to you too!

  60. Annie8:50 PM

    I'm new to posting, but I'll add my Thanksgiving wishes to all the rest here!

  61. Enty~ Seriously last week when you actually posted on my facebook wall a personal happy birthday you really did make my whole day~ like I told you then I felt like a celebrity had left me a bday message! :P

    While I dont think thanksgiving is a good holiday to support as its origins all go back to the start of the genocide of the Native Americans I still wish you all a great time spent with family/friends and I'll drink and think of you the whole time Enty!
    love love love jaz

  62. Happy Thanksgiving to all and a special warning to ENTY - Beware the turkey coma - don't want anyone coming in and playing with your toys and drinking your booze

    Canada Chick

  63. Have a great one, Enty!

  64. pdxgirl7:44 AM

    Happy Thanksgiving Enty, and pass the sweet potatoes!

  65. thanks for a great 3 years, enty! <3

  66. I'm going through Ent withdrawl today...hope you have a wonderful holiday Ent. You and the CDAN family make my afternoons delightful.

  67. Happy Day, everyone, and in particular, to Ent. You make my work days seem a bit less stressful :)

  68. Happy Thanksgiving, Enty! We love you!

  69. Have a super Thanksgiving!!!!!

  70. Anonymous1:02 PM

    Bless you all my American friends, have a terrific holiday.

    Ditto Enty, I wish we could all get together and have one fabulous party and share an enormous group hug.

    Have a save and wonderful Black broken bones please..

  71. Everyone have a happy and safe Thanksgiving. Enty, my delightful American friend I love you too. Take care everyone.

    Hugs and kisses
    The Red One...

  72. One sleep 'till Enty's back :)

    Hope y'all are enjoying your day, filling up with turkey, booze & aspic. Safe travels & shopping to everyone tomorrow!

  73. Anonymous2:43 PM

    Majik: laughing at "SentimEnty"!

    Hope all American CDANers are having a fantastic Thanksgiving. And Enty, bless you!!

    Much love!

  74. Happy Thanksgiving to all and Thanks Enty for CDAN. It's a fun place to drop by each day!

  75. Happy Thanksgiving to all the CNANers. I hope you all had as nice a day as I have had. Great meal that included both my family and the in-laws. They love each other!! It makes things so much easier to have just one big get-together. Then put up our Christmas tree. Tired and full and happy. Wish you all the same.

  76. Thank you, Enty. You're the best.

    You don't have a bad idea though, how cool would it be to take over a restaurant one evening and have a Thanksgiving dinner...even if it's not November.

    Happy long weekend, CDAN family!

  77. Long time reader, first time poster ...

    Happy Thanksgiving to Enty and all the peeps who post on here! Thanks for making me laugh all year long. Whenever and wherever the CDAN party ever ends up being, count me in!!

  78. Right back at ya Enty and the rest of the CDAN gang! Couldn't get on yesterday, too busy cooking for my Big Ole Sons (both 6 feet plus). Wouldn't have it any other way. I have to say MY GRAVY ROCKED! Off today for dinner number 2 with family up north. So everyone have a great, productive Black Friday and don't get squished. Love, BW

  79. Hope you all had a terrific Thanksgiving! Having a funny bunch of people like this around (with Enty as ringleader) is definitely something I'm thankful for! (Now, is there anyone in the greater Boston area who'd like to come over & help me eat a metric assload of leftover pumpkin cheesecake? Please?...)

  80. oh Robin the Mad Photopgrapher, i would LOVE to come and help you with that

    unfortunately i'm in the greater Toronto area ....

    i do, however, strive to spend at least a week in the Boston area within the next 12 months as i have never been there before and it is my mother's favourite place in the U.S. (and she's been EVERYWERE)

    maybe next year???

  81. sorry, i meant *EVERYWHERE*

    little drunk right now ;p
