Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Janet Jackson Talks About Michael & His Drugs And James DeBarge & His Drugs

The video below is Janet Jackson on Good Morning America. It is a very good interview because Janet actually opens up and discusses things I have never heard her talk about before. She talks about how the family knew Michael Jackson was on drugs but he wouldn't listen to the family and get help.

"How do I say this? Understanding. I guess that will be the best way to -- understood that it was out of love, because of caring. But when it's something like that, people can tend to be in denial. I wish he could answer this question for you and not me. I felt that he was in denial. You can't make 'em drink the water. ... I'm a true believer in prayer, a big believer in prayer -- but it's, it's something that you can't do for them. Something they have to do for themselves."

She says she had experience with Michael's situation because of her first marriage to James DeBarge.

"It kinda goes back to my first relationship, something that you have to want. ... it's something they have to want. I wanted to be on my own and get out of the house. We were the kind of kids that -- we -- obeyed our parents, really obeyed our parents. If they said no, you don't ask why. You just understand that it's no. He was my first love and very much so. And there was a lot going on in our relationship, a lot going on with him, I should say. And -- just being so young and not really -- not really knowing what life is really all about, just beginning to explore life and wanting to -- help him, thinking I could change him, if I only could do this and that, and not realizing that it was something that he had to do and want for himself."


  1. i wonder if it's true that she has a nose candy problem. i'll have to catch this at home.

  2. Add to all this mess the fact that Joe is still trying to get money out of the estate by challenging the will.
    It's not enough that he's going to try to market those innocent kids, he's got to try for the big score too.
    I hope he rots in Hell.

  3. I really like Janet, always have.

  4. Quintessential where did you read/hear that Janet has a coke problem?

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Janet doesn't do drugs. Actually, I heard her tell a funny story about how when she was in Japan she had the flu, but had to do a show and the doctor there gave her some liquid stuff and she took it and felt better, but when she got home she went to her doctor and he told her it was liquid cocaine and she started crying and told him to take it away. But besides that, I think she is pretty straight edge.

  7. QS I have heard that rumor before that she was a notorious undercover coke, drugs and sex fiend. I actually heard that mentioned in another urban blog.

  8. What figgy said- always have loved Janet.

  9. The sound guy didn't notice that her huge clanky earrings were rattling in her mic the whole time? Very distracting. I'm sure if someone had brought it to her attention nicely she would have changed them.

  10. That statement she made about her first marriage is a perfect mirror of my first marriage. The controlling parents, the drug addict first love, KNOWING I could help him, change him, he could be the perfect mate... pretty sad.

  11. Her Control album is still awesome. I always thought it was a huge feminist statement, much greater than anything Madonna was doing at the time.

  12. I am just saddened for MJ's kids all over again. I hope Kathryn is protecting them as much as she can.

  13. I love janet. I have worn out the Janet album and the Control album and the Rhythm nation album. If I saw her I'd give her a hub. tragic thing to lose a brother.

  14. caroline, that was my first thought this am when i saw it!

    i like gma (i like diane sawyer, despite her kneepaddiness) was a good excerpt...i actually want to see it tonight.
