Monday, November 02, 2009

Jessica Simpson - Television Critic ; And MP Producers Lied

Whenever I wonder whether an actor is talented or a movie or television show is any good, there is one place I look first. A person who knows everything there is to know about what is good and bad in acting. Jessica Simpson. Somehow, she of Blonde Ambition and Major Movie Star has decided she knows what is good and bad on television and who is good and bad on television. Not surprisingly, before Ashlee Simpson was fired Jessica couldn't get enough of Melrose Place and told everyone to watch it. Since Ashlee was fired, Jessica thinks the show is crap and that Ashlee was the best thing on the show.

"CW catching up on MP.who writes this crap?i have had bad scripts to work with,but this?thank God my sister is amazing and got you some press."

Perhaps there is a new meaning for the word amazing with which I am not familiar. Something in the Urban Dictionary which shows that amazing can also be another word for utter crap. Jessica is sticking up for her sister and I admire that. Hopefully she doesn't really think she is a judge for acting talent or whether something is good. I think she said Major Movie Star was brilliant.

What all of this does show is that The Melrose Place producers did lie and continue to lie. If Ashlee knew she wasn't going to be on the show after a certain number of episodes, I am guessing that Jessica wouldn't have been as pissed. I think Ashlee deserved to be fired but it obviously came as a shock to her and to her family.


  1. Jessica should write for the show - her twitters are Emmy-worthy.

  2. She's probably just standing up for her sister.

  3. Jessica's right. How can the producers of MP get rid of one of the best actresses of our time?

  4. 'amazing'? what...did she graduate from the katie holmes school?

  5. Have either of them actually taken acting lessons?

  6. I haven't watched the new MP, but I have seen a trailer in which Ashlee appears for about 2 seconds. And during those two seconds she manages to be so bad that I vowed never to watch the show. That's one form of talent I suppose.

  7. I realize she's just standing up for her sister, but she's making herself look even more of a moron in the process.

  8. Oddly, I think it is kinda sweet that she is sticking up for her sister. I wish her word choice was different.....but hey, it is JS

  9. Pookie, you took the words right out of my mouth. Katie Holmes indeed.

  10. Anonymous11:46 AM

    This is the Bimbo that has bombed on how many movies now.

    Regarding Assless as soon as I found out she was coming out I decided not to watch MP. Both sisters are bad singers and bad wanabe actresses.

    Isn't their a rumor that Heather Locklear wanted Assless out LOL.

  11. What all of this does show is that The Melrose Place producers did lie and continue to lie. If Ashlee knew she wasn't going to be on the show after a certain number of episodes, I am guessing that Jessica wouldn't have been as pissed.

    Yes, Enty, but on the other hand, if you were a producer of the show, would you have revealed to dumb-as-a-post Asslee, er, Ashlee that she was going to be on the show for a limited time? She would have blabbed it all over. (Although I am quite sure it was her abysmal acting that got her canned.)

  12. Well, if there wasn't a reason to sign up for Twitter before, there sure as hell is now...
    I can sign up and have Jessica dictate my television watching.
    Because the Gods know, she's certainly the go-to authority for discerning acting quality as well as singing.
    After all, if Pimpa Joe says so, it must be so!

  13. Pity Jessica had to further humiliate her sister. The producer's lies (while unbelievable) could help Asslee save face instead of force her to acknowledge that her limited talent and inability to draw an audience based on her "celebrity" was what doomed her

  14. Never watch it. But these girls don't/can't act. Why are they hired to act?

  15. I don't like Jessica Simpson or her handbags/shoes but right on for defending her sister. Didn't watch mp before not going to watch mp now. gossip girl episode tonight was awesome though. :D

  16. I think Ashlee deserved to be fired but it obviously came as a shock to her and to her family.

    Being fired from any job is always a shock but almost never a surprise.
