Friday, November 13, 2009

Jon Gosselin Is Too Famous To Work

As you may or may not know, or may or may not care, Jon Gosselin are involved in a legal tussle. Basically TLC is pissed that Jon ruined their show with his actions and that he has been doing media other than that arranged by TLC. Well, Jon filed a suit against them and so now everyone is filing things left and right and Jon filed a doozy.

He says that by TLC enforcing the contract that he signed and agreed to and was paid for that he is being kept from getting a job. Oh, and not just any job. See, Jon can only work in an entertainment job.

"Now, I find myself unemployed and without the ability to secure non-entertainment related engagements because the enormous Media interest, cameras, reporters and public interest makes it impossible to carry on normal daily activities, let alone find, secure and maintain a job with an employer who is willing to be exposed to the daily Media intrusions that has impeded by life."

First of all I doubt the f**ker ever tried to look for a job and if he is going to play this game he is going to lose. The press would be crazy for a bout a week but if the moron actually just worked his job the craziness would die down because there is no story. He can have a normal life beginning today if he wanted. He might as well get used to it because no one wants him for anything as it is right now and six months from now it will be even worse.

Too famous to work? Seriously. Get a life a-hole.


  1. oh. my. god. i hate this douchebag.

  2. Please Enty. No more on this creep.

  3. Anonymous9:54 AM

    In that picture he looks like a moran LOL. He is a lazy bum.

  4. He's too famous for work?
    That's scary, what does a statement like that make about Parasite Hilton or Speidi ?
    Because as much as I hate to admit it, they are *waaaaaaay* more well known than he currently is.
    However on the bright side, his "fame-o-meter" is currently at 14:58 and ticking.
    Now if someone could just speed up those other clocks.

  5. Hey Jon, we're too famous for you.

  6. Anonymous10:08 AM

    Go on Enty, tell us how you really feel.

  7. He was fired from his last job because he never did any work. He's lazy and disgusting.

  8. Wasn't he an IT guy or something? I can't see the media hanging around for that.

  9. Anonymous10:46 AM

    The thing I find truly unbelievable when I look at this picture is that any woman in the world would ever even vaguely consider having sex with this slug.

  10. Man he has short legs

  11. oh and can i add Ick Nast

  12. Anonymous12:27 PM

    HAHAHAHA @ short legs

  13. I read on another site there is a sex tape of Jon G and that his bodyguard will testify in court about it and also he saw Jon doing cocaine as well. I guess that is why Jon is "too busy" to work!

  14. wait! you forgot the part where he admits to being 'unsophisticated' and taken for a ride w/ the tlc contract. i got a kick out of that one.

    i doubt he can go back to the IT advances and changes long has he been out of it? he wouldn't know what to do.

  15. he could come in France:no one knows him!

  16. Anonymous6:20 PM

    I seriously hate this F***er
