Friday, November 06, 2009

Kevin Federline Gets His Girlfriend Victoria Prince Pregnant

Kevin Federline is giving Lil Wayne a run for his money. Kevin is showing the world once again that his sperm cannot be stopped and that if you date him longer than a week he will make you a mom. The National Enquirer is reporting that Kevin Federline has impregnated Victoria Prince. Victoria started sharing the news with her friends in the middle of October.

This would be baby number 5 for Kevin and this is one he will have to do the paying for. That would be 3 he is doing the paying on and 2 he is getting paid for. It looks like he needs to convince Britney to have one more so he can even this thing back up. The last thing he wants is too many kids he has to pay for because then he might have to actually get a job or something.


  1. what is wrong with these people......

  2. KFed and Diddy need to open a fertility clinic.

  3. What does anyone see in this leech?

  4. wtf is WRONG with this guy? And her? Isn't she a volleyball player throwing it away for THIS douchebag? I shudder to think how many more kids are in this guy's future. He's still in his twenties!
    Did anyone see the Nov 4th Caption This on Dlisted? The KFed caption was dead on. This guy has sperm for DAYS.

  5. UnFingBelievable. :(

  6. WTH? KFed needs to look into getting snipped. The world does not need any more little KFeds running around.

  7. Thats what you get when you date a douche bag.

  8. When I first saw this, I thought he was pregnant.

  9. Anonymous10:49 AM

    Agreed, sunnyside, he looks more pregnant than she does.

    This guy either has the most powerful sperm in the world, or dates the dumbest women. Do these people never think that they are creating an actual human being who will have rights and needs and wants and it's going to be up to them to provide them? Or do they never think past the cuddly cute little mini-mes that they can dress up and parade in front of the cameras? Human life needs to be taken a little more seriously.

  10. Hey, at least the four kids he has so are with two women and not four. Just sayin'

  11. The average IQ of the human race is about to take another hit.

  12. Oh, good. I was starting to think that the gene pool ought to be a little more diluted. Thanks for fixing that for us, K-Fed.

    From the looks of things, that baby will have two parents from which to breastfeed.

  13. I'm thinking if he looks at a woman too long, she'll get pregnant. Geez.

  14. ambernyc - you cracked me up with your comment about breastfeeding. By the way, they're called man boobs or moobs for short.

  15. Anonymous11:21 AM

    Why would anyone want to have his kids in the first place???

    He looks gross.

  16. Can't we get him exposed to radiation or something to sterilize him?
    Wait... while we're at it, add Paris, Lindsay and a host of others to that list too.
    Haven't these people ever heard of a freaking CONDOM, much less this thing called RESPONSIBLE PARENTING?
    Oh crap, forgot who I was talking about for a sec...
    Or even better yet, those air gun birth control shots biologists use to control the deer population. That was you wouldn't even have to be close to them, you could do it from a distance.

  17. I can't believe someone would actually have sex with him. Ick. Nast.

  18. how lame do you have to be to hook up with such a loser? His job? He's a manslut. and btw, does he take the child support he gets for his bittney kids to pay the child support for his other baby momma kids?

  19. Ew--at least Shar & Britney were inpregnated by the normal-sized K-Fed. This one got the fat K-Fed. Yuck.

  20. Anonymous8:01 PM

    If I have nothing to do with him other than getting his sperm .. can I still have it? Cause .. really .. if this MF can get me knocked up .. I am so there. Fill the baster, Kev, I'll to the rest.

  21. ....annnnd this is why I feel for the Cheetoe Princess.

    K-FED is gonna knock up whatever is in his path, and BritBrit is going to end up inadvertently paying the child support. There should be a law against that if there isn't already & if there is she should TOTALLY find a COMPETENT lawyer to protect her from his irresponsibility.

    That fat fuck should be barred from ANY access to Brit & her finances that have NOTHING to do with *their* children. He should be TOTALLY DENIED any money that does not go to the welfare of their children.
