Friday, November 06, 2009

New Laws In Australia Because Of Britney Spears

With Britney Spears taking over Australia for the next few weeks there has been a lot of buzz about the fact that Britney doesn't actually sing during her shows. Well, the buzz has grown so loud that the Minister of Fair Trading is thinking of enacting new requirements which would force bands to disclose whether they were singing live or not and that a disclaimer will be put on all tickets.

The Minister doesn't seem to think much of Britney or the fact that she doesn't sing live. "Let's be clear -- live means live. If you are spending up to 200 dollars, I think you deserve better than a film clip."

I do think it is more than a film clip. It is a show with pre-recorded music. I don't think the disclaimer will actually stop anyone from going but it would force bands to fess up if they are lip syncing.


  1. Totally off topic, but there was ANOTHER shoot up in America today, in Orlando. What's wrong down there, huh?

  2. back in the middle ages, we used to go to concerts and leave saying 'he/she sounds so much better in concert' or the opposite.....because we were seeing real artists---musicians. it's not like that anymore. these are just big productions and have nothing to do, really, with the musicianship of the 'stars.'

    frankly, i wouldn't walk across the street to see this type of thing, but i think those who do aren't there to hear britney sing. they're just there to see HER. not my cup of tea but that's what passes for artistry these days.


  4. It is fine if that is what people want but the fakeness of it all with autotuners, lip synching and no real talent really sucks.

    Sue Ellen Mishkey, no details yet but shutting down I-4 on Friday afternoon...

  5. .robert:

    I'm watching CNN and they say the shooter(s) are still on the loose. They also said they won't have to shut down the highway b/c the building complex is relatively away from the rest of the downtown core.

  6. If I wanted to see lip-syncing, I'd go to a drag show.
    And probably end up seeing a better Britney wanna-be than the real thing to boot, not to mention pay a helluva lot less, drinks included, with much the same if not a better production.

  7. I am totally for this! It's about time we start differentiating between performers and musicians. Britney is talented in the sense that she has made a career out of mediocrity. I can respect her for that. However, it is unfair to the many incredibly talented musicians out there that they should be categorized together.

    Going to a Britney Spears, or the like, performance is not a "concert." Good job Australia for taking the first step toward illuminating this.

  8. Merlin: And Drag Britney wouldn't be caught dead in those ghetto boots she wears everywhere.

  9. I can't help but be in support of this thing. It's about DAMNED time that the phonies are called out. It won't STOP someone who just wants to be in the same general vicinity as this dipshit, and if THEY are okay with being played the fool by fake performances, that's all well and good. Trainwreck Spears ain't gettin' a DIME of MY money. But for the sake of doing what's right and fair, I think it is A GOOD IDEA to lay it out there, plain as day.

  10. That's pretty funny. Good for them!

    Dear crazies: stop shooting people!!!!

  11. I'm of the opinion that people aren't stupid about this - if you're a fan of an artist, you probably know well in advance whether they're singing live or not. I doubt a disclaimer on a Britney ticket would have affected sales at all. She is not just a singer, she's a performer and entertainer. That's what they're paying for.

  12. I agree with RocketQueen. Don't get me wrong, I think that it isn't a bad idea to put it on the tickets, however, no one who knows Brittney actually goes for the music. They go for the entertainment value. I don't go to cirque du soleil for the music, I go to see the crazy highwire acts etc. She is one big crazy highwire act.

  13. This is true, putting it on the ticket wouldn't stop me - I love Britney. I went to her opening show in New Orleans this past year. I don't particularly care if she sings live or not because I went for the show and to see Britney. Her prancing around and dancing and lipsyncing is what I wanted to see and it was AMAZING!

  14. I saw Britney in April and yeah she totally lip syncs, but lets be honest who goes to see Britney to sing? I think the girl has been through hell and has come back out the other side and I wanted to show my support. I love her.

  15. fantastic idea. if i'm paying 500 for madonna, i want to know it's live and not a well lit game of charades.

  16. Maybe some people go to Britney Spears concerts for the same reason some people go to nascar races. They're hoping to see a wreck.

  17. Good on ya' Australia!

    And agreed about going to a show and coming away with a real opinion of the artists talent as opposed to what you get from a recording.

  18. I actually think this is kind of a cool idea. Fine if people are gonna do it, but don't TRICK people.

    And for the record, in terms of pop music, I am always blahblahblahing about how I think the Jonas Brothers are so great. Well, it's not because they are cute, it's because when I took my kid to see them for the first time, there was a big wow factor in how much better they are live than on a record. Even with the spectacle. It felt so old-fashioned, instruments and all.

    What a concept. But it does still happen, with some big pop acts, which is nice.

  19. I also have to say I've never been into Britney or her ilk...she, and her music have always bothered me.

    I wonder if she hadn't always been billed as a DANCER instead of a SINGER, if I wouldn't have felt differently. I still don't understand why she's considered a singer at all...just a ploy to sell records which are more dance performance soundtracks than anything?

  20. It's not a bad idea. I think people usually know what they are getting anyway, but I'd certainly like to be warned in advance if Brit was planning on actually singing live. Nobody needs that kind of assault on the ears.

  21. i heard a clip of her actually singing during a concert - you could hear her with the track playing in the background. god awful!!!!! seriously.

  22. Anonymous3:10 PM

    She ain't much of a dancer either--especially this time out. Every clip I have seen of her she is doing nothing more than struting around the stage. If you all want to pay money for a second rate performer by all means, do so.

  23. *snerk*

    Yeah, let's do that. I can GUARANTEE most "bands" on tour now will have to cancel 'cause of this new "truth in performing" clause.

    It would separate the wheat from the chaff, the "real" from the "false"...I think it's a GOOD thing! Just as the most of us don't get paid for falsifying what we do every week, neither should the so-called "performers" that a lot of us pay *A LOT* of money to see when they might come through our area.

    If they are getting paid to PERFORM, then they should PERFORM. Nothing less. No lip-syncing or whatever.

  24. Anonymous4:19 AM

    Her aussie show was crap. Beyonce's show was sooooooo worth it!!! That girl can sing her heart out.

  25. Anonymous11:30 AM

    Sorry but anyone who pays to go see Britney is a sheep. Baaa-a-a-a-a-hhh!
