Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Rihanna Promotes Her New Album

So do you think way back in February Rihanna's people were thinking to themselves, "you know what? In 8 or 9 months Rihanna is going to have a new album coming out. I don't think she should talk about the beating by Chris Brown until then." Now, I'm sure her people would say they had to wait until the conclusion of the criminal case. I however am a little more cynical than that. She hasn't uttered a word about what happened back in February until it benefited her. In the interview with ABC news she talks about how she wants to be there for everyone and it could happen to anyone. Uh huh. Yes, it could which is why it would have been nice if you had been out there speaking about it when it didn't look like all your were doing was trying to increase your record sales.

Don't be fooled. That is exactly why she is talking about it now. There is no other reason. None. She is using a beating as a way to sell more records. She has done nothing and said nothing for almost nine months. She hasn't tried to help a single woman or share her story or do anything other than wait to talk about it at a time when it would financially benefit her the most. At some point you have to be a human and help others and not only be thinking about yourself. Rihanna hasn't reached that point yet.

If the video teaser doesn't load, you can click here to see it.


  1. Totally agree w/you Enty. I wondered why she said NOTHING for such a long time. Your explanation makes total sense to me. I certainly don't think of her the same way anymore & won't be buying or downloading any of her music anymore.
    Besides, I think "Umbrella" was her apex...I don't think she'll ever have a hit as big as that one.

  2. I read an excerpt today of her speaking about it in a Glamour magazine article; something about she wants to help people, blah, blah, blah.
    This irony to me is the bondage/S&M theme surrounding the release (which I normally have no problem with, but this feels like rubbing it in battered womens' faces).

  3. i don't think she needs to talk about it at all tbh. it's such a personal issue. just because she's a celebrity doesn't mean she has to become this poster child for abuse. i know personally, i wouldn't want to talk about something like this for a while. it would feel so raw and i would need time to really figure out everything in my own way/time, not to mention speak publicly about it to the entire world. so what if she is using it to sell records? if anyone profits off her tragedy, shouldn't it be her?

  4. It's okay. I hate her shitty "music" anyway, so boycotting her would be no big loss for me.

  5. f-ck her. she is a horrible role model to exploit such an important lesson for girls to gain publicity.

  6. Between Kevin Spacey and this idiot, I can't believe that this behavior is acceptable. The fact that someone is actually blogging about how UN-acceptable this is gives some hope.

  7. Yeah, I just dont understand what she has done to talk about it and raise the issue at all.

    And that reporter at Glamour should have his/her journalistic credit pulled (ah, who am i kidding, its glamour) for not asking some follow up questions. She isnt helping Rihanna by not giving her a chance to explain herself.

  8. She speaks. I hear blah blah blah.

  9. Did anyone really think she wouldn't wait to talk till her album release?

  10. I don't know, she has to do interviews now to promote the album anyway, it'd be ridiculous to think the beating wouldn't come up in the interviews, so why not agree to talk about it

  11. Or scenario B: She'd rather not discuss it at all, as is her right as an abuse victim. But, she has to do publicity for her new album, and she knows that NO ONE will have the courtesy to leave her alone about it. So, rather than fumble through a million uncomfortable interviews, she sat down with her PR people and came up with some talking points that will take the intense public scrutiny off of her and focus it on the broader issue of domestic violence.

    No need to jump to the worst-case scenario.

  12. Her so-called effort to help other women in similar situations wouldn't ring so hollow if it weren't to sell more records, and also were it not for the fact that she was busy hanging out with Chris on the low for a long time after the beating incident. All those rumored "new love interests" of hers were just smoke and mirrors to throw fans and the public off track.

    She tries to portray herself as this sweet "bad girl" but really, if she is as bad-ass as she wants everyone to think she is, she would have kicked Chris to the curb long ago. No bullshit, just gangbusters. Both her and Chris are playing this stupid sympathy game through the media and, really, I wish they would just go away.

  13. She's fine for now. Doesn't everyone get hit once? Now, when she gets hit again I suspect her career will take a nose dive just like Chris. Good luck to her. There is more and more violence against women, and children, every day. It never gets better.

  14. I don't get why anyone is angry at her. Who needs to run and do an interview every time something happens. She has an album to promote, so of course she'll be doing press. I'd rather her do press when she has a real reason to do it than run on Oprah to talk about the mess of her personal life that has nothing to do with her music. I agree--she has to do press, no one is not going to mention Chris Brown, might as well get it over with.

    Girl gets beat up and people are still angry at her....i don't really get it

  15. give her a break. that marketing strategy was not thought up by her. none us of can even fathom what she's been thru.

  16. Am I mad at her? Heck no but neither do I care. I do care that she seems to be conveniently selling this NOW she needs music sales. Opportunist

  17. I'm with you, Melanie.

  18. If she really gave a damn, she'd take notes from Mary J. Blige who opened a shelter for battered women last week, and is always speaking on their behalf.

    Meh. Rihanna's music sucks anyway- she's another one who wouldn't even have a career were it not for autotune.

  19. You know this one bothered me, I thought about it alot last night and needed to come back to post.

    I don't think any one of us have the right to judge this woman and say what she should/shouldn't be doing. She's the VICTIM here people, if she doesn't handle her recovery to your liking then don't watch/don't buy. But don't slam her - that's just wrong.

    One thing that struck me about this release is it's a way for her to gain some control over the situation at last. Being brutalized by someone she loved/trusted, then being all over the front pages, having the photo released - all beyond her control. This album looks edgier, more angry. She's still got a lot to work through.

    Someone above already said it - it's stupid to think she wouldn't be grilled about it whenever the press was to get a hold of her. Should she never put another album out to avoid just that? Please...she should have to keep her career on hold because of what that bastard did to her?

    Sorry Enty - I understand why you're jaded with all you see & hear. But I think you're way off base here. Even if she did decide to use this to further her album sales - it's HER history to tell in the way SHE sees fit.

  20. "If she really gave a damn she'd open a shelter"

    It's only been 9 months!! Holy crap... Do we really have a timeline for recovery from abuse? And if she did open a shelter, or make a massive donation - would it only count if it was done publicly? Or would you then trash her for getting press for it?

  21. i agree with everyone who feels its her story to tell whenever she feels ready and for whatever purpose. perhaps ent would be happier if she didnt release an album... of COURSE she has to talk about what happened! Any reporter worth thier salt will ask.

    what a world.

  22. I didn't say she should open a shelter- merely take notes from someone who DID- someone who honestly cares and champions for abused and battered women. She could help so many others in so many ways.

    You twisted my words.
