Tuesday, November 24, 2009

A True Mariah Carey Diva Story

Many times when I read a Mariah Carey diva story I don't really believe it. The whole white kittens thing for one. However, as I have shown in my reveals there are lots that are true and I do love when someone from the media shares their encounters with Mariah. Now that she has left the UK, the news anchors there are more than willing to share what it was like interviewing Mariah. You would never see this kind of honesty and openness here because the morning anchors trip over themselves trying to get to their knees first.

Anyway, Kate Garraway from GMTV in the UK had this to say about Mariah's appearance on her show.

-Mariah had two people help lower her to the sofa.
-The entourage made sure she was filmed at the best angle.
-She brought her own toilet paper to the studio. (No word on whether someone else had to flush for her)
-Her entourage outnumbered the entire GMTV crew. (Do you really need that many people traveling with you all of the time? Can't Nick do it all on his own? I mean that is why you married him right?)
-One person walked backwards while Mariah walked forwards. This was done in case Mariah started to fall.

Now if she could still sing like a diva. I actually think she is a great singer but she is trying to do what she did 20 years ago and she needs to adapt and realize that she needs to sing a different way and she isn't going to be able to hit those notes the same way anymore.


  1. nevermind flushing for her. i wonder if someone had to WIPE for her :D

  2. Lol - Lainey's right! Mariah can't walk by herself!

  3. is her ass broken or something? why would two people be needed to lower her to the sofa? that's hilarious!

  4. I don't even understand the last one (one person walking backwards while she walked forward).

  5. It's those god-awful heels she wears which are impossible to walk in. No wonder she needs to be surrounded by 'catchers'. Ordinary folk dont have that luxury, and today a girl fell off her shoes and under a train.

    I wonder if she was a Mariah fan?

  6. Hahahaha! I say good for her! I too bring my own toilet paper when I can (I have a sensitive no-no, OK?), and I assure you, that if I could afford to pay people to prop me up at all times, I fucking would!!! You go, Mariah! *LOL*

  7. OMG.... Mariah's a Diva?
    Who would have thought?
    I'm *shocked* I tell you, utterly *shocked*

  8. Hmm. I really do think she's knocked up.

  9. One person walked backwards while she walked forwards???



  10. She really is VERY unstable on her feet, tripped and almost killed herself on Jay Leno's show. She might be on medication, or maybe it's those humungous boobs that have her off kilter.

  11. @empyrios - Like Queen Victoria before her, I'm sure Mariah doesn't do anything as mundane as wipe her own ass!

    One person walked backwards while Mariah walked forwards.

    So she could have a cushiony fall?? Wouldn't it have been better (and not have looked so effen RIDICULOUS) if she held on to two of her posse while she walked? She is such an asshat... I thought that the time she had the painted on abs took the cake but she has topped her own damned self in coming off looking like a moron.

  12. Why don't they just carry her on a litter or push her in a wheelchair?

    (My favorite Mariah flunky is the bendy straw assistant)

  13. She pays people to walk backward in front of her and lower her to the couch (and, I'm sure, to the toilet)? Either she has way too much money, or she's pulling a Nic Cage and will be blaming her management in the near future for her massive outstanding tax liabilities.

  14. I think she's hammered all the time and that's why she needs people to break her fall. Borderline Personality disorder anybody?

  15. She's obviously pregnant. There was a blind item a little while ago about a pregnant celebrity who had miscarried previously and didn't want to announce the current baby until a few months into the pregnancy. Her lengths are a bit ridiculous, but at least it explains her paranoia and extra precautions.

  16. well, i guess she's doing her part to help put an end to unemployment.

  17. Jeannies Bottle, a BPD is a prerequisite for being famous. Oh, and it must be combined with Narcissistic PD.

  18. I saw that Jay Leno clip, and I don't think she almost killed herself, it was a little slip. Dummy should know not to wear stillettos on a slippery floor.

    But my God she was dressed inappropriately for her age! I was embarassed for her having her dress cut down to her nipples and her boops jacked up to her chin. Her dress was so tight that I feared she might rip her dress if she farted!

    Give it up Mariah, you are aging---just like the rest of us.

  19. She's Mariah Carey. If anyone in this world is allowed to be a diva, it's her. And quite frankly if I had her money I'd be drinking so much Cristal all day long I too would need an entourage to carry me around upon a satin bed filled with white kittens.

  20. probably pregnant. paranoid. even if she lost a baby (sad!) still pretty paranoid. How much can you do to avoid a miscarriage? There are obvious things like not smoking, not drinking, eating healthy, getting enough sleep..but sitting isn't going to cause you to miscarry.

  21. She lost the last baby due to a fall.

  22. Wow~ Its truely amazing that as she gets older her spoiled diva ways are taking over her attractivness. I mean I look at her now and cant understand why she isnt as pretty as she used to be. I think 'its not because of her being a little bigger, its not because she is older' and then it dawns on me that she just looks like spoiled fruit, like she isnt fresh or nice or sweet anymore but is tainted by something else. I always have said that what ages women (and men) is bitterness, anger, and now I have to add being cosseted.

  23. I'm just happy Jlo doesn't have someone to keep her from falling.

  24. She has such a strange gait. When she is onstage, she honestly looks like she can't walk! I think it's the ridiculous heels, but it completely prevents her from performing.
