Monday, December 07, 2009

Alexa Ray Joel Out Of The Hospital

Over the weekend Alexa Ray Joel overdosed on some sleeping pills or as the public relations people would prefer you say, homeopathic medicine. Yeah, just because it is natural doesn't make it any less potent. Alexa was apparently upset about a guy. No boyfriend or girlfriend is ever worth killing yourself over. There are far too many people in the world and someone will be nice to you and worth it so you owe it to yourself and others to stick around and see what is next in your life. I have had some dark times in my life, but you need to focus on those few things that make life worth living. OK, I got off on a tangent there. Anyway, Alexa is now out of the hospital and Billy Joel is with her. In the articles I read it appears that Christie Brinkley was with Alexa in the hospital but that Billy Joel stayed away. Now that she is out, mom stays away and Billy is with her. This is the first time I have ever seen divorced parents dividing up an overdose. Interesting.


  1. wow that's sad

    and you'd think her parents could suck up their differences to visit their child IN THE HOSPITAL- especially if it was an attempt at suicide.

  2. I hope she gets help.

    Reports I read said that BJ didn't want to stir up a media storm by visiting the hospital. Sounded like BS to me...

    The relationships of her parents have been so unstable, that's gotta hurt.

    ITA with Enty, no guy is worth suicide. Hope she realizes that.

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  4. Poor Alexa.

    I hope she has some good friends who can help her gain perspective.

    Sometimes people lose all perspective. I have--no, had--a friend who was failing med school due to depression. She committed suicide the day she was told she was out of the program. If only she'd reached out to someone (she had 11 brothers and sisters), they might have been able to help her see the bigger picture.

  5. My brother recently killed himself. He was in the hospital for five days before he died. My mother was there every day but my dad found it too painful. He went twice and couldn't go back. That made some people angry at him but I can't fault him for it.

    I had no idea how devastating suicide was but learned that unless it happens in your family you are in no position to judge.

    Hopefully Alexa Ray gets some much needed help and her parents are able to be supportive.

  6. Neither parent has had stable relationships which doesn't help at all. She has a music career and must get tired of being compared unfavorably to her father or having her looks criticized because she doesn't look like her mother.

    I hope she can develop her own identity and pull through this.

  7. I'm not certain Alexa's parents divided their time because of any animosity between them. They might have agreed to split their time to maximize the time Alexa would get with a parent at her side.

    ANyhow, I'm saddened to hear that a young person feels so inconsolable that she'd try to take their own life. I hope this young lady gets some counseling and major love.

  8. JJ I am so very sorry about your brother. :( *hug*

    As for Alexa, I think there's a whole lot that isn't being said right now. I hope she gets better. Depression is very prevalent in our society, and most people who've never had it really don't understand how it can completely consume you...

  9. It is impossible to overdose on homeopathic medicine. IMPOSSIBLE.

    That said, the most beatiful photo of Christy Brinkley I ever saw was when she was leaving the hospital after Alexa's birth. Wearing a soft pink bathrobe and Groucho glasses.

    I hope Alexa gets the help she needs and finds peace.

  10. JJ - I am sorry about your brother.

    I'm sorry for Alexa, too.

  11. JJ--I am so sorry about the loss of your brother. I hadn't been sure if that was what I was reading over the past few weeks. My thoughts are with you.
    Alexa Ray is a beautiful, talented young lady who has every resource available to her. However, I can't imagine that her family life has been too pleasant over the years. What a shame, hope she gets the support she needs.

  12. Anonymous11:35 AM

    I thought Billy and Christie has a friendly relationship going on. Guess I thought wrong.

    Don't understand why people would want to kill themselves just because the relationship didn't work out. Not worth doing something stupid like that.

  13. It's too bad she couldn't have chosen a career unrelated to either, I dunno, zoology. Cuz the comparisons would be hard.

    She is absolutely gorgeous, but people compare her to her mother, who just has a completely different look. Maybe that's hard for her too.

  14. awww...(((jj)))...i'm so sorry your family have gone thru so much heartache.

    here's to hoping alexa has a good support system...this is so sad...i hope she meets a great guy someday that'll bring her much happiness.

  15. Her parents have each had 4 marriages and some very acrimonious divorces; not the best role models for relationships. Absolutely no one is worth killing one's self for, or even contemplating such. Poor girl would probably be better off if both parents kept their distance and let her get some professional help.

  16. @JJ - my father died by suicide too, my condolences as I know how hard it is. I needed a lot of counseling to deal with how he went and you're right - people shouldn't judge.

  17. be strong ,alexa!
    and it's sad to want dying so young

  18. RIP to JJ. sadness.

    gee a total hasbeen drunk who skirt chases chicks your age as a father....or a needy pathetic,abuse seeker of a mother.
    no wonder this girl is in trouble.

  19. Anonymous3:44 PM

    @ J.J.: please accept my virtual hug and my very real condolences.

    This girl has got to have more self-esteem issues than most. Her mother was the world's first supermodel (sorry, Janice Dickinson). Her father is one of the most talented musicians of his generation.

    If you're an attractive, but not drop dead musician, how do you deal with the inevitable comparisons? She's beautiful and talented, but too many expectations from others.

    I agree with the person who stated that her parents 4 marriages EACH might contribute to her unhealthy response to the break up.

  20. JJ - so sorry to hear that, and I was so sorry to hear this about Alexa. :(

    She's a beauty in her own right and very talented. After reading the transcripts from Christie and Peter Cook's divorce, Alexa had all of my sympathy. He was not kind to her at all. :(

    Hope she is on the mend, soon.

  21. I stopped reading Perez Hilton because I got sick of him calling these beautiful girls, like Alexa, ugly. She is gorgeous and has a BEAUTIFUL smile.

  22. A. @ Lisa--It is MOST DEFINITELY possible to OD on homeopathic remedies. Please don't spread false information as if it were fact.

    B. To everyone who feels sorry for Alexa Ray Joel, I beg one thing of you. Go home tonight and call a friend. E-mail a sibling or parent. Contact someone you haven't spoken with in a while, just to tell them they are a wonderful person and you you are glad they are in your life. You might actually be able to prevent a suicide. Tonight.

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  24. She is beautiful, stunning really.

  25. I saw an old clip of her on Access Hollywood tonight commenting on how she was 'over' being compared looks wise to her Mom. I think it was right after Perez said all sort of nasty things about her. Hope he's feeling good about himself this week.

    JJ, I'm so sorry.

  26. JJ, I'm really sorry about your brother. I know how hard it is to lose someone so close to you. Virtual hugs to you and your family.

    And I hope Alexa can see how beautiful and talented she is and get help to deal with her problems.

  27. JJ, my thoughts are with you also.

    I have to wonder if this wasn't just about a guy. The break-up could have been the last straw. I hope she gets good counselling that will help set her nice and solid on her feet.

  28. Thank God she had a friend who came by her house and called 911, if she had been truly alone and unloved she could be dead but the fact is she is loved - if you read some of the things she had been writing since Aug it's easy now to see she was suffering from depression. She's got money and family support and just because her father chose not to make a bigger media deal out of her overdose makes me think he loves and adores his daughter, he was protecting her so the story would die down.

    I think her parents get along just fine but have moved on in life, they want this to go away for their daughter's sake. It's not like this is going to make dating any easier for her now. NYC can be an incredibly small town if you are in the social elite.
