Tuesday, December 08, 2009

The BBC Has Actually Gone Insane

Last month I reported that the BBC was sending Lindsay Lohan off to India to report on sex trafficking or something for a documentary. I laughed and laughed and shared it with you and then laughed some more. I just couldn't imagine the BBC actually paying Lindsay Lohan for anything. It turns out I was wrong. Not only are they paying Lindsay Lohan they are also paying Michael Lohan and Lindsay left for India last night. Holy crap this story is true??? The venerable institution of the UK is actually under the assumption that the best person to talk about sex trafficking among women is Lindsay Lohan???

Seriously? All kidding aside BBC this is some elaborate version of Punk'd right? Lindsay Lohan? She can't even spell. Does she even know her name? Honestly all that is going to happen from this is that for the next six months the entire world is going to have to listen to her describe the plight of something she probably has no interest in other than a paycheck and an appearance on camera. Lindsay Lohan??

I have written all this and have not even got to the fact they are paying Michael Lohan. Someone is smoking crack over in programming there.


  1. What are they paying him to do? Record all the conversations for transcription?

  2. You're kidding.
    Maybe they're actually paying Michael to take Lindsay there and sell her?

  3. Perhaps it was someone smoking crack while doing her - only explanation I can figure.

  4. And another thing... she's actuallly going to *work* with Michael? (Ok, ok, so the word work is a stretch)
    But seriously... Lindsay and Michael? Are they throwing Dina in just to get the whole fireworks display at once?
    Or is this an elaborate scheme to do an intervention?
    'Cause no matter what, no matter how drug addled Lindsay may or may not be, given her tempestous relationship with either biological parental unit I just cannot see it happening for that reason alone.

  5. Perhaps they think she'd know where to find the sex traffickers, since she runs with such a classy crowd.
    Her dad could probably give her a few contacts. If anyone would be in that line of business it would be Michael Lohan.

  6. I was watching Mean Girls on TV last week. Lindsay looked so beautiful before she decided to ruin her bod with smoking and drugs. Now she looks like a hag. What the hell is she gonna look like when she hits 40? If she reaches 40, that is.

  7. Because it makes perfect sense for someone who is photographed in this month's issues of "Muse" magazine having simulated sex to speak and work on behalf of sexual abuse.

    I don't understand how anyone can take the little shit seriously.

  8. Maybe they plan on taping Michael actually selling her, you know, kinda a sting operation....however, I doubt he can pull it off. Unless he finds a buyer who's fetish is strung out drug addicts.

  9. No, Enty, you got it wrong - she's going to IndiANA to report on the sex trafficking among the Amish.

  10. Wait, what? Lindsay has forgiven her father for releasing those tapes? Something's not right here. I liked Michael K's take on it - "they're sending an under-nourished person to help under-nourished children?!"

  11. okay, this seriously brings me back to my theory that the leaked phone calls were all a big publicity stunt. come on, now suddenly they're working together? what a bunch of bullshizzzz.

    i am shuddering to think why bbc would hire her. why anyone would hire her. why anyone would anything her.

    do you hear that? i think it's bbc's credibility being snorted up lilo's nose.

    @mngddess - i actually thought she was a good looking 55 year old...;)

  12. I think the BBC will not get much selling Lindsay into slavery.

  13. OK...Anderson Cooper move over. There is a new journalist in town.

  14. let's look for a positive in all this...this could be good for her. she may not be saving anyone, but the entire experience might save HER. thank you bbc.

  15. pookie, you might be onto something there. think about it - how long has michael been threatening an intervention? and now he, lindsay, and samantha are all going out of the country together?

    could this documentary be about drugs and rehab?

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. okay, i just posted a comment taking back my intervention documentary idea because i was assuming that michael and samantha are going to india too, but i really did read that somewhere!


    some days it's just so hard to keep all the gossip straight.

  18. Obviously, she's going to do undercover work and michael's gonna pimp her out.

  19. This makes no sense. Why would the BBC pay her to do a serious report on this? Why not get someone who won't be shaking the kids down for drug money.
    Have they been smoking the same meth Lilo has?

  20. This is why i don't pay for my tv licence!

    For those of you that do not know, the BBC is funded not by advertising but by the government and from the 'licence fee' that every single person who owns a TV in the Uk is obliged to pay. It's about £150 a year. So essentially the British tax payer is paying for Lindsay Lohan to go to India. I have never paid my licence fee as I don't see why I should pay for something I don't want - so I guess I can't really complain. However if they ever come knocking on my door asking why I don't have one I will certainly be asking them to explain this fuckery!

  21. lol@ jenna. Your last sentence made me laugh out loud. Do it for all of us!

  22. are there any good drugs in india?
    you know she's going to cause an international incident when she keeps trying to order a hamburger.

    i actually went and looked it up. religious and political people in india keep pushing for prohibition, which leads to the opposite effect for others. alcoholism is rising, and school kids are openly experimenting with drugs, booze and porn.
    linds is going to have a field day!
    and they probably had to send a male with her, didn't they? aren't women a lower class in india?

  23. I was thinking about an international incident too, bunny, but more along the lines of Bangkok Hilton, or Brokedown Palace.

    I see 2 things happening - 1. she never/rarely shows up for filming thus scuttling the project, and 2. what I said above.

    Say goodbye to your leggings and fake tanning solutions, Lindsay.
