Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Courtney Love Talks Smack About The Bean

Courtney Love has decided to not focus on her own problems in her life, but instead has chosen to lash out and throw her own daughter under a bus. Yes, she took to her Facebook page to trash her only child.

"I hate to sound cold but any kid of mine who pulls this s**t has lost her position... She was deceptive, she lied and she's lying to herself... My daughter is not always honest."

She has lost her position? As what? The person who has probably been taking care of you for much of her 17 years. The one who had one of the most effed up moms of all time and somehow seems somewhat normal. Yes, she has had issues of entitlement but she is just 17 and somehow I think she will probably grow out of it. She hasn't had that many issues.

Love would have preferred Frances asked for emancipation. Yeah, because if she had there would be no chance of whatever was said in the Guardian petition becoming public knowledge which it will eventually.

After taking the time to trash her daughter for the better part of several updates, she finally does say she loves her daughter. Well, if you love her so much, then maybe you shouldn't have trashed her.


  1. Thank Darwin Frances Bean is away from her. What a horrible thing to say about your own daughter to the world.

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  3. Frances also got a restraining order against Courtney according to TMZ. Emailed it to Enty.

    So I guess Frances doesn't want any contact. Wow.

  4. You go, Frances!

    I remember back in the 90's, I was shopping in a toy store in Century City (L.A.) when Courtney and Frances came in...Frances looked about 7 or 8...and Courtney kept asking her, "Do you like this?" "Are you into this kind of toy"? And I thought, how weird her own mom wouldn't know what toy she liked.

    I think it's VERY unwise of Courtney to talk smack about her own own mother has done this with all 4 of her children and wonders why three of us have anything to do with her anymore (the fourth sponges off her)...she's very unhappy and lonely...Courtney, get off whatever your on, or you're going to end up the same way, alone and being hated by your own kid. If it hasn't happened already.

  5. Wow. I really wish Frances Bean all the best, because I cannot imagine how crazy it must be having Courtney for a mom.

  6. wow. courtney is f-ed up!

  7. Made me go check for any updates.

  8. I'm thinking there is money involved. It was reported that Kurt's mother won't have "control" of Frances' trust with her guardianship, but I'm willing to bet that there is a hefty allowance for whomever had custodial care of Frances. Bet that's what Courtney has been living on and that's why she's so pissed. If Frances filed emancipation, Courteny would still have a chance at manipulating Frances into sharing some cash.

    Pure conjecture on my part, but I bet I'm in the right ballpark.

    All that said, poor Frances Bean. My heart goes out to her. I thought I was raised by a crazy woman, my mother is the picture of mental health compared to hers.

  9. I have had a teenage daughter, and it was not always an easy road to walk. But I would never, ever, ever talk badly about her (or anyone else I loved) on my FB page. That is passive-aggressive and emotionally immature.

    Oh. Of course. Courtney has never had to grow up herself. Rich from being widowed, crazy enough to brag about Kurt's suicide note (again, on her FB page), and a "recovering" addict who seems to have lost her recovery.

    Therapy, Courtney. It does a body good.

  10. I'm still decently young and it boogles my mind she is 17 already. I remember the day he died, and praying for her to be normal. Thankfully she seems pretty normal - sheesh - she's 17 already.

  11. A few months ago Courtney was trying to gain access to France's trust fund. The bank told her to go fuck off. When the media found out about it Courtney tried to play it off as she was trying to move the money to a diffrent bank(yeah right).

    Courtney seems to live in a rock and roll dream world. She lives to be famous and only wants to be around famous people. Except nobody famous wants to be around her anymore. Looks like she wanted to use her kid with the royal DNA to keep her fame going.

    From all accounts all Frances wants to do is go away to college and be left alone. I'm glad the Cobains are there to support her and not use her for her money or DNA fame. Which is what Courtney did to her dad. Talk about full circle.

  12. I just reviewed Courtney's facebook page - she has so many blind fans supporting and encouraging her behaviour that she'll never stop.

  13. To Rocket Queen: Yeah, i just went there, too. Saw a few thumbs-ups (including I think yours) on the ONE comment that was mildly critical, telling Courtney to not criticize her daughter on FB.

    To Little Miss SMoke and Mirrors (and Apple): I think you've called it. This is about $$. how sad. Check out this comment from Miss Courtney:

    Courtney Love Cobain: she tweets normal bratty stuff NOW shes clueless and in some wierd isolation tank about what that nasty crews gone and done, they have appealed to proetct PROPERTY not her, granny wants a check thats all

    Yeah, it's the grandma who wants a check. Uh huh.

  14. Poor little girl has been through a lifetime of major stuff already.

  15. Courtney is just ridiculous. She needs to go away and just not come back already.

  16. I have known mothers/ daughters that fought like they were peers, if you know what I mean. Where the mother would feel that the daughter was, somehow, her competition. Or where the mother thought they could be their daughter's "best friend"...I think the relationship between the two can be really, really complicated even though the kid is only 17, or even younger. Especially where there is history of mental instability and/ or drug use. I think Frances is the only person in the world who really knows Courtney Love, and probably the only person in the world that can manipulate her. It's still not OK to trash your own daughter on facebook, but 17 year olds can be quite vicious. Especially if they grew up being the daughter of a dead rock icon. Just saying.

  17. Leave Courtney alone!! LEAVE HER ALONE!!!!

  18. Poor Frances. I just want to adopt her, she'd have a nice normal quiet life here in the FL panhandle, which is what she needs. Nobody here would give a crap about who she is and she could go to FSU! So Frances, you're welcome here any time :)

  19. Complex situation.

    Sure, Courtney is a mess and by now there is no telling when she's being honest and sincere (if there ever was), but her relatives on her father's side aren't so great either, so Frances would probably be better off emancipated and just getting on with her life.

    Everybody has been living off of Kurt's estate. EVERYBODY.
    Courtney has supported financially Kurt's family in the past. and according to her, still does.


  21. I didn't think anything Courtney could do would shock me, but this does. I am appalled that she would defame Frances in such a public forum. She will be 18 in just a few months and will be free to get away from such a toxic relationship.

  22. I think when she said she has lost her "position" she may have meant "bearings". Not that this alternate interpretation makes her what she said any better but I am not sure she meant it exactly the way it was taken by Enty and others.

    I also think she is a total crack head and there is no excuse for airing this drama on her FB page.

  23. You go, Frances.
    you will be fine.

  24. I had for a long time in the past actually like CL. Now I can't even pity her. I went to Jax link yesterday regarding the circumstances of Kurts death. I ended up reading for two hours. That woman kills and eats everyone she loves. Its sickening.

  25. Miss - me too. I'm still reading through it. I think CL definitely had something to do with his "suicide".

  26. ^ Yeah people who have "done her wrong" have wound up dead. If I were The Bean I would have filed a restraining order too. There's no telling what Courtney is capable of.

  27. oh dear god CL is going rant crazy on her page and a few people are commenting telling her to stfu and keep her personal biz to herself...watching this drama unfold live is hilarious!

  28. Little Miss S&M: I'm with you on that thought. I assume that Frances has a trust that provides for payments of income to her custodial parent/guardian for what we call (in the biz) "HEMS" -- heath, education, maintenance, and support. My guess is that the trustees (and Kurt's family) don't want Courtney getting any more of that money in her hands, so they acted to take custody of Frances. Which means that they, and not Courtney, would be entitled to receive whatever payments the trustee feels best support Frances' HEMS.

  29. Dear Lord, why did I start reading all that murder conspiracy crap again? I was obsessed with it in 1995. Then again, I wore vests over my t-shirts in 1995 and that has also come back, so I guess it all comes full circle.

  30. I've always despised Courtney and though I've never been totally convinced she had anything to do with Kurt's death, I have always felt there is something fearful about her. To me, she's a psychopath who pretends to be an actress and rock star. She wants to be famous and wants to consort with the famous but she's pretty much burned every bridge.

    How long until you all think the old 'suicide attempt' happens?

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  32. My heart goes out to poor Frances.

    Courtney is an asshole.

  33. Some days, Courtney acts like a regular human being, and I think maybe she turned the corner on all this crap she has put herself and her child through, and then she goes and does something like this.

    What the hell? Is she off her meds or just off the ones that make her think before she speaks? Maybe she and Alec Baldwin should get together, then Ireland and the Bean could just commiserate.
