Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Former Miss Argentina Dies After Butt Firming Surgery

The 1994 Miss Argentina winner Solange Magnano died on Sunday. The reason? She decided she wanted a firmer butt and had plastic surgery to achieve it. The procedure involved injections and apparently some of the liquid traveled to her lungs and brain causing an embolism and death. Her burial was yesterday and was shown on national television. She was the mother of twins.

People always think nothing can happen during plastic surgery. Things do happen and wanting to get a firmer ass should not be the reason that someone dies and leaves two children without a mother.


  1. I couldn't believe it when I read this story. I hate to speak ill of the dead, but perhaps her fame and the plight of her little twins, more people will realize what is truly important in life.

  2. OMG - thanks for the reminder.
    Superficiality is killing us in so many ways.

  3. So terrible. I had pulmonary embolism two years ago - nothing to fool with. Her poor little kids.

  4. Mexican rock singer Alejandra Guzman had a similar procedure done in Mexico City. She almost died from an infection that spread quickly. Sad that Magnano left 2 kids behind.

  5. I pretty much have no ass and I'm proud of that

  6. Anonymous11:33 AM


    That's why I am afraid of having any type of face lift's done on any part of my body.

  7. Jogging will firm up anyone's ass. Much safer than surgery. I feel for her children.

  8. Anonymous11:48 AM

    Using the stairs I believe also helps your butt to be nice and firm.

  9. omg, those poor kids!

    talk about a reality chk...the price of vanity is sometimes death. eep.

  10. Jesus, haven't these people heard of a StairMaster?

  11. FYI...her twins are 7 years old. So selfish of her.

  12. Anonymous12:51 PM

    That is just insane. Don't forget Kanye's mother too.

    I was working today and came across a description of some sort of face lift someone had where they plant titanium coated barbed wire in your jaw line to keep that sagging flesh up where it was when you were 18. What on earth is wrong with aging? Are we so superficial that looking like a 21 year old is more attractive to us than being a terrific person with a few years of maturity, wisdom, humor and experience?

  13. Yes, Syko, yes we are.

  14. I can't see my behind---I don't care what it looks like.

  15. Apparently being plastic is preferable to aging. Lame.

    lutefisk, I'm with you. I can't see it, so who cares?

  16. a good reminder that this obsession with being perfect can come with a very high price. no surgery is minor. things can always go wrong.

    i've always thought how ridiculous it would be to have to say 'oh, she died after having a breast augmentation.' or an ass lift or whatever. STOP THE MADNESS!!!! just fucking love yourself.

  17. What a vapid idiot. Anyone who gets ass implants is a vapid idiot. They don't deserve to die though. Also, what kind of ass lift involved free-floating injections in the body that are not contained in a bag?
