Wednesday, December 09, 2009

George Michael In A Bad Way

Over the weekend George Michael gave an interview where he talked about his reduced drug use and how he likes to cruise for guys in parks because it is better than bars. He also took the time to slam Elton John and told him to mind his own business and that George was fine.

Well, Elton didn't respond to that but David Furnish did and had this to say. "The difficult thing for Elton and me is a lot of George's friends keep calling us saying 'you have to do something, George is in a bad way, he's in a bad state."

Well as David correctly points out they do try and help but if George wants help he is going to have to come to the determination on his own that he needs help. Judging from the interview I saw this weekend I would say George has some serious addiction issues and he is in a bad way. On a positive note he did say that he has reduced the number of joints he smokes from 25 a day to 8.

I can't find the interview right this second but to paraphrase one of his days it went something like this. He wakes up and has a joint. He then might get some food and then calls someone over to f**k him and then eats some lunch and smokes some more and then calls someone over to f**k him. It goes on like this all day. The reporter asked about the sex and asked if it was with George's long term partner that he was having sex. George replied if it was then he wouldn't need to call anyone to come over. He also said his partner gets more than enough sex too.


  1. Anonymous11:23 AM

    I thought I read that his partner had left him because of his sexcapes (might be misspelled).

  2. Substitute sleep for smoking and it sounds like my cat's life.

  3. The link to the interview is on Lainey's page from yesterday or the day before. I dunno - he didn't sound like he was THAT bad off to me, but you're right, it has to be his decision to want help, and he doesn't want it, so Elton should back off (and be allowed to adopt that little Ukrainian boy with HIV despite the fact he's not married!!!)

  4. 25 JOINTS A DAY?????????

    Wow. That's the only word I can manage to come up with.

  5. He alone could be the entire next season of Dr. Drew.


  6. *what amazonblue said*


  7. Sexcapades, Sylvia?? Or is that Sex while performing in the Icecapades? Though .. from the sound of things .. George would be up for that, too.

    As for George's life .. personally I hate dealing with addicts like him. I have had more than a few in my life and a lot of them have died/been killed. You just can't help them. [For example, will any of us be surprised when George is killed at some point by someone who he cruised in a park?? No..]

    At some point you have to be an adult and admit you are f*cked up and out of control and you need help. But he .. and others I have known .. doesn't seem to want to do that. So they .. and he .. play this game of .. "I am fine .. but look at all the scary shit I am doing!!" and it just infuriates me.

    And I hate to be a cow .. but f*ck him. He will figure it out or he will die. He has everything and he is throwing it away. Sorry George .. I would feel sorry for you if I wasn't struggling with foreclosure and bankruptcy and what a normal person's life is these days. Just make sure you leave your wealth to a charity that can use it to save people with real issues besides being whiny, bitchy, former pop stars.

    [Damn .. I think I need a nap!]

  8. Gotta love George Michael!!

    I am not one of this girls who has lots of gay friends, but i have to say that George Michael keeps bringing the lols!!

    For what i heard, he has an open relationship like lots of gay guys, and do not try to emulate monogamy. If it is ok for both of them , it must be ok by everyone....of course, if i were gay i would be a little bit afarid of getting involved with a slut like him....on the other hand, he must be really good in bed

    Truth is, he is not in his 20s or 30s , so his life style is starting to look sad and creepy

  9. The article (a really good read actually):

  10. I don't think Elton John is well. He hasn't looked well in a long time.

  11. He has the same mentality as a dear gay friend of mine who says "why spend money on a bar trying to get laid when you can get laid for free cruising parks?" SMDH its a shame too cus GM is a talented fuck.

  12. Anonymous11:55 AM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Anonymous11:56 AM

    i'd need 8 to 25 joints a day too if i was trying to forget the "wake me up before you go-go" booty shorts and spray tan he rocked...not to mention the yellow fingerless gloves and that glow-in-the-dark gear. JITTERBUG!

  14. "I smoke 2 joints in thee morning...I smoke 2 joints at night..." Now that's gonna be in my head all day. Anyway...

    25 joints a day?!?!?

    Even just 8 a day would turn me into a zombie...a zombie that eats everything in sight...


    When that song came out my brother changed the lyrics to "Wake me up before you go-go...don't leave me hanging like a strap-on dildo..."

    Ah, good times...

  16. i'm sorry anyone who is a gay man in England woudn't bat an eyelash at this. LOTS of men cruise that park,its well is Stanley Park here in Vancouver.

    sorry Enty, he just sounds like your typical pothead to me. and Elton is an always will be a fucking drama queen who likes to feel self important by helping 'these poor sad addicts'...please. that fat fuck was hooked on pills from the get go.

    rocket- word is the reason they wont allow it is because its David who wants the child,not elton. if they can't show a strong united front in raising the child together,they shouldn't get him, as sad as it is for the boy.

  17. Elton has NEVER looked robust, even during his first burst of fame during the 1970s.

    He looked bald and pale then, and now he's elderly, chubby and pale.

    Other than that I can't see that anything is wrong with him.

    George Michael looks terrible. Dissolute. Half-dead.

  18. Anonymous12:05 PM

    LOL @ Sporky, love your brother's line!

    ohhhh, the 80's!

  19. @Sporkey - now *I'M* going to have Sublime in my head all day (not that it's a bad thing)!

  20. Elton & George both look so robust from all that clean living.

  21. I think a new hair piece may improve Elton's looks--that one is getting kind of ratty.

  22. As much as I have enjoyed George and Elton's music over the years they are two sad old queens who seem to have nothing better to do than bitch at each other. Make some good music or shut the hell up!

  23. i think once you let someone know you think they need help and you'll help them get it if they want it, you've done all you can. mr. and mrs. john should leave george to his vices and shut the fuck up about it.

  24. As a lifelong George Michael hater, this is a bittersweet moment for me. I mean, I thought he was crap back when he "wasn't gay," and I thought people were crazy for going goo-goo over him. Now that he's a full-time drug-addicted internet sex troll, my contempt for him is finally justified!--and I feel bad for him at the same time. Sadly, I think the pity's winning out.

  25. George Michael has obviously lost all self respect to admitting that he enjoys looking for random sex in parks. And then admitting to being a full dope head. SOunds like he thinks it is impressive. The man is no longer sexy, he is a fat greek who should disappear and ponder over what his life once was. I am certain his parents have disowned him.

  26. Okay, look at Elton's glasses. They're on crooked. I think that's the first sign of Being Old. *sigh*

  27. 25 a day?!? That's some serious Cheech & Chong "pottage"!

  28. @ Jax, I agree. Elton loves lording his sobriety over 'troubled' celebs. The first time he offered his mansion to one as a refuge I thought it was quite sweet, now it just seems self-serving. "He's such a saint", "he's been there, he knows the pain", "his black's darker than your black" and all that gubbins.

    25 joints a day is a tad excessive, it's effectively chain-smoking weed... eurgh. But come on, there are worse drugs. Let him enjoy his twilight years Elton, because, god knows, he'll never have another hit record.

  29. I wonder how many men George Michael has infected with HIV... Probably in the hundreds.

  30. LMAO @ Sunnyside
