Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Kendra Wilkinson Exercise Tips - Even Though She Isn't Allowed To Exercise

Kendra Wilkinson just had a C Section 3 weeks ago. She told OK! Magazine her doctor isn't allowing her to exercise until the six week mark. However that didn't stop her or OK! from running a World Exclusive interview highlighting her easy workouts. How can she have easy workouts if she hasn't actually done any of them??? She also shares her own healthy recipes for getting her body back in shape. Isn't this all too much too soon? I understand making a buck off your baby. I know it is the in thing to make a buck off your kid but at some point shouldn't some common sense come into play? Why couldn't OK! just wait until she was actually exercising and making her own meals? At least then the story wouldn't be so obvious that it was written by a staffer and it would at least seem plausible.


  1. It must be nice to be a celeb and get paid for silly stuff like this. Can I trade?

  2. In the world of bullshit tabloid rags, I think OK! is pretty high on the list. I had a subscription a couple of years ago but it was so friggin' lame I cancelled it.

    I know I've expressed my views on Kendra's shark-like fake smile, but that cover really reminds me more of the South Park Canadians. It's like her smile is too wide for her face or something. *shudders*

  3. Jeez, anything for a buck.

  4. I hate these new mom celebrity stories. It's like no one ever became a mom before.

    Kendra, let me tell you, I lost 40 pounds within two weeks of delivering my twins. Incidently, 40 pounds was my entire weight gain for the pregnancy. What did I do you ask? Well, nothing. See, I didn't over indulge during the pregnancy and only gained the weight I needed, which is what I suspect you did too.

  5. Oh, and I do have to say I think little Hank is a cutie. Many newborns aren't.

  6. I agree with Patty. Who cares, Kendra? Sporky, the problem with her smile is that her mouth moves but the rest of her face doesn't. I have thought she is just vacant but then I remember that she is way richer than me so she is doing something right.

  7. better it's her and not that other famewhore kardashian. I can stomach Kendra just a tiny bit.

  8. Diet & exercise talk aside, it really disgusts me that "celebrities" make money off their newborns like this. Really, really revolting. Like, I want to go throw up right now.

  9. Hank only has a 1-yr deal with the Colts. They signed him for insurance (ie: in case another receiver gets hurt after they lost Anthony Gonzalez). He hasn't played much (with the exception of the last game. Even saw him on special teams which I've been saying we should do to at least utilize some of his talent). Therefore, his future is unknown.
    Sports talk aside, I'm sure she is worried about making money. I think stories like this and making money off your kid is disgusting. Her plan B might be this, but maybe it's time to think about plan C since a baby is involved now.

  10. Ms. Cool, she IS vacant, and not only that, got famous for fucking that horny bag of dust, Hugh Hefner. Just because she's richer than you does NOT make her any better. That goes for all of these slutty celebutards. I feel that whoring yourself out like that just sucks the life out of your soul, period.

  11. People people people. The workouts are easy because she ISN'T doing them.

    Her smile freaks me out too. But I do prefer her to any other Kard/Hilt/Hogan "people."

  12. Sporky - you have to start with a soul to have it sucked out. I don't think she had anything to lose by hooking up with the bag of dust (LOL at that one).

    I don't consider her better than me - just richer. Wouldn't trade lives with her for a second.

  13. "I lost 20 pounds in one day!" Yeah, it's called giving birth, you dumb sh*t.

    "My stomach is so much flatter now!" Maybe because your baby isn't in there anymore.

    "My boobs are soooo big now tee hee." And you didn't even need to hire a surgeon for that. Amazing how that works.

  14. Amazing. Someone managed to out-do Kneepads magazine in the inane and stupid department.

  15. Anonymous11:35 AM

    The part that makes me more upset than the exploitation of her pregnancy and child, is all this emphasis we're putting on women losing the weight right away. All these headlines screaming "SHE LOST THE WEIGHT IN FOUR WEEKS ZOMG!" make other new moms feel like shit in a time when they're very vulnerable to depression. She's a pin up, of course she's going to obsess over her appearance as soon as possible. We shouldn't be placed with that burden, but when all this stuff gets shoved in our face by the women we want to admire, its hard not to take that burden upon ourselves.

  16. Anonymous11:36 AM

    Also, bitch needs to call Tyra 'cause she canNOT smile with her eyes.

  17. Anonymous12:08 PM

    lmao @ bad fish!

  18. Rapid weight loss, whether after giving birth or not, is not healthy. And I'd hope that at least nursing mothers wouldn't cut back on the nutrition for vanity.

    I don't care about this trick. I personally doubt that the man who Sporky has so eloquently dubbed "that horny bag of dust" has had sex in the last 20 years outside of his own mind.

  19. Anonymous12:19 PM

    Bad Fish, I was thinking the exact same thing. What is this obsession with losing your baby weight in two weeks or whatever? Why not just say "Hey, I just had a baby, I'm not quite back in shape" and then eat what you need to be healthy, not what you need to be skinny. Especially if you're nursing.

    This is just one more of those bad examples we put out there. You're fat if you're over a size 2, and you've let yourself go and are a slob if you still show any signs of a thicker waist three weeks after you give birth. Of course real obesity is unhealthy, but the pendulum has swung too far.

  20. Liv Tyler is my hero for taking a full year or so to lose her baby weight.

  21. Jennifer Garner took awhile with the 2nd one.

    @ whole lotto luv, I think it's probably been more like 30 years for the horny bag of dust. (Too funny sporky.)

  22. I just want to take every magazine with the word "diet" on the cover, along with every diet book ever written, burn it all and send the ashes to Oprah.

  23. Why is this woman on the cover of a magazine? Why is she in the spotlight?

  24. Agreed, Harriet. So tired of being made to feel guilty about my "post-baby" weight. And this Kendra person just skeeves me out. Please, please, please just go away. Why are we rewarding this prostitute with fame???

  25. I was thinking the same thing, Mooshki. Why haven't more of these news outlets picked up on her?
