Friday, December 18, 2009

Melanie Griffith Explains The Black Eye

I don't know if Melanie Griffith's explanation of her black eye is true or not but it certainly turns this into an I feel sorry for her kind of situation. AP is reporting that Melanie Griffith's black eye was the result of surgery. No, not plastic surgery but surgery to remove early stage cancer from her face.

Her spokesperson says the good news is that the surgery was done early enough to prevent further complications. I'm not sure why she didn't say that when asked directly and why instead there was a delay of a few days to get the answer but now everyone will feel sorry for her and grateful the cancer was removed early instead of wondering if she got it because she was drunk or another reason which would not elicit so much sympathy.

In any event, I am glad she is ok.


  1. Snap. Hope she gets better.

  2. Maybe she doesn't feel comfortable talking about it personally; she's never seemed like the sharpest tool in the shed. She left it to a professional not to screw it up or appear to be eliciting sympathy for herself.

    Hope she's ok.

  3. yeah, hope that takes care of it.

  4. it's very, very common to get little skin cancers when you're older. sun exposure catches up with you. it's not like she's going to be on chemo or die or anything, which is how all these sites are making it sound.

    having said that, i'm not so sure i buy the explanation. you don't usually bruise like that from having a spot lasered or frozen. so i'm reserving judgment.

  5. It was probably cut out and they broke blood vessels.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. i didn't mean it was cosmetic. i was thinking along the lines of an injury---you know 'i ran into a door' type of thing.

    and i think it's unlikely they 'cut' anything either, and certainly not in that very delicate skin right under her eye. that's just not how they treat those things.


  9. Actually, that *is* how they treat those things -- I work for a dermatologist. "pre-cancerous" lesions like actinic keratoses or seborrheic keratoses get lasered or frozen; cancers themselves (whatever kind) get cut out. And, just because I'm on a roll, there are 3 kinds of skin cancers (basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma) and only one kind (melanoma) is dangerous. But they cut all of them out.

  10. @ nancer, I had Mohs Micrographic surgery a few years ago for a basal cell carcinoma. About an inch below my eye and no bruise, but it left quite a hole in my face and a scar forever. Wear your sunblock people.

    "Performed by a specially trained dermatologic surgeon, Mohs involves removing the visible tumor and then successive layers of skin one at a time until cancer cells are no longer found."

    *OK...getting off soapbox.*

  11. Lies.

    I work with skin cancer patients. #1, surgery is rarely done anymore because of the potential for disfigurement--they usually use something called PDT (it's basically a photon beam-radiation). If it's REALLY early stage, they use a special cream that ablates the cancerous area.

    She's totally doing this for sympathy--I stand by my original assessment....Dakota smacked her.

  12. Would surgery explain why she didn't just apply a bit of concealer?

  13. Anonymous12:04 PM

    I find it suspicious so don't really believe what her spokesperson is saying.

  14. Anonymous12:24 PM

    Give the woman a break. No one knows what happened, nor does she owe anyone an explanation.

    I always love the medical conjecture on what someone did/didn't have from the authority of the laptop & couch.

  15. thank you, majik. you're the one that's correct.

    i don't know if anyone smacked her, but the story is a bunch of bullshit.

    and 'anonymous', i love that you hid your name to tell some nurses here they don't know what they're talking about.
    no, she didn't have to give an explanation----maybe she just shouldn't have.

  16. Nah, what REALLY happened was that my mom's intense hatred of Melanie Griffith finally drove her insane and she flew off to LA and punched Melanie right in the eye.

  17. Anonymous6:20 PM

    This still doesn't explain Antonio's equally haggard looks. That marriage is dangerous to THEIR health!

  18. Wow, she looks rugged. I think she either ran into something, or she had some cosmetic fillers injected along the very top part of her cheeks, and she bruised. Look how big and wide her cheekbone area is, she didn't look that way when she was younger. It's made her nose look flattened. Maybe that's from all the cocaine that she probably did with Don Johnson.

  19. @Sunnyside1213 - I had Mohs done also. One area, forehead, is fine. I do have a scar on my cheek. I would like to add that I had bruising following the procedures. I was also told not to cover it with cosmetics.
