Wednesday, December 16, 2009

New Alice In Wonderland Trailer

If you are a fan of Johnny Depp then you will love the new trailer for Alice In Wonderland. All Johnny all the time.


  1. Magic mushroom time! I can hardly wait.

  2. Johnny Depp is the sh*t. I love him for making a career out of choosing stuff that was out there. I have similar hopes for James Franco.

  3. I. Cannot. Wait.

  4. Tim Burton must live in an alternate reality. Lots of people would like to see him rescue the Twilight series. (Actually, I have heard that he has some kind of autism.)I love almost everything he has ever done and Depp is lucky to have been part of so much of it.

  5. SH*TTY! I have to wait til MARCH to see it!? *sadface*

  6. i love the Depp, but i admit, i;m a bit frightened, lol.

  7. The actress playing Alice was fantastic in season 1 of In Treatment. I'm anxious to see her in this.

  8. You know, if anyone elses name was over this I'd be sitting in a corner crying, but with Tim+Johnny it's in safe hands.

  9. Sunny...that's what I was thinking. This movie is going to be a shroomin' good time!!!

  10. Anonymous1:31 PM

    I am not a Depp fan but the special effects to this movie look fantastic.

  11. Love Depp as the Mad Hatter but hate hate HATE his costume!!

    It could have wayyy better and more sinister. It looks like Carrot Top did the walk of shame from someones' grandma's house and he had to "Scarlett O'Hara" some outfit together using the old ladies' curtains and couch cover. Tragic!!

  12. seriously. i try. but i sooooo do not get the johnny love. he's all sorts of meh/whatever to me, plus i think he's fug. i will watch the film tho...but only b/c i love the story.

  13. *jumps on the shroom train*


  14. Oye chico, this is AMAZING!! Only Burton could pull this off so well. Maybe del Toro. Payote time!

  15. Am I the only one who thinks that Johnny looks like Elijah Wood here? ;)

  16. Not a Depp fan (he always looks as if he could use a bath) but this movie looks stunning.

  17. I've got nothing but love for Johnny Depp, however:

    a) I'm terrified; and
    b) Johnny's costume is too freaky deaky, even for me. And that's coming from someone who's in some sort of ridiculous costume most weeks.

    I'll still see it though.

  18. You Depp haters must be too young to remember 21 Jump Street. He's moved on from pretty to incredibly talented and never has to shower again, imho. :)
