Monday, December 28, 2009

NY Post Blind Items

Which male model is regretting he got carried away with a certain starlet? He succumbed to her aggressive seduction, didn't use protection and now worries he may have contracted an STD .

WHICH memoir by a 92-year old, yoga-practicing East Side socialite was actually written by the lover of her walker?

WHICH novice restaurant co-owner table-hops, orders food and drink for the table, partakes with gusto, then moves on before the check comes? Old friends are horrified to end up paying for the owner's dinner.


  1. The first one has to be LiLo and Adam Senna. There was a post about this on Dlisted this morning.

    No clue on the other two.

  2. #1- LiLo and the guy who used to be on the City-Adam something-it was in the NY Daily News that they were dating

  3. How the hell does someone screw Lilo and then in retrospect, "suspect" they contracted an STD?? You can practically get one from just being in the same room as her!

  4. And BI #2 had me literally scratching my head. Lover of her walker or her cane??

  5. Chompers aka Adam from The City and LiHo.

  6. Did he check for his wallet and watch?

  7. Sporky, "walker" in this context means male social companion. Walkers are usually gay, fairly accomplished in their own rights, and escort the socialites to various events around town.

    That said, who outside NY social and literary circles would care?

  8. #1- i knew hohan was involved somehow! saw the dlisted article and it has to be them...

    #2- no idea, gloria vanderbilt?

    #3- i don't know but what a jerk!

  9. #1 is Blohan and Adam Whateverhisnameis. They've been discussed on several different sites this morning.

    ...which begs the questions:

    a) Why would anyone in their right mind willingly have sex with Lindsay Lohan?
    b) Why would anyone, at this point clearly not in their right mind, have unprotected sex with Lohan?

    Gross gross gross.

    No clue on the other two.

  10. ureallyannoyme - thanks for the info. :) I learn something new on here almost every day!

  11. My question is: Anyone willing to have unprotected sex with Lilo obviously thinks nothing of exposing themselves to disfiguring and fatal STD's, so isn't she putting herself at risk by having sex with someone whose standards are so low that they'll sleep with her? Why do I keep thinking that her gravestone will read: METH IS ONE HELL OF A DRUG.

  12. #3 is either Justin Timberlake (doesn't he have a new steak house?) Or eva longoria.

  13. Ha haaaa, how sad. #1 must be Lilo and that poor Senna dude.

    Don't know the other two.

  14. And you just cracked me up, Barton Fink!

  15. Anonymous11:29 AM

    For some reason, Heather Mills pops into my head as the restaurant owner.

  16. No problem, Sporky! (After posting I was worried you were making a pun and that I'd missed the joke. The way it's worded, walker/cane makes sense and is funny.)

    Gloria is interesting and would make me withdraw my "who would care" question, but Wiki says she's 85. Zsa Zsa is 92, but I thought she was bed-ridden? Off topic: I was playing tour guide to out-of-town friends who wanted to go to Planet Hollywood (NYC, back in the day when PH was new) and Zsa Zsa swept in with full make-up, jewels, and gown. They escorted her to a private room, but everyone in the restaurant watched for those 10 seconds.

  17. Lilo is a starlet?!? Maybe this is misprint on NY Post's end...

  18. It's not Zsa Zsa. Its someone still upright doing yoga !! Besides she lives in California with her crazy ass husband!!

  19. syko, i concur with the heather mills guess. The other name that popped into my head was Rocco Disprito (SP?) but he is not so new to the restaurant ownership scene...

  20. what about Pete Wentz or Jay-z they are both owners of restaurants in majors cities like Chicago, Las Vegas, New York ....hum??

  21. table hops = heather mills

  22. I'm probably wrong for #1, but I thought of Paul Sculfor and Cameron Diaz.

  23. I read this a while ago and had to come back because, for some reason, I'm still shocked by the table-hopping restaurant co-owner. I mean that's flat-out jaw-dropping behavior. Orders for everyone, stays until right before the check is delivered? WOW. I mean. Just WOW. If anything I'm certain the "friends" before that moment *might* be thinking part or all of the tab will picked up, on the house. Not that not only would they pay top dollar for probably things even they wouldn't have ordered otherwise but FOR THE OWNER. DAMN. I can't believe this is still gnawing at me but truly this is just really really weirdly off and low class, it's hard to imagine coming up with that kind of shit, much less actually pulling that stunt.

  24. I agree with the Lilo guess, but I can't imagine anyone succumbing to her. She looks like she smells.

    No clue on the others.

  25. #2, although dead, Kitty Carlisle Hart. Clue does not say alive, just memoir written by her walker
    She was on the Today once near her final years(over 90) doing yoga type things

  26. or maybe not. she died at 97 and her book was published when she was 79

  27. I would love to know the identity of the douche in #3

  28. I had to google Adam Senna to see what he looked like. He looks pretty gay, whether or not he actually is, unlike this model who looks like a total swish:

  29. Wasn't Miley Cyrus dating a male model too? And she does have a mvie coming out soon

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. 1) I could see this being more Lilo than Miley. Miley is a skank, but I don't think she's a girl who sleeps around so much as she's a girl who sleeps with her boyfriends. And she hasn't had too many boyfriends. Lilo on the other hand, has probably made her way through everyone in Hollywood, male and female.

    2) Don't care.

    3) Have no idea. It doesn't sound like a real "star", since this person obviously has enough time to sit around in their restaurant chatting people off. Any C-list restaurant owners or novice celeb chefs on the NY area?

  32. does dane cook have part ownership in a restaurant?

  33. I thought a "walker" was someone who walked the person's dogs. Never thought of anything else.
