Monday, December 14, 2009

They Closed A Zoo

Here is my thing about closing things for celebrities. If you own a store you can do whatever the hell you want. It is your store. You make the business decision. I will say that most stores just tend to stay open after closing for a celebrity or tell them to f**k off because you are only that important in your mind and other celebrities don't need it.

When it comes to things that are run by cities or governments or nominally some public operation like a zoo, I have a big problem with shutting it down for a celebrity. That is what happened last week in Spain though. The Seville zoo closed the zoo to all the people of the city and the country and everyone who makes it possible for it to remain open so three people could have it to themselves. Tom Cruise, Katie Holmes and Suri Cruise. An entire zoo. All closed because they wanted to see it alone. Why? What gives them the power to close the zoo? If you tell me it would cause a riot to have the fans of them also in the zoo at the same time then tell the Cruise/Holmes gang to stay at home. You have basically told them and their 3 year old kid they are more important than every citizen of the entire country.

When the lovely Princess and her family were at the zoo they didn't close the zoo and they are the royal family of the country.


  1. Appalled? Yes. Surprised? No.

  2. Maybe the Animals needed some entertainment? Kinda like an early Christmas Present for them?

    Wouldn't the Cruise's be the real zoo?

  3. Go away scientologists.

  4. Well IMDB did give Suri her own page and she even has posters commenting on her message board.

    Yes they can get away with it because people are still obsessed with the Cruises day to day life.

  5. WOW...just WOW...Why do places do that for any celebrity...I mean come on...all of us humans get dressed the same way in the what if you make millions of dollars?

    Does that make you that special?

  6. Well I would HOPE that Tom paid the zoo to close it. That would be OK with me, if he gave them enough money to cover receipts for the day and then some. I love going to zoos, too, but the HUMAN animals often get to me. I would LOVE to see my favorite zoos with only my friends!!!!!

  7. Suri is also featured regularly on the UK Mail website with almost daily articles on what she is wearing.

    They also roll with a large entourage of Sci types including the paramilitaty Sea Org. Maybe the zoo just didn't want to stand up to CoS or Tom paid them well for the closing.

    and I don't get the obsession with Cruises either.

  8. I think, if this is the Zoo de Sevilla,, that it is privately owned, and it is normally closed on Mondays. If the Cruises got the place on a Monday, then it's no biggie, it's up to the owners to allow them in when they are normally closed. I hope they charged them a LOT of money.

  9. I also hope the zoo charged a fortune. Especially since we don't know what Tom does with animals behind closed gates. Hah!

  10. but enty, the princess doesn't have the power of xenu. it apparently trumps royalty.

  11. @not on my dollar: crazy!

    several years ago,Courtney Love wanted Louvres museum open the night only for her and her daughter

  12. Dude, people actually like the lovely Princess and her family. No one wants to go to the zoo while the Cruise/Holmes clan are there, so it's a service to the country to make them go alone. Everyone should be warned ahead of time when that group is near. Show a little compassion for citizens of the world. ;)

  13. It is disgusting Enty, and it is exactly what gives *stars* the belief that yes, they are in fact, better than the rest of us mere mortals.

  14. I agree, nunaurbiz, they'd better have gotten paid some bick bucks. Tom, you aren't as special as you think you are.

  15. @Lisa LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  16. Sure, if they paid enough to cover whatever the zoo would have made off of 'regular' visitors, fine. But still. Celebrities bitch and moan about wanting to be normal...nothing more normal than going to the zoo with your family and a couple of thousands of other families. Their security details surely could handle it. Maybe it's the image the tabloids are putting out about the Cruises, but that little girl just seems to lonely to me. It's sad.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. @pomme, yes it is crazy. Suri has two pages worth of comments yet talented actors may not even have any comments on their message board.

    It probably was a good idea for them to shut down the zoo. I remember the mom who got mad at Tom at Connor's soccer game (a few years ago) whereby her son got trampled during a photographer scuffle. She said she wished Tom would just go away and stop coming to the games because he caused more trouble then what he was worth.

  19. I would hope they paid the Zoo heavily for being closed to the public and the loss of that revenue.

  20. Well, if it's a private zoo and they went on Monday and paid heaps of money, then I won't hate on them anymore than I already do.

  21. If they went last Monday, I agree, no big deal. But he better have made a BIG donation.

    I'm not a big fan of zoos. The only one my kids have ever been to is one that cares for sick, injured, and homeless ex-circus animals. (I'm not a circus person, either...)

  22. They went on Wednesday.

  23. Thanks Enty. It's official. I hate them.

  24. maybe he wanted to check out the gerbil exhibit...alone.


  26. I'm not the first to say it, but I love when Enty comments!

    A lot of Europeans go to warmer places like Seville for Winter vacations. Families plan entire days around a zoo trip. If they locked out the regular people, that's pathetic and obnoxious.

    I kind of wonder if Tom's more afraid of being attacked than he is being a snob, though. Somebody squirted water on him once, or something. He freaked out.

  27. lol Jax!!
    I want to know why Suri isn't in any pre-school program.

  28. lol @enty lawyer!

    I guess that eliminates the Monday excuse.

  29. I'm with Lionness - I don't care for any "exhibits" of animals for human entertainment, but I hope the Cruises paid a crapload.

  30. I agree with Rocket Queen and Lioness. Zoos and circuses are just not for me.

  31. Eye roll mambo. I got it right here.

  32. @sunnyside - and don't even get me started on rodeos.

  33. People need to grow a pair already and tell Shmucky the Trollman:
    "No & if don't like it then get Xenu to build you one. You could always watch South Park. They have an epi called Trapped in the Closet you might like to see."

  34. Spain is obviously getting nervous that people are actually liking Americans thanks to the Obama administration so they needed to remind the Spaniards just what kind of spoiled, self aggrandizing assholes we really are. Someone was working through siesta that day.

  35. I hate this crap! Tom Cruise needs to be sent to Celebrity Island. You know the one were no one comes back.


  36. LMAO, Jax!

    I, too, love it when Enty comments. Sigh... You're such a dreamboat, EL. ♥

  37. As long as he paid for the privlege and it was a privately owned zoo, it was just a business transaction.
    Think about Disney closing their park for celebs. Same concept, different venue.

  38. I'm just going to come right out and admit that I fucking loathe Tom, Katie, and their sprog. I know it sound horrible to say about a kid, but you know Suri is going to grow up to be yet another spoiled, self-entitled, arrogant brat. And we all know who is to blame for it.

    Selfish egotistical twa*ts.

  39. I would disagree with you under one circumstance: if they paid the zoo a hefty fee greater than the sum of the greatest amount the zoo would earn from the maximum daily amount of admissions. That way everyone benefits in the end.

  40. @lutefisk-
    i'm sure suri is home "schooled" by the cos whackjobs.
    they have their own very special lesson plans that include auditing and, IIRC, mostly rote memorization, so that a child basically stays on task until said task is memorized and child passes test with an "A" or the xenu equivalent. a lower grade warrants more auditing, more memorization, etc., etc.
    this is how will and jada's school can boast of top notch grades, higher than all the other schools (or whatever crap they're spewing).

  41. you know, i don't really give a crap that they shut the zoo down for a private celebrity family visit....places do stuff like that all the time. i mean, i DO think it's pretty messed up, imagine all the people that wanted to go to the zoo for a day of fun and when they showed up to buy tickets with their friends and their excited little children and strollers and packed lunches and so, imagine how unbelievable irritated and frustrated they were when they got there and were told, SORRY! no entrance today, tom cruise is here with his wife and daughter!!

    i just feel bad for suri, i know that she will never ever have anything close to a "normal childhood" they travel waaaaaaaaaay too much, they are never in a normal home-like environment, i never see any playdates that she goes on, there are never any friends for her, blah blah blah the list goes on and on. you guys know the drill. but i just feel bad for her, because during her few chances of socializing with normal people in a normal way-like going to the zoo and being able to be excited and look at the hippos and smile and giggle at the elephants with the little girl or boy who happens to be standing next to you-those chances at normal interaction with other kids are not allowed.

    dont they see how lonely she is??? adult companionship 24/7 is healthy for no one...adults included! they are much too serious and boring and predictable and all that jazz. i just think it's sad, i see a little girl in her eyes and she has no chance at ever being a happy little one.
