Thursday, December 24, 2009

Tila Tequila Not Pregnant

Goodness there is no gossip today. Having to start off a day with Tila Tequila is really bad. Thankfully for me though it isn't like I have to go home to her at the end of the night. Apparently that whole Tweet that Tila said earlier in the week saying, "I'm Pregnant!!!" was actually just a misunderstanding. She blames it on character limits. I blame it on the fact that she is attention seeking and figured out a way for Life&Style to cough up a few bucks to have her clarify that she is going to get pregnant. Today though she is climbing Mt. Everest and tomorrow she is going to become a nun and then on Saturday she wants to go to India to see if she can beat Lindsay's record of saving 40 kids in a day.


  1. Whoa, whoa, whoa... I totally believed her at first. NOT!

  2. lol, really? She's not?!?


  3. oh thanks god! now i can get on with my xmas! <--sarcasm.

    merry xmas!

  4. As if Hollywood doesn't have enough train wrecks that procreate left and right, now she wants to dumb down the gene pool too?

    Ahhhh go stuff yourself full of Federline manjuice you dummy. Who ever let her get off the ho stro needs to get her back on it and out of people's faces.

  5. *grants TT citizenship in Doucheachussetts*

  6. Good one Pookie.

    She puts the whore in famewhore.

  7. i wonder if there were actually people out there who believed her. i was hoping it was because i was kind of looking forward to her having to go through morning sickness, getting fat, and the pain of actual birth.

  8. "go stuff yourself full of Federline manjuice"

