Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Would You Have Tom Cruise's Baby For $75M?

OK! Magazine has one of their monthly baby covers out. Usually it is Jennifer Aniston, but this month features Tom Cruise & Katie Holmes as the baby ready parents. It is typical crap, but it does have one thing going for it. It appears to say that Tom is willing to give Katie $75M to have another baby. Granted, I am just going by the words on the cover and not the actual story. For all I know there could be a movie called baby #2 and some idiot is going to pay them $75M to star in it.

Presuming I am correct though and the story is Tom offering Katie $75M for another kid, it obviously begs the question, would you have Tom's kid for $75M? It is a lot of money. Honestly if there were some way for me to do it, I would probably have his kid for $75M. I would even strap myself to e-meters and sing the Xenu anthem during delivery for $75M. Would you pass up the money? I think it also depends on what is expected after birth. Does she have to stay with him forever? Dopes this add a few years to the contract? What am I expected to do for the $75M?

Oh, and a side note. Look at Nicole Kidman in the picture on the cover. That is the one that sparked all that pregnancy crap. God I hate her. She knew what she was doing and wanted the attention. Fine have some attention. It still isn't going to make you a decent actress.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. $75 million to invite a cult into your life? A cult that would eventually take my child away from me?

    No way.

  3. meh for 75 million dollars i'd have Xenu's baby - alien sperm ...bring it.

  4. This makes me laugh because it's like assuming that marriage deals and cash for having your husband's baby are normal.

  5. Anonymous11:21 AM

    Depends. Can I use the turkey baster?

  6. I'd do it for $7.5 million, as long as I didn't have to go anywhere near TC. Hell, I wouldn't mind banging Josh Hartnett.

  7. Not with my eggs, but sure, I'd carry someone else's baby for $75 mil.

  8. Anonymous11:40 AM

    If they are in such a loving marriage like they want everybody to believe why would he offer money to have another kid?

    Is Nicole's marriage in the dumps that she has to go and make believe she is expecting???

  9. There aren't a lot of things i WOULDN'T do for 75 million dollars...*LOL*

  10. no...but i'd adopt suri for free. loooooove her!

  11. Eh...yeah that would be a HELL NO! not enough money to put up with all the krazyness that is Tom Cruise.

    I might be the only one but I think Nicole is not such a bad actress. :/

  12. That was one ugly dress Nicole was wearing, IMO.

  13. Amen, Patty.

    And maybe she was just telling the paps that she had to take a big poo, and not to let on she was going to the bathroom?

  14. you're not. i don't get the hatred for nicole. hey, at least she's not with that short little asshole anymore.

  15. first of all i don't even think suri is his i think she's his cousins kid but let's just say tom has some back up swimmers, eww do we actually have to do "it", god the thought of having him inside me is enough to make me throw up. ok so we'll say we are using a turkey baster then what, i'm preggers with his child and he gets to keep my baby, so i sell my soul to the devil for 75 million dollars... i couldn't live with myself, i'd regret it every single day so I'd have to hire lawyers and get my baby back and then they'd put a hit on me LOL!!

  16. Normally, I'd say yes, but I honestly think I'd feel really about about bringing an innocent person into the world with a weirdo father and a cult upbringing. And to deal with his hyper-controlling ass on a regular basis? Damn, is it really worth it?

  17. About five years ago I was visiting my sister in a large well known city and we took a trip to a hair salon. The stylist was very hip to much of the gossip in and around tinsel town.

    One of the juicy tidbits shared with us was that Tom Cruise was gay and that he had paid Katie Holmes to not only marry him but to give him 2.5 kids, etc.

    Whilst I wasn't the least bit surprised Tom was gay, I was quite shocked that someone like Katie with a budding movie career, would give it all up for him and his desires.

    Now we have this...doesn't surprise me in the least.

  18. Short answer - yes.

    Long answer - yes.

  19. So, does the cousin have to contribute again?

    She had a promising future, but she threw it away. Hope the money was worth it.

  20. Anonymous12:48 PM

    Yup. As long as it does not involve physical disfigurement (besides looking like a cow while preggo...maybe he can toss in some lipo and a boob job while i'm in the hospital), extreme pain ( besides labor), giving up my animals, or death (mine or others), I can't think of much I wouldn't do for 75 million in cash.

  21. i can have sex and baby with Tom Cruise for $75 million !and i can share him with Will Smith or his boyfriend if he wants LOL
    i wouldn't be a bad scientologist but a good mother

    and Nicole Kidman was a good actress before all botox or plastic surgeon(remember "the others","moulin rouge" or "dogville")

  22. I really like Nicole Kidman in To Die For. I first saw her in Flirting but she didn't stand out (not a major role, and Thandie Newton stole the show), but To Die For made me take notice. And Moulin Rouge is one of my favorite movies, so... I can't hate on her!

  23. The Others was one scary movie.

  24. Hell. And Hell No.

    And I love it when Enty is crabby.

  25. LOL pinkey...

    Well, if we are talking actual... you know, non-test-tube babies, i would have to be REALLY drunk to agree to something like that. and even then.... ah, im not sure. its a lot of money. but its kind of like selling your soul to the devil.

  26. i would if it was by artificial insemination and i didnt have to see or talk to him

  27. i would if it was by artificial insemination and i didnt have to see or talk to him

  28. I'm sitting in a bar on the uppEr east side of manhattan. i've asked everyone, from. the high school graduate to the MDs and PhDs: EVERY SINGLE ONE OF US, male or female, WOULD HAVE HIS BABY FOR $75 Million.

  29. i would if it was by artificial insemination and i didnt have to see or talk to him

  30. No I wouldn't. It is a lot of money, but I wouldn't want TC to be the father of my baby. I couldn't do that to a baby of mine. Now I might carry a baby for him and a female egg donor, but doubt I would get $75mil just to carry a baby. Heck I would probably do that for $25mil. As long as my DNA wasn't involved in any way.

  31. At least they're not devoting cover space to the Gosselins anymore.

  32. In the article it says that Tom has set aside $75M for another baby. It doesn't really say that he is paying Katie off w/that money.

    That cover is hella misleading. I thought the same (that he was paying Katie off to have another baby)

    It's just one of those bait and
    switch deals, folks.

    But on topic, no way would I conceive for Xenu or whatever it is those Scientology zombies worship, no matter the price.

  33. I don't think he is capable of being a father. So, yes, I would take the 75 million, get pregnant by who I would want to be the father, & let him claim it was his baby.

  34. all depends how much i have to give to Josh Hartnett to knock me up a SECOND time....

  35. My first off the cuff answer--Would I have to let him touch me?
    My next would be:

    No. I wouldn't. I couldn't allow any child of mine to be raised by his crazy couch jumping ass. Forget letting it be brain washed by the COS.

    I always thought he was wired way too tight even back in Risky Business days.

  36. No. There is no amount of money in the world for that. He is one creepy, crazy asshole. I have always thought he was creepy, even back during that stupid fighter pilot movie when he was really big. I can't even remember the name of it. He has always had that crazy gleam in his eyes. It was so nice to be vindicated when he came out to everyone as a crazy.

  37. I'd have Screech's kid for $75 million.

  38. I don't know Enty,To Die For and Birthday Girl were very watchable
    Nicole Kidman movies I even liked Bewitched a little.
    The best thing Nicole did was remove herself from TC's universe even if it meant saying bye bye to the kids.
    The worst thing?
    ALL that plastic surgery!

  39. Hmm, haven't seen Birthday Girl but To Die For was awesome.

    And I agree with Harriet Hellfire - I'd have to think real hard about something I *wouldn't* do for $75 million.
