Thursday, December 31, 2009

Your Turn

Very simple. What is your resolution for 2010 and did you keep your resolution from last year?


  1. Number one on list is to meet Enty. Number 2, end world hunger.

  2. Kept 2009, 2010 cut down on grocery bills by buying sale items only. I would also like to learn how to drink coffee with splenda only,but that is probably not likely to succeed.

  3. Anonymous12:02 PM

    I've broken so many New Year's resolutions, I don't even make them any more. I just think "I'll try to do better" and let it go.

  4. Kept all my resolutions for 2009 except one, which was to find a loving sexual relationship that does not put my 5-year-old daughter at risk.

    Am adding it to my 2010 list.

  5. my resolution is to be wasted by midnight, January 1, 2010. I make that resolution every year and I always keep it.

    Happy New Year all!

  6. I plan to be more fiscally responsible. Didn't make a resolution last year.

  7. I usually don't make resolutions, but I'm going with the tired "lose weight." I've become quite the fatty this year and I don't like it.

    Also, I'll be needing a new job this year. I do have an interview next week, so wish me luck!

  8. Good luck Dr. Spaceman!


  10. this year I resolve to wipe this shitty look off my face. and to learn screen printing.

  11. Didn't win the lotto in 2009. I'm carrying that one over to 2010. I'm also resolving to keep a cleaner house this year.

  12. My resolution is to walk on the right hand side of hallways bc I am always bumping into people! I kept last year's resolution... didn't take an elevator at all in 2009.

  13. Last year I resolved to reduce my anxiety and depression and with help from a great therapist, have done both. I'm not perfect but in a much better place today! Next year, along with the usual resolutions (eat better, exercise more, be more organized), I just want my family to have more fun.

  14. I didn't make a resolution last year oddly enough but I shall this time around.

    Ideally I'd like to meet someone personable and attractive to me, else I really will turn into a cat lady, which at 26 isn't right.

    Alternatively, I want to leave Europe, at least once, preferably Louisiana if I can choose.

    What are yours, Enty?

    Happy New Year all!

  15. A couple of years ago I promised myself (during a random month of the year, not nye) that I would never, ever again go on another diet. I have kept that promise and intend to keep going. Hence, no new years resolution. Never again am I going to spend the week between christmas and new years binging to get all the "bad" stuff out of the house, because on Jan 1st, I am going to be "good". I have spent the majority of my life on diets and they have only made me fatter (makes sense since most weight loss programs are based upon the failure of its followers). So, here's to another year of being happy, healthy, strong and diet-free!

    Happy New Years to enty and the whole CDAN gang - I wish you all the very best in 2010!

  16. Happy New Year!! We are already into January 1, 2010 here in Australia. I don't make resolutions because I never keep them, but I would like to wish everybody who is yet to celebrate a fabulous, safe night.

    So far my year has started off brilliantly. Wasn't really expecting much from our gathering (a group of friends at one of our houses) but it was fabulous, didn't get home till 2am this morning.

    Very excited for the reveals.

  17. 1: lose weight(like every year)
    2:detox blind items and i do(i go to holiday for 3 weeks and my cellphone and PC won't be here)
    3:be nice(every year)

  18. My resolution is to save some money this year and pay off some bills. I haven't made any in a few years. This year, I intend to keep this one.

  19. wow, some people actually keep their resolutions?! you guys rock!

    Anyway, mine's the same as it has been the last 5 years: quit smoking.

    happy New Year's to all! party it up and stay safe!

  20. Drink less and run the NYC marathon. "Drink less" has been my resolution for the past 3 years, but it just hasn't stuck yet. HAPPY NEW YEAR ENTY!!!

  21. Last year's was to grow my hair out long again. Success! Hahaha, I went for a hard one, didn't I?

    This year's is to get debt-free. I'm on schedule to have my credit cards paid off on December 15th, 2010, so I should make it as long as I don't lose my job (knock on wood).

  22. Anonymous12:27 PM

    I don't do resolutions since I never keep them. But I do try to do something to better myself.

  23. My resolutions are to exercise more and to read more CDAN!

  24. West End Girl, I found a great way to not turn into a cat lady - I bought a dog. ;)

  25. 2010 resolution: try to finally stop smoking. Wish me luck!

    My 2009 resolution was to take a more active approach to helping others out- started volunteering at various shelters and organizations rather than just passively making a donation. It's probably the only resolution I've actually stuck with, and I'm glad I did- it feels great to give and help others in need knowing that you've actually helped make a difference, no matter how trivial, in the life of another person.

  26. I lost 25lbs. this year! I think I kept my resolution.

    This year, I am vowing to be healthier to my mind, body and my soul. I refuse to take crap from the "bullies" in my life and I am ridding myself of the toxic relationships that plague my life.

    I plan on defending myself and my thoughts, and sharing my opinions freely when I want. I want 2010 to be about me. I wasted too much time and energy in '09 worrying about other people's feelings who clearly had no intentions of caring about mine.


  27. I am going to floss more. Last year I tried to stop ending sentences with prepositions. That was really hard and I have definitely cut down.

  28. an alcohol free year. and i didnt make any last year.

  29. Wanted to go back to basics in my household cleansers and beauty products (using vinegar to clean everything now, and removing parabens, pthalates and others from my cupboards and from my beauty regime).

    And I kept it :)

    Next year is to not shop. 2010 = No new clothes

  30. no resolution last year..

    hrmm confession: for 2 years now I've been a hermit.. I gave up on the goodness of people and turned my back on humanity. I've literally shut the world out and have not had any real contact with the outside world.. My resolution this year is to come out of my cave.. Take back responsibility and control of my own happiness and to stop hiding from the world...

  31. Last year's resolution was get a divorce - check : )

    This year's is lofty, but doable: 1) Eat healthy the majority of the time, 2) Keep up with my exercise program, 3) Quit smoking, 4) Get a job and 5) Attempt to be more social and get out of the house more.

  32. Anonymous12:56 PM

    Good luck, Dr. Spaceman! And to you, too, Genesis. I'm in the same boat. It sucks, but I'm still optimistic for 2010.

  33. Cannot remember last year's to save my life. But I did finally join a gym in September.

    This year's resolution: Publish two articles each month, travel-themed or otherwise.

  34. 1. lose weight
    2. be nicer

    to all of you quitting smoking--congrats and GOOD LUCK!!! Remember, take it hour by hour sometimes. (i.e. I won't have a cigarette! I will last through this tv program! etc.) It is so hard and I am praying for you!!

  35. Meh to resolutions usually. However, this year I'm making one to stop doing favours for people who don't deserve 'em :)

  36. Krystal Heather, You can do it!!!!!

    I don't really do new years resolutions. 2009- was really crappy (mom went through chemo/radiation) and happy (just got engaged on Christmas!) So I am just happy to have my family and loved ones alive and safe!!!

    Enty, I love this blog, I just started reading a couple weeks ago and I am OBSESSED!! I'm soooooooo excited for tomorrow :) :)

  37. I resolved to lose weight before my wedding in 2009, did manage to lose over 25 lbs. (Congrats to Lauren on her weight loss too!)

    My resolution for 2010: lose another 20 lbs., and do a better job at saving $. We plan to vacation next year, which we haven't done for almost 3 years due to work and financial constraints.

    P.S. Crossing my fingers for you, Spaceman! And for you, 0, on quitting smoking. It's been almost 3 years for me, if I can do it so can you!

    Happy New Year to all CDANers and you too Enty! xoxox

  38. @kristal heather: be strong! yes,you can!
    @spaceman:good luck!

  39. I kept last years which was to stop biting my nails. It was an awful habit I had my whole life!

    This year mine is to really start putting away in my savings, EVERY WEEK. Wish me luck!


  40. My dad recently died of liver cancer. We have been receiving really nice tributes to him and his character from his friends and co-workers. I don't know if they expressed themselves to him while he was living (somehow I doubt it) and I know how much it would have meant to him to hear how much people admired and respected him. He was a man of integrity who got beaten down by slick corporate climbers and it really wore him down.
    My goal for this year is to appreciate the people in my life. That means to tell them what they mean to me and to spend more quality time with them. I'm also jettisoning those who haven't been supportive. Life is too short to have anyone in my life who doesn't treat me with respect.

  41. I didn't make a resolution for 2009 but this year's resolution is: Don't die in 2010. It's harder than one would think.

  42. My other resolution for 2010: completely ignore vapid non-celebrities, a la Jon & Kate, Kardashians, etc... as of midnight I'm no longer going to even acknowledge that these people exist :)

  43. Last year, I made a resolution to be more positive. I actually did it for a change and was really happy for most of the year. It's a little bit ironic because I just broke up with my boyfriend and now I'm filled with negativity. Guess I'll be making the same resolution this year! :)

  44. I don't remember if I had a resolution last year. I usually don't make them, for just that reason.

    But this NYE finds me at a new chapter in my life, mother to two babies (22 months and 7 months old), so I guess my resolution is to handle my lingering bad behaviors, like cursing, losing my temper, and not taking care of myself with exercise and proper diet, before I pass them on to the kids.

  45. 2009 = walk more, drive less. Did ok.

    2010 = drink more water. (It's so dry here in sunny Colorado and it's easy to dehydrate.)

  46. 2009 resolution: Finish paying off student loans. Resolution kept (Thank Jebus!).

    2010 resolution: Save half of what I spent each month paying off those student loans towards retirement and the other half towards a downpayment for a condo/house.

    Also, try to be a little less type A this year.

  47. don't make em, but I do plan on being healthier and nicer to my hubby...

  48. 2009: Lose weight. I didn't start really working on it until a few months ago, but have lost 28lbs.

    2010: Lose the rest of the weight. I'm not going to say how much, it's a little depressing, but I'm not going to spend one more year overweight!

  49. I have been out of school so long, I can't remember what a preposition is.

  50. 2010: read CDAN every day and hope that Enty finally reveals who Coke Mom & Toothy Tile is!

  51. In 2010 I hope to:
    - stop being my own worst enemy
    - lose the self hatred
    - improve my self confidence

    I've got a lot of work to do, wish me luck!

  52. My resolution was to lose weight, start exercising daily and quit drinking so much. I've done all 3 this year, though may slip up on the last one if I go to that New Year's Party tonight. My 2010 resolution is to either stop hating my current job or find another one more to my liking, and find a nice place in the city (I live on the outskirts of Seattle right now).

  53. I don't usually make them, but for 2010... Be kinder, be more compassionate, be more grateful, be happier.

    Happy New Year & see you tomorrow! I'll be dreaming of BV's for sure. haha

  54. Last Years Resolutions:

    1. Lose 5-7 pounds: NO
    2. Eat less salt: NO
    3. Be more frugal: YES
    4. Remember details: NO

    This Year's Resolutions:

    1. Lose 10 pounds

  55. Anonymous2:16 PM

    I'm with Alli-- my resolution is to be more positive and less of a negative nancy

  56. happy 2010 everyone!

    i didn't make any resolutions last year. this year, after losing a bunch of weight my resolution is going to be to get toned - i am skinny and yet the flabbiest, most out of shape person i have ever seen.

    @krystal heather - i'm in kind of the same boat and my other resolution this year is to be more social - and i'm starting that one tonight!

    good luck to everyone with your resolutions!

  57. I'm going to put out more. I think my husband will be pleased. :p

  58. I plan to live a really great life next year despite the fact that my @sshole husband is out on a date with my former sister in law's younger sister! Nice that he manages so much effort for a new piece considering how many New Year's he spent passed out at 9pm on the couch! I truly hope and pray that karma is a huge bitch for them.

    On a lighter note, I am much happier that I will be unloading him in the upcoming year.

    I wish everyone a really great 2010!

  59. My resolution is to get the hell off of these gossip blogs, but I suspect it'll be broken by 1/4/10. ;)

  60. Anonymous2:58 PM

    My resolution in 2009 was to give more money to charity. I did keep it, but I could, and should, have done more. I'm embarrassed that I only gave like 1% of my income to charity. I will do better in 2010.

    My resolution was to lose 50 lbs in 2009. I lost while I didn't quite keep it, I wasn't too far off!

    I also pledged to stop letting the past destroy the present. I've gotten better, but that's going to be a decades-long resolution.

    I'll be here with bells on to read the reveals.

  61. I started 2009 recovering from a double-back surgery (#'s 3 & 4), and a mother-in-law whose health was failing. My resolution was to get through/survive the year, which I did. But now it's time to get serious and get my life back on track. It's been monopolized by work and health issues, and the rest of it is a mess. So for 2010 it's about getting back on track - losing the extra weight, better time management, accomplishing steps towards key life goals, working hard for the money and being a better wife, family member & friend. It's a lot, but that's what I'm setting out to do.

  62. I live in Minnesota - my 2009 resolution was to either love it or leave it.

    I am still here and I am frickin' miserable.

    Guess what my resolution for 2010 is (hint - involves a U-Haul).

    Good luck to all and Happy New Year!

  63. I acheived much more than my '09 resolutions -- was a fantastic year in so many ways! 2010 goal is to get a book deal based on my beauty blog, :)

  64. 2009: I stopped smoking, finally found a job, got my mother in a retirement community, started working out.

    2010: return to school, enjoy vacation with boyfriend, spend more time with friends, do more community service, continue to workout.

  65. Anonymous3:25 PM

    2010 resolution: get pregnant!

    Never made a 2009 resolution.

  66. Anonymous3:33 PM

    I will not bore my boss by with the same excuse for taking leaves. I will think of some more excuses.

    I will give up chocolates totally. 100%. Completely. Honestly....

    I will spend less than one hour a day on the Internet. This, of course, will be hard to estimate since I'm not a clock watcher.

    I will think of a password other than "password."

    Safe travels all! I wish everyone a healthy,happy and prosper 2010.


  67. Anonymous4:00 PM

    2009: No resolution I can think off.
    2010: Get out of credit card debt.

    And for you smokers out can do it! I smoked for 10 years & I did hypnosis. It worked. I also made sure I walked almost every day and drank a ton of water.

    It was hard. I would even dream of smoking cigarettes.

    Don't miss the stink or the sneaking out to smoke. I still think of smoking a cig though. Hey, I smoked because I liked it!!

    Happy New Years!!!!

  68. I'm also increasing awareness of Ringling Brothers Circus animal abuse. Did you know their animals are beaten bloody and electroshocked to perform circus tricks for our entertainment. Please consider boycotting and taking your children to an animal sanctuary instead. See photos, videos and more details at or

    Much love to each and every one of you!

  69. oh Polly don't leave us! We're all miserable until June, but isn't it worth it then?

  70. @chihuahuense, Thank you, but if I can't love it, I have to leave it!! We'll see what happens...

  71. Hey everyone! My New Years Resolution is to evolve into a yummy mummy.

    I kept my resolutions this past year- to wear more hats and to secretly buy a special designer treat for my constantly self-sacrificing Mum and Sis.

    Have a great year everyone- your comments have been so fab.

    Happy New Year Enty x

  72. I am going to re-read every book I have. (I'm going to make sure I still love them, if not--they're gone).

    And get to a place where I don't have to work overtime to pay the minimum....

  73. Hey everyone! My New Years Resolution is to evolve into a yummy mummy.

    I kept my resolutions this past year- to wear more hats and to secretly buy a special designer treat for my constantly self-sacrificing Mum and Sis.

    Have a great year everyone- your comments have been so fab.

    Happy New Year Enty x

  74. I'm letting the crap go in 2010 & yes I did.

  75. Good luck to everyone, esp. the people who put losing weight on their list. My advice (I know you didn't ask, but hey) is: instead of planning to lose weight, plan on working out and exercising as much as you can. That way, you'll get healthy, strong, and pump up your metabolism -- Weight is just a number, and if you exercise right, you'll gain pounds of muscle anyway. My goal is to get up to 200 pounds with a 30 inch waist, probably only be able to maintain that for 2 months (June and July), then let up on the workouts a little. Good luck all!

  76. Sadly, I can't remember last year's resolution (it's h-e-double-hockey-sticks getting older, lol). For 2010 I'm going the tried & true resolution to take better care of myself all around.

  77. Exercise is my anti-drug, by the way. I used to be a coke and meth freak, but now I get my stimulation from the gym (and from love, but I shouldn't kiss and tell) --

  78. and Happy New Year CDAN community!

  79. to follow my intuition 100% of the time.
    I didn't make aresolution for 2009...but its been a gr8 one!

  80. Don't remember if I made a resolution for 2009 so if I did, I prolly didn't keep it.

    My resolutions for 2010 are to get a job. At this point, I'm not sure how I'm gonna make that happen since NO ONE has even called me for an interview.

    Once I have FINALLY have a job, I'm gonna pay a few favors forward for kindnesses that have been bestowed upon me in the last 2 months.

    I also want to start a savings account again. I closed the one I had when I lost my job and I hate not having that security.

    Happy New Year!

  81. Polly, I left once, but after 6 months I missed my family and friends too much and I moved back. At least I know I gave it a try. :) I still think the whole state should shut down for the month of January and we should all head someplace warm. The rest of the winter isn't great, but January in Minnesota is inhumane.

    Congrats to everyone who succeeded in last year's resolutions - I'm impressed with all you guys did! And good luck to everyone with this year's.

  82. Polly, we made the decision to leave Minnesota in 2003, and while we at times miss it we find it a much better place to visit than live! Don't regret the decision at all. But to each his own. Maybe you'll view things differently when the eight months of winter come to an end! Happy New Year!

  83. Good Luck to everyone! I am jumping on the fitness train, I quit smoking, and gained weight. It needs to GO!

    Congradulations for all your 2009 success and good luck to all for 2010 :}

    @barton, good for you!

    @Jenny, I'm sorry :(

    @budford google before you choose splenda, a study was just released saying it causes some good digestive bacteria to die

    @ms. cool-yea for you! that really is cool, I want that for my family too.

    @melinda What outskirts are you in? I am across the pond in kitsap.

    Good Luck!

  84. Kiss more; hate less.

    Didn't have a resolution last year.

  85. Resolution 2009: Be first one in my family to graduate college...ACCOMPLISHED!!!!

    Resolution 2010: 1.Be more social and out going, I am too young (22) to be in the house every night with my 55 yo mother watching everything on HGTV.

    2. Get my heart back from my bullsh*t a** ex-boyfriend, who broke me mentally and emotionally for the last 6 years.

    3. Apply to graduate school.

    4. Start saving money, so I can get Sallie Mae off my back and quit dodging bill collectors.

    Happy New Years Everybody!!! This website and commenters are the highlight of my day. You made me smile when I felt like crap.

  86. 2009: No resolution

    2010: Quit drinking, exercise at least 5 days a week, eat more healthy meals, read more books, GET A JOB.

    @ West End Girl - You can come stay with me. I live in Florida and have a spare room.

    @ Barton Fink - That's great! I will try to think of you when I put off exercising so I will feel inspired.

  87. 2009: no resolution.

    2010: no men. period.

  88. 2009 None, I had just gotten married and I was too caught up in all that.

    2010 Be a great mom to my soon to be baby! Maybe I should start reading some books?

  89. Didn't do one last year but this year I hope to stop smoking and start running again. Also to grow more vegetables in my garden. Happy new year everyone and Yay to reveals.

  90. Haven't made resolutions for years, but am doing so for 2010. Essentially they revolve around LIVING instead of existing. I've been coasting along and existing for a few years and need to take active steps to make things happen instead of letting things happen or depending on others to make things happen for me. Does this make sense?

    Oh - and to give more money to shelters and animal rescue orgs instead of visiting to rescue an animal. Or will send someone else to do it for me since I have the self-control of a four year old child in these situations. I walked out of a shelter last Sunday with SIX new pets, instead of the three I went in there to adopt. I officially have a very full and lively house ;-)

  91. This comment has been removed by the author.

  92. @ Mooshki, I'm tempted to get a dog but don't really have the space and the 2 pusses might take umbrage ;)

    @ Mango, I might just take you up on that offer one day, hehe.

  93. I didn't make a resolution last year. I guess you can say I made one for 2010. I like to call it a plan.

    I plan on getting back into shape, so that I can look into having a baby at the end of the year.

  94. Mine are usually always the same. Lose weight/exercise more.
    Go to church more.
    Stop cursing so much.
    Pay Off Debt
    Read more books

    Last year one of mine was to remember birthdays and send cards. I always look forward to getting mine and i know its nice to be remembered. I did pretty good with that resolution.

  95. Thanks for the kind words y'all, -- My motto for 2010 is from that kind of dreadful remake of GLORIA with Sharon Stone, where she tells the kid: "Snap out of it, kid. Life is a dream; it only lasts a minute." So I want us all to have a good minute!
