Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Anna Kournikova's Mom Charged With Neglect

You all know Anna Kournikova don't you? She is the former tennis player and always model who dates or is engaged to or is married to Enrique Iglesias. That all depends on which story you are currently reading. Well, Anna has a 5 year old half brother who is in the hospital today because his mom left him alone in the house to go run errands.

Apparently the 5 year old didn't want to go so she said ok and left him watching television. By the time the police found her it had been about an hour since she had left the house. Ummm, if your five year old says no, you pick them up and take them anyway. In my opinion that is way too young to be left alone for that long. The first time I remember being left alone I was about 6 and I think it was for about 20 minutes.

So, at some point after Anna's mom left the house, the 5 year old decided to jump out a second floor window because he didn't want to be alone anymore. Neighbors found him crying, screaming and bleeding on some rocks where he had landed. Luckily his injuries were only some bruising and some cuts and scrapes. Anna's mom was charged with a third degree felony for neglect of a child.


  1. Was he watching Peter Pan?

  2. what the HELL is wrong with people! these type of people are the same ones who call me over protective cause I didn't let my 12 stay home alone. Idiots!

  3. That is just plain dumb.

  4. Anonymous10:10 AM

    i say they toss her out of the same window. what a dumbass

  5. no nannies to leave hin with?

  6. I don't have kids, but since it hasn't been that long since I was one, I feel as though I can speak on this with some authority: what kind of five-year-old jumps out of a second floor window rather than going downstairs, unlocking the door, and exiting the damn house like a normal child? If he was locked in his room for whatever reason, was it really so bad that he felt the need to jump out of the window?!

    I can remember being six, and thinking that so long as I used a trash bag as a parachute I could successfully jump out of anything and land safely. Although I was sure of my success rate, I still tested my theory by securing a tashbag on the arms of my heaviest stuffed animal before I threw it out of my bedroom window and the second floor.

    Naturally, I think she's a crap mother for leaving her 5-year-old home alone.

  7. I remember being little and asking my mom why she wouldn't let me do whatever I want. Her reply was that it's negligent parenting to let your kid do whatever she wants. Looks like this is a good case in point.

  8. WTF is wrong with people?!?!? i can't even count the number of times my kid has not wanted to go with me somewhere, which frankly would be easier sometimes than bringing her, but i don't let her. why??? because she's fucking FIVE!!!

    rant over. these stories just piss me off. lazy ass parents...

  9. I used to work at the Bollettieri Tennis Academy where Anna learned her trade. (Anna was dumb as a box of rocks but could play tennis). Her mother was always around. Father was never seen. Rumour had it that Anna's parents mated only to produce a top athlete offspring. I'm really surprised to hear about a 5 yr old half brother, she's gotta be pretty old for a kid that age.

  10. My friend's ex-husband did the same thing with her five year old a while back. And their child is a terror to begin with. The ex came to her house and she found out the young one was home alone. She got in her car and drove like a demon to get the child. I thought that asshole ex of hers was the only one stupid enough to do this. I guess the stupidity of people never fails to surprise me.

  11. Enrique, this brain trust is what you will be waking up to in the future. Please save yourself.

  12. @ treesap - it was reported yesterday that the front door had a dead bolt that could only be opened with a key and the windows were sealed shut. Even when the police showed up, they had to climb in that very same window the kid jumped out of, as they couldn't open the door or any windows.

    Like Ent said, even if the kid didn't want to go, she's the one in charge and she should've just taken him with her.

  13. Doesn't she have enough money for a nanny?

  14. Oh. My. GOD what is wrong with this woman?? Five is DEFINITELY to young to be left alone. I suppose he could have pulled this stunt when she was home but then at least she'd be there to help him instead of having the neighbors come to his rescue. People should have to take IQ tests before being allowed to reproduce.

  15. So, surfer, what you're saying is that the kid was basically trapped in the house and if he had to get out (fire?)he couldn't without jumping from the 2nd floor. Great....

    My son was once 5 and I could barely leave him alone in another room without him getting into some sort of trouble. Never would have left him home alone.

  16. even if he was bolted in...why the fuck is he jumping out a window? i know that's beside the point,it just seems weird.

    and she is a nutjob. the first time i was left alone was 9,one time and then 11 or 12.

    one of my freind's won't let her 13 yo daughter stay home alone, i think that's paranoid. she's a good kid,moms need to let go.

  17. parents used to have me babysit my 1 year old brother when I was 6. Thank god people have woken up.

  18. Although I agree what she did is wrong, it's not totally out of the realm of possibility that this kid (and others) jump out of windows even when their parents ARE home. Would they be charged with neglect in that case, too?

  19. I was expecting it to be something about her neglecting herself. I mean, look at her. Yeesh.

  20. mikey, that's exactly what I'm saying. Apparently there was an extra key on top of the refrigerator. You can read about it at the Palm Beach Post website. It's beyond sickening.

  21. Good god, man.. sounds like the kid was already messed up. That's not typical 5 year old behavior, I'm sorry.

  22. He jumped in a pool, by the way.
    He was found bleeding and wet.
    What an A$$

  23. @jax: "even if he was bolted in...why the fuck is he jumping out a window?"

    The kid jumped because he's abused inside that house & this isn't the first time he's been locked up & abandoned.

    My ex neighbor did the same to her kid from the time he was 3 apparently. We finally called the cops. Poor child had a deadbolt on the outside of his bedroom door. They would go out to shindigs in the Hummer, all decked out & acting classy. That kid was messed up & it still makes my stomach turn. I ran into her several years later & she was still chasing him around, threatening him w/ a wooden paddle at age 9 & there is a lock on his door. Vulgar.

  24. You need a licence for a lot of things...reproducing should be one of them.

  25. sunnyside, my brother (3 years older than me) was my babysitter.

    One time I threatened to jump out of our 4th floor window because my brother didn't want me to come down to the playground - this was late at night in an apartment block. One of the tenants in a building on the other side got sick of hearing me yell so he called out, "Jump!" I'm surprised we never got a visit from Child Services.
