Friday, January 01, 2010

Blind Items Revealed

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

This B list movie and television actress from a hit network drama went ballistic today when she overheard two crew members making fun of the fact that our actress was in the lowest grossing movie in the history of movies. Bonus points for the movie.

Katherine Heigl - Zzyx Road


  1. This was guessed easily, looks good on you, Heigl.

  2. My lunch date canceled - hooray!

  3. Lots of people got this if i recall, well done guys!!

    Not surprised she lost her cool, she is meant to be a pain to work with, right?

  4. Ha! Shocker, huh?

  5. I've never heard of that movie...

  6. How do you pronounce Zzyx anyway?

  7. In all fairness, wouldn't you freak out if you overheard co-workers making fun of you? Truthfully, I get her reaction. Also, truthfully, I can't say I've even heard of this film.

    I can't help it, I like Heigl, though I get that this is a highly unpopular position. I like the gals with the big mouths sometimes. Shades of Davis.

  8. happy you can stay with us Sunny :)

    I swear Katherine only adopted that kid was to be seen in a softer light since it is a special needs child. I have a feeling that kid better not use wire hangers when it gets older.

    She always seemed like a mega bitch.

  9. Carajo! She has some nerve. She went on the talk show circuit and complained that she had to work 17 hour days, or something like that, on Grey's Anatomy. What she conveniently neglected to mention was that this was done to accomodate her and her movie shooting schedule.

  10. "marigoogleaccount said...
    How do you pronounce Zzyx anyway?"

    you pronounce it, utter shite.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Hahahaha @ genesis- I know what you mean

    It's pronounced "zih-zix"

  13. It's pronounced ZI-zix.

    I love items about Heigl being the utter bitch she is.

  14. I recall that folks got this one right off the bat, too. Good work!

  15. Apple- she told the same story on Regis & Kelly, Letterman, Access Hollywood, and others.

  16. Enty: Still have that engraved silver flask from Tiffany that KH gave you for the ride home from the vodka party a few years ago? Just wondering.

  17. i agree with @Kat but I can totally see this go down!

  18. Schadenfreude, biotch!

  19. KH gave enty presents? shocker! but isuppose you have to rub elbows to get good blinds

  20. Emobacca said...
    Heigle in Zyzzyx Road

    1:35 PM

    for his/her second win of the day!

  21. I thought she adopted the baby b/c she has an adopted sister and that is what they do in their family.

  22. sometimes in life you have to learn to laugh at yourself. i can totally see her going ballistic. too bad she couldn't have just cracked a joke about it herself, she just gave those guys more justification to want to do things like...make fun of her and the crappy movies she makes.

  23. Reese, I wonder about the flask from time to time too! Love it!

  24. i really dont mind her, she seems like a nice enough person compared to many others. also, that movie is not supposed to be bad, actually - i remember reading an article about how it came about that it made so little money.

  25. I've never heard of this movie...going to IMDB. Well I'm sure if she was a nice person perhaps they would not have been making fun of her in the first place?

    @ Kingrey, she was on Conan (I think?) complaining about that too.
    If I could make $200k for 17 hours of work, I sure as hell wouldn't be complaining!

  26. Never liked her. I agree that she whines way too much. Considering that she's a WORKING actress and thousands of people out there are more talented and waiting on tables or doing other things for their "big break" she seem very ungrateful. Uber biotch to me.

  27. Kat, I agree it's understandable, but the classy way to handle it is to be able to laugh at yourself. I'm still really impressed that Halle Berry showed up to accept her Razzie for 'Catwoman.'

  28. @ Mooshki - exactly. Loves me some Halle for that!
