Thursday, January 28, 2010

Cameron Douglas Takes It Like A Man

Cameron Douglas plead guilty to just about everything that federal prosecutors charged him with. The big charge was the dealing crystal meth which carries a minimum ten year prison sentence. In comparison the heroin possession thing he had hanging over him because his girlfriend tried to smuggle it to him in an electric toothbrush seems like small potatoes compared to the rest. His heroin situation wasn't as bad as Pete Doherty's but Cameron will still get some extra jail time for his while Pete is sitting at home watching sex tapes he made of judges while he sticks a needle in his arm and talks about how much he loves the UK.

Looking back you could kind of see this guilty plea coming. In that AARP magazine interview, Michael Douglas said Cameron still has a lot of life ahead of him which is true. Cameron is 31 and in ten years he will still have lots of time and it isn't like he will need to find a job when he gets out. Better to get straight now and enjoy the rest of your life then doing the back and forth thing for the next 20- years and realizing you wasted your life away.


  1. So sick of seeing rich kids act stupidly just so they can piss off their parents. Oh my daddy wasn't around whine whine, boo hoo, neither was mine...get it together!

  2. that is one unfortunate-looking douglas. the guy pissed away his 20s, let's hope he won't repeat the pattern into his 30s. i think jail time will actually do him a whole lotta good.

  3. Pookie, he has pissed away his 30s and some of his 40s. A weak-willed druggie in prison, so he's going to have a bad time.

  4. Children + Too Much Money + No Values

  5. Didn't someone on this board say that it's easy to get drugs in prison? Well if that's true than Cameron may not be clean when he's released in ten years.

  6. He didn't have any choice but to plead guilty, the government as a 92% conviction rate and will spend millions to prosecute you. That's why most people plea bargain out. You have to serve 85% of you time, and if you attend a drug alcohol course that is two years I believe you get one year off your sentence - he's going to do at least 7 years. He does have a chance for a life but in no way are his parents responsible, he's an addict and they do stupid things and make stupid decisions, and this has probably cost his father a small fortune as it is.

    Adults have to be held accountable not their parents, but he had no choice and is probably very sad right now. Let's hope he stays sober in prison and is able to rebuild a life for himself after this is over.

  7. He is an only child and his Mom is worth over a 100 million after her divorce from Michael.

    He will be just fine in life. Like the Zandra said he will do at least 7 years. Not so long where is life is over.

    I'm sure he will come out of this like an angel and just quietly wait for his inheritance.

  8. i LOVE his shirt!!! even the glasses are cool.

  9. oh he'll be taking it like a man everyday for 10 years.

    he was really good in that movie with Micheal and Kirk.

  10. OF COURSE you can get drugs in prison. and you know who you get them from? GUARDS. it's common knowledge in law enforcement that most contraband (cellphones, drugs, etc.) in prison comes in this way.
    guards have a shitty job and don't make much money. this is pretty lucrative.

  11. Hmm, I wonder if they're currently accepting applications? Stillwater women's prison, here I come!

  12. While I hope he turns around his life I'm also reminded of the impact he had on the lives of those he sold drugs to. I suppose, if not him, then they would have gotten the drugs from another pusher.

  13. I never understood guys that choose to look like stereotypical butch lesbians.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. He looks exactly like his father.
