Monday, January 25, 2010

Diddily Piddily Gives His Kid A $400,000 Car

Diddily Piddily threw his son a Super Sweet 16th birthday party and MTV was there to record it all. The highlight of the party was not Snooki getting hammered (which she did) but instead Diddly Squiddly giving his 16 year old kid a $360,000 Maybach. Because his son doesn't even drive yet, Doody also hired a driver. Of course there was the $10,000 in cash that was given to his son which his son promptly gave to the people of Haiti. Ummm, how about reversing that whole thing. Give the $360,000 to Haiti and let the kid blow $10,000. What on earth does a 16 year old kid need with a $360,000 car? When I was 16 I had the most beat up boat to drive in and I was grateful. Most of my friends had two horsepower Nikes as their vehicle of choice.


  1. I got my first car five years ago. I was 35. Kids these days!

  2. i am not sure what is worse, that or what he did to his little girls.

  3. What did he do to his girls?

  4. that sounded worse than it was. but you know what i mean, those pictures of the little girls.. that was just weird

  5. I loved Michael K's headline to this story "What Recession?"

    There are seriously WAAAAAAY better things to spend your money on, Didds. I wonder how he sleeps at night sometimes. I also wonder if he votes with his heart or his pocketbook. (Assuming he does vote.)

  6. "I find conspicuous consumption distasteful." Tim Gunn.

  7. He doesn't strike me as a moral compass. I am not surprised at what the Diddily does ever. If you tell me that he'll have a gun in a nightclub and the leave the scene of a shooting, i won't be surprised. Oh wait - that sounds real familiar.

  8. those pics he released

  9. You know, it seems to me that its Diddily's money, why can't he do what he wants to do with it? Why should he have to give it away to Haiti? Giving to charity is and should be a choice. If you want to give, by all means give. But if you want to do something extravagant for your kid ,you earned the money, you should be able to do it. That being said, I can't stand P-Doody--never did, never will.

  10. I miss my '73 Newport. Massive back seat too.

  11. What a weird photo shoot. Those pics will haunt them for the rest of their lives.

  12. he CAN do what he wants with his money, and we can comment on it, too. it's a ridiculous thing to do with it, but hey, it's diddly. who's surprised?


  13. Ugh. This story is the reason I logged off dlisted a few hours ago!

    CANNOT STAND this ugly mouth-breather.

    Betcha his kid idolized assholes like Chris Brown, too. I can't even begin to think how a kid brought that spoiled treats ANYbody.

  14. Thanks for this, Enty.
    This is everything that is wrong about Diddy. A party to show how he wastes money and to spoil his son publicly, clearly raising him to be as materialistic as he is. Disgusting. All of it.

  15. If MTV was filming that means MTV picked up the tab for the party. And you know that kid don't own no Maybach. Diddy surely owns it and it was just a prop.

    Just like the 10k was a prop. Yes the money will go to Haiti but it was never meant for Justin.

    I just get the feeling that all Diddy wants to be in life is a white jewish man.

  16. that's new money for you...just as tacky as timbaland giving his son a lambo gallardo...only to be ebayed for $300k a yr later...

  17. Are we sure this is Diddy's biological child?

    The kid is good-looking AND has a chin.

  18. Of course, he could be a great kid. I speak without knowing...

    We shall see when the Sweet 16 show airs, if it does. They usually play up the drama on those shows.

  19. He may have ordered the car for the kid before the Haiti disaster. He earned the money, he can spend it any way he chooses. Still think he's a goof but a richer, smarter goof than me.

  20. I'm sure the kid had to work really hard for that car! He probably makes his bed every morning, puts his dishes in the sink when he is done eating, sets the table, etc...


    He probably hasn't wiped his own ass in his lifetime.

  21. A white Jewish man? How do you figure that Apple?

  22. You beat me to it, green wave gal. What exactly is she implying? Nothing bigoted or stereotypical I hope.

  23. That picture with his girls is disturbing.

  24. @surfer...I have a feeling that's where she's going which is why I asked. Glad I'm not the only one who thought that...

  25. That boy's hair style sucks. Yuk.

  26. No I wasn't. I was saying was that he was trying to throw his son a batmitvah (sp?) not a sweet sixteen.

    Calm down race brigade.

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. Anonymous1:36 PM

    Bat mitzvah is for girls. A boy would have a bar mitzvah, and at the age of 13.

    I don't even know what a Maybach is. I use public transit.

    The genetic dice did roll in the kid's favor, he might even grow up to be good looking. Are we sure he's Diddy's kid?

  29. How come Diddy has so much money? What has he done in the last 5 years? Seriously ... he made some crappy records like 10 years ago that were simply someone else's already-recorded song with him talking over the track. Where's all his money come from? His clothing line can't possibly do that well. Even if he does pull in *some* cash, he pretty much hemorrhages money at every turn. I predict Diddy will go down in bankruptcy flames a la MC Hammer.

  30. P Daddy Diddly is buying his sons love, it seems.


  31. What's w/ the hate.

    Diddy earned his money...therefore he can do whatever he want to do with HIS MONEY.

    When you make can do whatever you want to do w/ your money ( as long as it is legal) w/o moral condemnation from others.

    I swear...what is the problem.

    Who says that he has to give to Haiti...if he doesn't want to he should be emotionally blackmailed into it.

    I don't get w/ getting angry at people for spending their money they way they want to spend it.


    Yes...that is diddy kid...he just take up more after his mom...I forget her name but he really looks like her.

    Boy is going to be handsome when he gets older and just a bit spoilt but whatever.

  32. All you people taking the high road and saying he can spend his money any way that he wants to are totally right on.

    However, he should be ashamed of himself for gifting his kid with a car that costs $360k during a global economic crisis and THEN parading around on TV.

    His actions deem him insensitive.
    What happened to "Mo Money, Mo Problems"?

  33. let's stop 'he should give the money to haiti instead' NOW' it is starting it get on peoples' nerves... It's diddy's money, his kid, he can blow it however he wants. Do you know that he did not give anyother money to Haiti? Even if he did, it's not our business. I saw something earlier in the day, in the NY Post, that certain Celebrities are upset that Conan O'brien went 'wild' with NBC's money last week, spending it on guests, songs, etc. when people are dying, starving, etc in Haiti. Like NBC would have taken that money and given it to Haiti. lets go further. Cancel sundance, the grammies, the oscars, take all the swag, gifts, money saved from flights and give it to haiti. Easy to take a moral high road when it means you are not writing the check

  34. There's another kid likely to grow up to be a fucked up mess.

  35. wow, everyone's got a case of the Mondays, eh?

    I just wanted to jump in on the "eff Diddy" bandwagon by saying:

    Did anyone see his SHITTY cologne commercials around Christmastime? When those two ladies come strolling downstairs and he is like "oh, no, no, no, you must take my driver".

    I swear, it was like three seconds acting, but it was the worst three seconds of acting I had ever seen. I would literally curl up in a ball, cover my eyes and ears and go "ahhhhhhhh!" until it was over. My sons and husband think I am a total nutjob.

    Okay. Proceed.

  36. oh, and one more thing. Anyone that is on My Super Sweet Sixteen makes my stomach curl. It is not about how much money they have/spend. Shit, they could be putting all that on a credit card and then file bankruptcy for all I know. I don't care if they they have a dollar or a billion, they still shouldn't act so prideful and teach their kids to act the same.

    It is an embarrassment to watch those pricks.

  37. @Syko - I do believe that he is Al B. Sure's son.

  38. Of course he can spend his money the way he wants....but seriously folks...a 360k car for a 16 year old???

    Still I say he is ridiculous and this seems like he is showing off.

  39. Wow, yet another reason to dislike the guy. Money really doesn't buy class does it. He's so desperate to make people see him as this wealthy, gorgeous, intelligent 'king' of a man, but he'll always be little more than a turd in the punch bowl to me.

  40. This comment has been removed by the author.

  41. Is this the same kid who Diddy arranged a lap dance for a year or two back? It probably is.

    I agree that he doesn't look like his dad at all. This kid is actually good looking.

  42. Anonymous4:37 PM

    His money and trust me, he's more financially savvy than MC Hammer.

  43. That is P Diddy's son Justin with Misa Hylton-Brim. P. Diddy also raises Kim Porter's son that she had with Al B. Sure named Quincy.

    Here's a pic of Quincy and Justin.

    Quincy is on the left and Justin is on the right:

  44. As much as I love P. Diddy, I have to agree with you on this one! No teenager needs a $400k car. And the fact that he can't drive is worse.

    Dementia Thoughts

  45. As a mother of 4.25 children and, in general an all-around disappointed-in-society type mother, I find this absolutely ridiculous and pathetic. This is everything I stand against and can not STAND when my pre-teens watch any of these VH1/MTV reality shows. Here I am considering enlisting and leaving my family to help others', and Poop Diddler is giving his kid a $400 grand car to probably wreck in his first DUI.
    No wonder the majority of rationally thinking people in the world detest us (Americans.)
    Sorry for the rant.

  46. Whenever I see the guests lists of parties thrown for celebrity kids I always wonder if the kid has any friends of his/her own. The guests usually consist of people who came just to get photographed. I doubt Justin is good pals with people like Lil Kim, Snooki, et al. It seems the parents chose the guests based on who will get them in the media, not on who the kid is friends with...I remember feeling the same way when Rumer Willis had a birthday party and people like Goldie Hawn attended. Huh?! I guess if mommy and daddy pay for the party, mommy and daddy get to make up the guest list.

    I'm sure the kids get to invite some of their own friends too but I still think it's weird that so many random celebs show up, especially when the birthday kid is just a teenager and the celebs are all adults.

    And I'm not even going to get started on how tacky this whole affair this. The pictures I've seen say it all.

  47. He seriously needs to spend some money on a good hairstylist for his son. Kid looks like Jeremy Piven up top.

    That's some serious guilt money being spent.

  48. Mooshki,
    You said that more eloquently that I ever could have.


  49. Had to comment on this one. Yes, he has made the money and is free to spend it how he wishes. However, there is a certain grace one exhibits when he is able to look past his own circumstances and be sensitive enough to understand that not everyone is in his position. Actions speak louder than words and his actions speak of ill-timing and insensitivity.

  50. You know, I'm pretty damned cool (just ask my mom!) but I don't think I've ever heard a Puff Daddy/P Diddy song.

    @ chopchop - Yes, where DOES Diddy get his money? (I also ask myself that about Jay-Z). I have never knowingly seen anyone wearing anything from his clothing line, but again, how would I recognize it?

  51. Oh, forgot to say that Diddy's kid is a cutie! I hope he doesn't end up all screwed up. The $10,000 check to Haiti sounds contrived but I would be interested in knowing how much Diddy did contribute to Haitian relief efforts.

  52. oh yeah, and on a side note, conan didnt spend any of that money for real. it was just a joke.

  53. It is indeed Poor Daddy ... um, P Did's money and he has the perfect right to spend it however he likes.

    However, the rest of us have the perfect right to say we think he should have sent it to Haiti.

    And I have the right to chuckle at how much it's going to cost him when he gets that inevitable Saturday night phone call, "Uh, Dad ... it's about the car ... "

  54. I'm pretty sure that when one buys a maybach, one gets a driver for the maybach. It's a car to sit in the backseat and be seen in like "look at my life of luxury as you poor peasants wait for the bus". No DUI's or accidents there...

    Sure, can understand a parents desire to splurge on his/her child if they can afford it, but its a little absurd to spend that much on a child who is probably a spoiled self-absorbed brat who doesn't understand the value of working hard to earn a dollar.

  55. Anonymous1:40 PM

    What's with the lame nicknames? "Piddly diddly" and such. Not cool.

  56. I don't care what he does with his money but NO TEENAGER NEEDS A $360k car.

