Wednesday, January 27, 2010

How Many Judges Has Pete Doherty Slept With?

Pete Doherty isn't very prolific as a musician but he must have been a 24/7 worker bee when he was selling his body because once again he has avoided going to jail. Do you remember last month when the idiot got arrested for bringing 13 packets of heroin into court while he was being sentenced for a different crime? Well, today Pete learned his fate for bringing drugs into court. He got about a $1500 fine. No jail and no rehab either. Seriously? With as many strikes as this guy has against him he gets a fine of $1500 for bringing drugs into court? I don't know if he videotaped judges having sex or if he can identify their peens but something is going on here. How does he stay out of jail????? This wasn't pot, it was heroin. This wasn't a first offense it was number 30 and yet, a really tiny fine and what is his incentive to ever stop or to not bring drugs into court?
Meanwhile a woman (above) who just finished making a movie about Pete Doherty was found dead of an overdose at an apartment Pete visits up to three or four times a week. The woman's name is Robyn Whitehead who is from the family of billionaires.


  1. I am soooo there with you Enty, this guys can get away with murder. He's got the English legal system in his pocket!

  2. I swear the judges have just given up. Pete himself has no desire to get clean.

  3. He must have some real dirt on those judges. It's just unbelievable what he gets away with.

  4. it is unbelievable what he gets away with....

    and why are they making a movie about him?

  5. i wouldn't say OUR system is much better when it comes to celebs.

    anyone who believes there is only one justice system for everybody is delusional.

  6. The Goldsmith family has deeeeeep pockets. If I were Doherty I would be very afraid. If they think he has something to do with Whitehead's death, they could make Doherty just disappear.

  7. considering it is somewhat legalized in the UK ( isn't it still ) I can see why the system is more tolerant with non violent addicts. I don't condone his behavior at all though. And I find it insanely tragic that not only does he harm himself but his life is so glamorized that some poor chick not only fell in with his crowd but adored his lifestyle so much as to immortalize it and lose her life in the process. Opiates are a hell of a drug :(

  8. Wow, Enty are you suggesting that Doperty could have had a hand in her death? I.e., killed her??

  9. Anonymous1:59 PM

    When I saw this yesterday at another site I kept wondering how this idiot ends up not doing jail time or getting a bigger fine.

  10. It doesn't matter how many judges you sleep with if you run afoul of the Goldsmiths. Watch your back, Petey. Do you think he introduced Robyn to the hard stuff?

  11. Either he's got the judges in his pocket, or they're hoping he'll OD eventually.

    Wow, sad about that woman who was filming the documentary. :(

  12. I barely have two cents to rub together and don't get why all these rich people are OD'ing. We're raised in a society that pretty much tells us money is everything (even though we 'know' it isn't) yet some of the most f*cked up people have loads of $.

  13. ah Pete, what a shining example of what can happen when you use drugs. and when I say shining, I mean greasy.

  14. In the top pic Pete seems to be channeling Truman Capote?

  15. I don't know what this man has on the UK's judiciary, but here's another example of Doherty - perhaps literally - getting away with actual murder:

    Love love love your site Enty, I'm a long time lurker - ugh, just realised that makes me sound as creepy as Doherty!

  16. wow, jackie c - that site gave me the creeps! i always thought of doperty as relatively harmless but i'm getting an evil vibe now. *shudders*

  17. "...that makes me sound as creepy as Doherty!"

    Not possible. LOL

  18. @nancer, Robert Downey Jr served time in prison for a lesser drug offense as have many other celebrities.

  19. HOW is Doperty still alive... I'm just curious.. that poor girl dies from an overdose.. is he just a "pro" or something!!!???

  20. It's sad how many lives Doherty has ruined. With Robyn, she made her own choices but as has been reported, Doherty would turn up at get-togethers and treat everyone to free heroin. 'He often put a grand's worth of the stuff on the table bold as brass and told people to help themselves.

    His involvement in Mark's death seems to be more sinister. Mark was not a drug user and the toxicology report showed he only had 4 beers the night he was killed.

    As one your readers suggested, the whole story can be found at

    I'm not sure he has judges in his pocket, although some certainly seem to take an easier line on him than others. One recently told him she 'liked his music' at sentencing! The UK justice system does not like locking up drug users, especially ones enrolled in rehabilitation programs. This seems to be the secret to avoiding jail time.
