Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Is Anyone Missing An Ultrasound?

Are you pregnant? Have you been pregnant recently? Are you missing any ultrasounds? Do you live in the Los Angeles area? If you answered yes to these you may have been the victim of a robbery by Tila Tequila. I know, she is quiet isn't she? For someone who makes so much real world noise I bet you didn't even here her steal your ultrasound. You probably weren't using it anyway and Tila has managed to figure out a way to earn hundreds of dollars. She is selling it.

Apparently Tila is shopping around ultrasounds which prove she is pregnant. Look, I know lots of you love to post your ultrasounds and take them to work and can identify every tiny part of your baby, but her baby couldn't be more than a couple of months old and even if you could see it, how do we know it is hers? As Tom Cruise has shown, you can buy them for your home. I have no doubts that Tila would buy one and do some kind of self ultra sounding. Scratch that. If she did she would have posted videos of it by now.

Who would pay to have the exclusive that she was pregnant? Who would admit to being the dad? She says the guy is Swedish. A couple of weeks ago it was the military guy. She has been busy.


  1. What the hell is that picture?! That ain't right.

  2. she stopped being funny, or cute, long time ago....

    i must say that she is the one, from this crazy pseudo celebrity world, that scares me the most...

  3. haha, she's carrying a boob in that picture. so fitting.

  4. This chit belongs in a psycho ward.

  5. No, seriously, WTF? That is not what a pregnant belly looks like.

  6. It looks like a tumor. Gross.

  7. they photoshopped her boob onto her stomach to make her look pregnant. i think this photo was made during one of her previous "pregnancies". lol. hilarious.

  8. This bitch need DIAF.

    And that pic is wrong on SO many levels.

  9. She is a fruitcake. Love the picture.

  10. I'm with Susan. DIAF. The sooner the better.

    There are places now that will do an ultrasound on you so you can just get the pictures, no dx or medical purpose for it at all for like 300 bucks or so. So if she was indeed pregnant (god, no please) then she wouldn't have to pony up much money to get "proof".

    However, it would just be better if she DIAF.

  11. have fun with the karma of wishing someone DIAF (die in a fire)...especially a 'pregnant' woman. wow.

  12. I think she is crazy. Not just famewhorin' pill takin' crazy, but actually insane.

  13. oh lord. DIAF is just an expression. I obviously do not wish death on others even asshats like Tila Tequila.

    get a grip.

  14. Oh wow, that's just wrong. Thanks Jax, I should have refreshed before posting.

  15. damn, i've been checking back to find out what a DIAF is, i thought it was a mental health hold or something.

    i really hope there is another meaning to DIAF other than die in a fire. that is horrible and just as immature and despicable as tila's. if you are letting a celebrity get under your skin to the degree that you wish they and their unborn child die in a fire it may be time for a gossip time out.


  16. Die in a Fire means to fuck off or go away.

    It does not mean you are wishing death on another.

  17. uh, die in a fire means die in a fire.

    fuck off and go away mean fuck off and go away.

    if you say die in a fire people will assume that is what you're putting out there.

  18. That picture is NASTY!!!!! It's almost as bad as the Verne Troyer tongue pic.

  19. Her tits look awful. Small breasts are gorgeous--why, oh why, do so many women have to get ones that look like they're about to pop? Ugh.

    Whatever, to each their own. But few dudes like tits THAT fake. None I know, anyway.

    Bony chest and body with two cereal bowls snapped on the front. Looks ridiculous.

  20. May this fucking loser die in childbirth. The world will be a better place.

  21. Add me to the list of people disgusted by those that wish death on anyone.
    Tila is a disgusting tramp, but to wish death on her is sickening to me.

  22. Anonymous11:25 AM

    The woman is nuts. Why are the paps even wasting time on her???

  23. I'm just rolling my eyes at these comments. I feel like I walked into a grade 4 class. "She told me to die in a fire, so now I'm going to die in a fire." Please.

  24. That picture scared the living shit out of me!!

  25. OMG. Sue Ellen Mishkey, I'm with you and I'm the jackass who started this. Hee.

    DIAF really truly means to fuck off. It's really not nice and it's very very mean, but fuck. I'm on a god damn gossip blog. Like all of you haven't written mean-spirited things regarding these jackass celebrities. Bitch, please.

    What is with all the judginess?

    Apologies to all offended. Seriously. This is so beyond stupid.

  26. yup, i guess you ARE judged by what you put out there into the world. weird how that works.

  27. i'm not a tila fan...she's a hypocrite and a trainwreck...still tho, to wish her all that...you guys are a tough crowd. :(

    she needs help, serious and for real help. she's delusional...i see a fake miscarriage coming soon...afterall, being ambassador to vietnam and going on tour w/ her newly signed artist, AND releasing her album can take its toll, non? not to mention her messenger of god angel duties...where does she find enough hours in the day? teach me, master.

  28. This woman is toxic and she's infecting us right now. I think everybody here is awesome and we just need to walk away from the Tequilla and move into the loving arms of some healty, healing Vodka.

    *group hug*

  29. I've always detested her. I'm not one to really judge by appearances but I don't know why people find her atractive. I've always thought she looked like a malnutritioned alien.

    Kill it with fire (or DIAF) are mrely expressions, as is "fuck you". You aren't really wishing for that person to have sex with you. Or anyone else for that matter.

  30. What about the people who wished bad stuff on Roman Polanski? Hmmm? Works both ways is all I'm saying. Sometimes there is massive hypocracy on here.

  31. {piously} Judge not, lest ye be jud...WTF is on her stomach? A 3rd boob?

  32. I very rarely wish something horrible on people, being a happy person myself....but some people are just too horrible, and do not deserve to exist, IMO.

    My apologies to anyone offended.

  33. and I apologize for being so judgy. it is not an expression i have ever heard before nor would i use, and it really struck me to hear it.

    BUT, everyone is entitled to their own opinion, whatever that may be, whether i like it or not.

    also, i'm having a really crappy day, which i will not take out on the commentators again. cause you know what? it won't make my day any better to do so.

    hugs to all.

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. Had to revise this after looking at Twitter and then TMZ. Apparently she won't be naming the kiddo Casey-a unisex name by the way.

    Is she drinking glass cleaner and smoking banana peels? Her posts made my brain hurt.

    This story is horrifying but I am pretty sure nothing is out of the range of possibility for TT.

    A shout out to CDAN, Enty and the commenters-this is one of my favorite sites.

  36. @Kelly - "smoking banana peels".. I haven't heard that in ages! haha!!

  37. Anonymous1:18 PM

    DIAF sounds like the grown-up way of saying "go play in traffic". I don't know what is up with Tila Tequila but I really wonder if we'll be talking about her in the present tense this time next year. Sorry to be morbid.

  38. I'm sure DIAF is not meant in the literal sense.

    TT can go away anytime though (that statement can be taken in the literal sense). She is nasty (also literal). Why some of these people are "famous", I haven't a clue.

  39. Unfortunately,all tho she is a total psycho, she is probably perfectly capable of getting pregnant.

  40. On another note, I had 2 very difficult, but thankfully successful, pregnancies and had to have multiple ultrasounds. Both of my children had to have tubes put in their ears and my son (more ultrasounds than my daughter) was partially deaf until he had surgery at two. The specialist that I went to said it was a direct result of all of the ultrasounds that I had had. It scares me that you can just go and buy one so you can have something to sell on ebay rather than for any medical reason.

  41. This comment has been removed by the author.

  42. @kelly with a lowercase k-hope we're not coming to that-selling babies on eBay.

    from Kelly with a capital K.

  43. Praise Geebus, that's a photoshopped pic. When I saw it my first thought was "holy shit that's an abnormal pregnancy" especially since she's only just announced.
    Given her known issues with substance abuse, the fact that she's even contemplating pregancy shows what a self centered opportunistic lowlife she really is.
    If she's actually pregnant, is there some way to lock her up for the duration so she doesn't endanger the child, and then put it up for adoption? I know, this isn't a dictatorship and we have free will, however aren't there laws on the books that cover situations like this?

  44. Wow, I missed the fall out. LMAO I don't really expect someone to die in a fire just like I don't expect someone to really go and fuck themselves either. Just an expression. The more severe the expression normally means the more severe the emotion you are trying to express. In this case, big time annoyed by this broad. I can't believe anyone would even want to spend the time typing to defend this chick even but whatever. If she's pregnant, God help that kid and hopefully child services is right there to take the kid in the delivery room. THEN she can DIAF. Better? :P

  45. Kelly with a capital K, I HOPE that kelly with a lowercase k means selling ultrasound machines on ebay. Although, sometimes I wouldn't mind putting my 7 year old on ebay!

    : )
