Friday, January 22, 2010

It Does Not Happen A Lot

I read through this interview that Brooke Mueller's step-dad gave to Radar. He too is on the Charlie Sheen Kool-Aid train, but he does have a very interesting quote mixed in with all of his Kneepad worthy other quotes. He talks about the incident in Aspen and then says this. "It does not happen a lot, but it was true, she was definitely attacked, that is not made up, there was no reason for any of that to be made up." So, he doesn't attack her a lot, but it happens. WTF? So, this is not the first time? How often is not a lot? Once a month? Once or twice a year?

The thing is with this guy and her mom they just don't seem to care at all that Brooke was attacked with a knife. The guy said he is going to be rooting for Charlie at the SAG Awards this weekend. Really? Is it that important to you to say your son-in-law is Charlie Sheen that you are willing to ignore knife attacks and other assaults against your family?


  1. Gee - with a family like that, who needs Charlie Sheen?

  2. Enty, to answer the question you pose at the end, in a single word, yes.
    Some people will do anything for fame, and others will sell any family member for reflected fame.

  3. these 2 deserve each other.

  4. My ex-husband was abusive to me. The minute my dad found out, he flew to Chicago and had a "meeting" with him. The ex never touched me again. Then I divorced him after I found out he was cheating (adding insult to injury, literally). I have no doubt if he had done something to me again, my dad would have broken both of his arms, and he's not a violent man. Brooke's father is a loser.

  5. i guess when he kills her, her dad will say 'well, it only happened once.'

  6. Charlie must be greasing their palms.

    Denise is going to be on The Oprah Show next week and will discuss Charlie's domestic violence abuse towards her.

    This should be interesting.

  7. That quote leads me to believe that they get into coke-and-alcohol fueled battles often. Coke has a bad effect on some women; its turns them into the Hulk. I have a friend that sweetest girl but when she goes on a her weeklyn coke&alcohol binge, she turns into a brawler and gets into vicious fist fights with her loser boyfriend.

  8. It all boils down to the drugs & alcohol for both of them. Until that is addressed, by both of them, and seriously, I think we'll hear more of these stories. Charlie's not a saint, but I think this relationship is a two-way street when it comes to the abusiveness.

  9. Anonymous12:56 PM

    i think he meant it doesn't happen a lot in hollywood and in the media that people tell the truth...

  10. ...Good lord those poor twins are DOOMED. If that is the enviroment they have as family and extended family they should just have Dr.Drew reserve them a room now.

  11. Linda C, you have an awesome dad.

  12. Agree with Mooshki. That's how a Dad SHOULD behave.

  13. If any man ever hurts the Diva, my husband will wind up in jail.

    This makes me feel very sorry for Brook, and it helps explain, maybe, how she got so messed up. It's very unlikely that these two were responsible, loving parents until Charlie's and all his cash and fame showed up to corrupt them. If they're willing to overlook their daughter's abuse, then they're crappy parents and always have been. Kids - esp. girls - who don't have loving, attentive, bounds setting parents frequently wind up with substance abuse problems and abusive spouses. I hope those poor twins spend a lot of time around Grandpa and Grandma Sheen.

    I'm an obnoxious Libertarian who usually believes parents should be left alone to raise their children as they see fit, but I wish the Sheen twins and Rielle Hunter's baby could be given to someone else.

    I still think Denise Richards is a bimbo, but she's obviously not a lying bimbo.
