Monday, January 04, 2010

It's A New Year And Michael Lohan Has New Tricks

Last year Michael Lohan made a living the second half of the year by selling out his family and friends via secretly recorded audio tapes. Now though Michael has moved on from that dated technology. He knows the internet and the paychecks are all about the video now, so he secretly recorded his ex-girlfriend snorting coke. In his bed. He says it proves she has a drug problem. Therefore he was right when he assaulted her? That seems to be his logic anyway. He plans on showing the video in court but wanted to get paid for it first. You can see it here.

In other shivering Michael Lohan news, he and Kate Major are now a thing. So much so he spent the holidays with her and they got matching tattoos. No word on whether he got her a mesh shirt for Christmas. Oh, Kate Major is the former star reporter who had sex with Jon Gosselin at Michael Lohan's house. They are made for each other. Hopefully she knows about the hidden video camera.


  1. oooooh, he is just a waste of space, though anyone who would get into bed with him can't be too much better. i feel sorry for the poor judge who actually has to hear this case with a straight face. i cannot WAIT for the tables to turn on him. which you know they will, in a glorious fashion.

  2. Anonymous10:00 AM

    kate major must be an archaeologist for how she is taking shit to new depths

  3. Anonymous10:02 AM

    So while she was snorting coke in his bed, what was he doing? You know, if you really don't like that sort of thing, you tell the people to stop doing it and ask them to leave. Just by letting her do it, he's giving tacit approval of what she's doing.

  4. Eeewwww! It's all very incestuous isn't it?!

  5. "New tricks?! Your mother had some amazing tricks last night, Trebek!"

  6. just watched the video, did anyone else? i thought it was weird. she doesn't move the whole time, only the camera does, and you don't actually see her snort anything. is she even conscience in this video? are we sure she didn't just pass out and michael lohan posed her this way?

  7. @ballyhoo. - would not surprise me in the least. he is the lowest of the low.

  8. Syko - not to mention, he was probably doing it with her. And why the hell would she allow herself to be filmed doing it?

    My sympathy for Lindsay and her siblings goes up a tiny notch every time Enty posts one of these items. They never had have a snowball's (no pun intended) chance in hell of being well-adjusted adults.

  9. nice and interesting guy!!!(sarcasm)
    i understand why Lindsay Lohan has drug trouble when i see her parents!

  10. The video seems like it is on some type of loop. I don't understand why he leaked this. He is no one. She is no one. This is not news. This does not need to be in the media. All it does is highlight what a complete loser he is.

  11. Anonymous10:36 AM

    So we have a "former" addict who has a video of his girlfriend doing drugs in his bed, and we're to assume he's sober??

    Also, the inevitable mikey Lohan sex tape is one I think I won't watch. Especially if it's with Kate Major.

  12. What is with this Kate Major slithering from under one rock to another? Blech.

  13. Anonymous10:45 AM

    I watched the video, he is not going to win any cinematography awards this year. I didn't actually see her do anything, and really could not swear to who it was. Just the back of some blonde. I don't know how this video is supposed to prove to a judge that he didn't abuse her. Even cokeheads can be abused.

    Sporky - exactly. Coke is a social drug.

  14. I agree. This is not news. If I wanted to hear about drug addicts and their goings on, then I would watch Intervention. At least that shit has a *mostly* happy ending.

  15. Aw, they're like two turds in a toilet.

  16. Is that the current or former gf in the picture?

    Sonya, that's hilarious.

  17. Ugh - I'm with the people who are disgusted that Michael thinks he has ANY credibility trying to "help" Lindsay with drugs when he himself is clearly still using/hanging out/being engaged to users himself.

  18. that's a loop, a short loop, and it doesn't prove it was her. the vid is very jerky. i wonder if he's doin' her. seems she's tryin to be still and not blow the blow, lol. looks like a crappy motel room. the rail length doesn't change either.

  19. I don't buy the argument that having fucked up parents makes a person grow up to be messed up too. It might increase the likelihood, but everyone has the opportunity to choose different behavior for themselves.

    I can think of many such examples just among people I know.

  20. Don't know why I even looked at the dang thing...just makes me want a line for myself, dammit.

    Been a long time...

  21. Hell it would take more then Coke Goggles for him to be appealing.

    Maybe diprivan or'd have to be unconscious to find Mikey worth getting naked for.

  22. Anonymous4:29 PM

    Blohan Sr is clearly back on the crack, judging from his tweets last night. I think he has a serious drug problem plus a personality disorder. There is no other explanation for this fuckery.

  23. That video was just weird. I'm not even sure it proves anything, as I could never see the girl's face.

    So even if it IS her, this video is the proof he needs for it being ok for kicking her ... vertical smile?

  24. way to be an example for your kids, ml.

