Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Jennifer Lopez Feels She Was Snubbed For An Oscar - For Acting - Seriously

Yes, Jennifer Lopez is on the cover of Elle this month and she was on Allure last month and she obviously has a great PR team. However, they might have wanted to check up on her when she was doing her interview with Latina Magazine. The howls of laughter you can hear reverberating throughout the world are probably from when the Latina reporter read aloud this quote from Jennifer Lopez to the rest of the staff. "I feel like I had that (Oscar role) in 'El Cantante', but I don't even think the Academy members saw it. I feel like it's their responsibility to do that, to see everything that's out there, everything that could be great."

Wow. Really? Well, I saw it and she and I must have been looking at two totally different movies. She was looking at the one in her head and the one her handlers told her they saw and not the one that was real.

To show you that Jennifer is still hip and Jenny from the block she actually used the word dope in a sentence. Seriously. And she wasn't referring to her husband or drugs. "I had just given birth on the 22nd (February), and the Oscars, I think, were a day or two later. I was sitting there with my twins (and) I couldn't have been happier, but I was like, 'How dope would it have been if I would've won the Oscar and been here in my hospital bed accepting the award?' - 'Thank you so much! I just want to thank the Academy!'"

Uh huh. Yeah, it would have been dope alright.


  1. "And she wasn't referring to her husband or drugs."

  2. I read this yesterday. And oh, how I laughed.
    I can't believe she would even have the nerve to say it, honestly. I would be embarrassed to think that maybe real actors would read it and laugh at her, too.
    She is officially a self-absorbed and blind tool.

  3. Oh stop--I'm still laughing my ass off over Miley's tattoo!

    Wow, just shows how utterly delusional these stars can be. Wait--JBlow isn't a star. She's just...yucky.

  4. an Oscar for basically playing herself in 30+ years, W/E?!?!

  5. i used to laugh at her for the ridiculous 'el cantante' claim that hector lavoe was the father of salsa (apparently not a single music historian in the world got that memo)...but the film was crap and flopped, so i forgot about that...but now THIS...'oscar-worthy performance'...omg LOVE IT!!! she keeps on bringing the lols and i can't thank her enough.

    sidenote...i'm really loving those socks she's wearing in that pic. *wants*

  6. She just has twins and is thinking about winning an Academy Award? And I would have thought she'd be worried about her hair and make-up. I guess her priorities are straight after all.

    I'm loving those socky things too...

  7. And somewhere in the world, Ben Affleck is thanking his lucky stars that he is not involved with her.
    How funny. From Jenny on the Block to Jenny on the Rock.

  8. This is like the interview a few years ago where she criticized Madonna's acting and spoke of her commitment to her craft. Oh, if only the Academy members had done their job.

  9. It was on TV a few weeks ago and and I caught a few minutes of it, and even those few minutes made me feel really uncomfortable and embarrassed. I actually don't even know how Jennifer Lopez ever got any work. She is a terrible actor, a mediocre singer at best, and her dancing is really quite average if you ask me. But I guess she does have a nice butt.

  10. "Dope" is to remind us of her Diddy cred.

  11. Okay, I know I am in the minority here but I thought she was really good in "El Cantante." She is a very good actress -- I loved her in "Out of Sight." Sometimes she just picks the wrong roles -- I've never been a fan of some of her romcom work ("Monster In Law" and "The Wedding Planning" were tepid at best). I do think she is gorgeous too -- she looks amazing for 40.

  12. oh, i was waiting for you to say something about this!

    and jennifer, i think the academy did do their job, you know, to see everything that's out there that could be great. your movies just don't fit into that category, hun.

  13. Is it just me or is that picture of her kind of....wierd???

  14. Anonymous12:03 PM

    man i need to pick up a copy of this mag - not only does it have j-lo on the cover in bedazzled knee-highs, but i can satisfy my mascara craving AND learn how to save money like an immigrant!


  16. I knew this guy who dated (two dates) her before she got really big. He said she was boring, didn't bathe regularly and after having sex with her ( second date, she is sooooooooo classy ) she just laid there telling him what to do. Oh and she was majorly self absorbed. Ironically, he told me all this before she hit. I remember cause he refered to her as the "fly girl" from that show. LOL

  17. The only movie that I think she did a good job in was Selena. After that - can't stand to watch or listen to her.

  18. What the what? Is she on drugs?

  19. Enty, even though you gave us so many wonderful reveals, if there's anything related to J-Lo (other than the Mystery Pop Star whose identity you can't reveal), please tell us. She is lucky beyond and still doesn't get it.

  20. Harriet said: "But I guess she does have a nice butt."

    HAD! LOL, did you SEE the photos Michael K posted of her NYE performance in that awful catsuit? I laughed for quite some time over those. It's like someone deflated her ass.

    DJ, one saves money by "living like an immigrant" by piling 3 or more families into one house! It sucks to have that in your neighborhood though.

  21. Anonymous12:18 PM

    I might not be a fan of JLo but I thought she didn't do so bad in "El Cantante". Regarding her being nominated for an Oscar for this movie don't think she did that great, but than again how many people were given an Oscar who really didn't deserve one.

  22. "DJ, one saves money by "living like an immigrant" by piling 3 or more families into one house! It sucks to have that in your neighborhood though."

    Lisa (original), as an immigrant, i 1) assure you my neighborhood loves having me in it, 2) have fabulous money-saving tips you could seriously learn from, and 3) thank god not everyone in this great land shares your sentiment.

  23. I love the Photoshopped hollows beneath her digitally-exaggerated cheekbones.

  24. I would love to hear her elaborate on exactly what was "Oscar worthy" about her performance...lololol...somehow I don't see her in that category. I do luv the socks though. They're dope:)

  25. She's delusional. BTW, I don't see the appeal of the socks. They look like they've been sitting in the sea too long and some barnacles took up residence.

  26. I read this article on another site and one of the posters said "Master humility first." ha!

    I never saw this movie....what would it have been up against in the Oscars? Wasn't that the year of The Departed, The Last King of Scotland, etc.? What was she thinking when she said that?

  27. I laughed so hard, it brought tears to my eyes. She really is a 'dope'.

  28. All week my husband and I have been joking about her standing in front of the mirror in the bodysuit saying, "I'd fuck me. I'd fuck me hard." And Ben Affleck walks in and sees it, and slowly backs out, gets in his car, and is never seen by her again.

  29. MCH - Think Helen Mirren, The Queen and Marion Cotillard, La Vie en Rose.

  30. I needed a good laugh for my Wednesday - this did it! She is truly a dope (envisioning a pic of her next to the word "Dope" in dictionary).

  31. I guess with Gigli that makes two Oscars she's been cheated out of. Life is so unfair!

  32. WTF kind of article in that magazine is worthy of being titled Delaying Mamihood?

    And I agree the comments that she made in this article are just one big joke but clever because it garners her attention.

    Oh and Jamie Foxx once stated that when she was on In Living Color she was known as J. Ho. LOL!

  33. Well I can't sing and have a fat ass. Where's my Oscar?

  34. Jennifer, oh Jennifer. Nobody cares, sweetie.

  35. the only way this skag will ever get an oscar nomination is if the academy is USING dope.

  36. Has anyone noticed the words on the cover? "Jennifer Lopez" and "Making Love Last" ? Seriously? She's been married 3 times, and engaged at least once in between!
    Just b/c she and Mark have lasted a few years THIS time?
    That cover shows no faith in their readers' memories or their minds.

  37. I liked her in Selena, Angel Eyes and El Cantante, but I didn't think she deserved an Oscar. Maybe for Selena she came closest, but not nearly there.

  38. I couldn't get through 5 minutes of La Cookaracha. His acting was bad, her acting was bad. The movie bombed for a reason Jenny from the Block.

  39. Latina magazine readers need to know "how to get fuller thicker hair"? Really?

  40. I don't know whether to laugh or cry. What arrogance. I still think she is VM.

  41. And here we scrape the barnacles off our hull, while this dumb bitch probably paid top dollar for a pair socks covered in them...

    Huh! Who knew?

  42. There's such a thing as "mascara cravings"?

  43. Bwahaha!! Oh, J-Lo! Thou dost bring the funny!!

  44. Meh, she's harmless. At least she isn't drugging herself to death and expecting to be worshipped for it.

  45. an Oscar for acting the way you would normally act if you still lived in the Bronx? Honey they could've hired Rosie Perez and I wouldn't have noticed a difference

  46. I gotta say, the comments on this post (with the exception of the Immigrants-related ones) are some of the funniest I've ever seen all in one place. CDAN readers are a hilarious, intelligent bunch!

  47. Hi ... I don't wanna spam or anything but I wrote about this delusional idiot and her quote on my blog today too if anyone is innerested:

  48. I like the shirt she has on, the socks, not so much. Didn't see El Capwhatever it is, but I did see Selena. That is probably her best work, IMO. But that doesn't mean she deserved an Oscar. Part of why that movie was so good was because it was based on a real person, not some made up character.

  49. I don't want to live in a neighborhood that doesn't like immigrants. Thankyouverymuch.

  50. What the hell is JBlo wearing! Are those leg warmers? Does anyone remember that horrid duet JBlo and Skeletor did on the Grammys a couple of years ago? It was so bad it was funny.

  51. This is why we love you ENTY! The fact that JLo would think this, let alone voice it to a person in public is downright hilarious. Oh, the Ego!

  52. Jennifer Lopez is full of shit. I'm tired, and have no more patience for fools.
