Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Jennifer Love Hewitt Needs Some New Stories

Apparently nothing exciting happens in the life of Jennifer Love Hewitt. Either that or she enjoys throwing Jamie Kennedy under a bus everytime she gets the chance. I'm not saying there is anything wrong with throwing him under a bus, just that she seems to do so with great relish. In case you missed it, Jennifer was on the George Lopez show last night. On the show she plugged her new book and talked all about putting sparkly stuff on her vay-jay-jay. So, that part was new. I hadn't heard that before but she says it is the best cure for a breakup. The surprising thing to me was that her mom wasn't the one to do it but rather one of her girlfriends.

Having used all her interesting stories, Jennifer then recycled the one about when Jamie first saw her in a bikini and called her a pear ass. Do you remember that story? I could have sworn the last time she said this she was talking about the first time Jamie saw her naked he said it. She must have cleaned it up for television though because this time she was in a bikini. In the bikini pose. What exactly is the bikini pose by the way? Are there instructions attached to the bikini saying how you should pose?


  1. OT, but Tila Tequila wasn't on Larry King last night. I guess the Earthquake in Hati pre-empted her. Wah, wah.

    I don't care about J-love.

  2. Just can't watch it.

  3. Anonymous10:43 AM

    i can't watch this, but must say that bedazzling the va-jay-jay sounds pretty ick nast.

  4. did she and kennedy break up? that's how much relevance she has with me these days...

  5. awww...idk why you hate her so much, i can think of other actresses far more worthy of enty-wrath. her whole 'vag-azzling' thing sounds kinda funny...and wth, if it helped her thru a difficult time, then good for her.

  6. "The surprising thing to me was that her mom wasn't the one to do it but rather one of her girlfriends."

    Someone's going to have to explain this statement to me... O_O

  7. So she needs someone to apply bling to her you-know-what? Is this what people do after break-ups now? I'v been married 20 years and it's been a while since I experienced that, I must be outta the loop.

  8. Jennifer I think she still lives at home. Although it's probebly a compound, so not such a big deal. I like Ghost Whisperer. There I said it. But I really don't need the 'pink disco ball down there' image in my brain!

  9. I listened thru this stupid bitch's 3:45 of nauseum to find out what the hell va-gazzling is. It changes colors apparently depending on her attire. Swarovski's too. "Looks like a disco ball"(bitch has way too much $$)

    What the hell? Is this a new trend out there? Brazillian isn't enough grooming anymore? Does everyone also know that the newest trend for young guys is to "Manscape" themselves as well? Like, *total* shave down?

    I was recently informed of all this and am obviously still reeling. I'm so out of touch. Glad I'm old though. Shavin the legs once a week is enough for me.

    Sorry for the long post, but I'm just perplexed.

  10. Ok, so for almost 4 minutes they talked about her butt and her bedazzled cooch. I do think she made George's day.

  11. Happened to catch her Ghost Whisperer show the other day for the first time and my GOD is it bad! I have no idea how this keeps getting picked up.

  12. I hate her shoes and I have no idea what she is talking about. I thought she was engaged?

  13. She was talking about past breakups. That little tidbit is in the book she was plugging. So I am sure her and Jamie are still together, for now anyway.

  14. That just sounds like the recipe for a really sparkly yeast infection.

  15. That was painful to watch.

  16. link to Sept. 11, 2009 in touch story in which JLove says she was naked when Jamie made the comment:

  17. The other cooch flashers of the past would have been into vajazzling or whatever the hell its called.

  18. I love this VA-JAZZLING conversation. What a great word for it. I'm sending an ouch-out to Jamie. WTF would you be thinking? First, to ask a girlfriend to apply the crap, then to display it proudly and expect a throbbing member to want to risk a good slicing, and then to tell the world what a nincompoop you are. She might be in the running to pass the VietCong Vag Vermin Tequila in the all time Cretin Olympics. Sheesh.

  19. Most people I know just mix break-ups with alcohol and dose until drunk off their ass.
    They don't vag-azzle it with sparklies.

  20. Ok, for some reason people are offended because I called Tia Vietnamese. She describes herself that way, but I will delete all my posts about her. By the way, my adopted sister is Vietnamese and I asked her is I was offensive and she said even worse about that tramp.

    My humblest apologies

  21. Thanks Katja - I thought maybe it was a blind reveal that I was missing or something LOL!

  22. People are offended because you included her Vietnamese heritage in the string of insults like it's something bad. Her ethnicity has nothing to do with her loathsomeness.

  23. Vagazzling? Huh wha?

    What if that stuff gets into your panties and irritates your lady parts?

    Why would anyone do that unless they wanted some guy to see it? Did she use that on Jamie after she broke up with that other guy?

    That's nuts, and she's nuts.

  24. hahaha!!!!! i'm embarrassed for her! desperation at its finest!

  25. Anonymous2:32 PM

    I got a giggle out of the vag-azzling. A girl needs to feel pretty after a brakeup!

  26. watcher - you did not say vietnamese you said vietcong - completely different - and that thing about your sister is like people saying that some of their best friends are gay to excuse their homophobic comments.

  27. I'm with Pookie. I actually like her and don't quite understand why you hate her so much.

    I saw the clip of her on George's show and did a quick Google. Apparently it's the new thing. If you do a search for Brazilian wax with crystals you'll find lots of spas and salons offer this service. I wouldn't do it, but, hey, whatever floats your boat.

  28. It's irritating to watch her.

    Her bringing the discussion immediately her body parts just comes across as a desperate and a cry for attention.

    If you have gotten over a break-up and written a book about it then fine, give some solid advice. A person with more substance would have something better to talk about.

  29. Someone should tell JLH about Clitter

    All the celebutards are using it (or cuntfetti)!

  30. Clitter?!!!! Too bloody funny!

    I'm too afraid to check it out, but I had a great conversation with my sister today about the topic. We both decided that 1. We are glad we aren't gyno's in todays day & 2. They would label us both as "Redneck Vag's" & we'd be kicked out.

  31. If someone watched clitter, please tell us. I have a 12 yr old boy so I'm not going to any topic that is 'traceable'!

    Jennifer- no problemo!
