Friday, January 08, 2010

Jon Gosselin Found Someone Willing To Date Him

Umm, somehow Jon Gosselin found some woman who actually thinks he is attractive or she can pretend long enough to make a couple of bucks from some tabloid. People is reporting that on his recent trip to Utah for skiing, Jon found some woman named Morgan who was willing to be seen in public with him and not be ashamed or humiliated. Am I missing something here? What is the attraction? Even if you can make a quick 5 grand from a tabloid, you will be forever in the internet as having hooked up with Jon Gosselin. Do you really want that? Why would they do this? Do they think they can become famous? Do they have dreams of getting Michael Lohan's phone number so they can get their hands on his mesh shirts? How does a guy like Jon Gosselin keep finding women? It is shocking to me.


  1. "Do they have dreams of getting Michael Lohan's phone number so they can get their hands on his mesh shirts?" - Ick. Nast.

    Ooh, ooh, Mr. Enty, I know the answer! Pick me! Pick me! The reason these girls keep dating him is because they have low self-esteem! Do I get a sticker now?

  2. I read that as "meth shirts."

  3. oh enty....why aren't you covering tila tequila's psycho endless twitter rants? (teehee....she's may be 'pregnant' now!...she'll let us know after her dr's appt today) it's so much more interesting than this played out douche.

  4. Anonymous12:39 PM

    I was hoping 2010 would be Gosselin free.

  5. The attraction is "fame", which these skanky twits don't realize is actually "infamy".

  6. He's icky-poo. I'm sorry, not even for money.

  7. Uuuuuuuuuuuuu...............I just threw up in my mouth a little...........

  8. RocketQueen said...
    The attraction is "fame", which these skanky twits don't realize is actually "infamy".

    EXACTLY!!! These vapid whores dont realize the difference.

  9. There is not enough money on the planet that could persuade me to go within 100yards of Jon Gosselin

  10. I bet he smells like wet, dirty socks.

  11. How can he even afford to pay her? (ooops, my bad. I'm being presumptive in thinking she's actually a hooker, because no woman in her right mind would go near that train wreck even if he were encased in a body condom by Goodyear)

  12. So right Enty. Jon ranks right up there with a criminal in terms of appeal. Wow, what a difference a year makes.

  13. He's not all that bad looking, (but I'm a lesbian, so what do I know about good looking men), he's got a little bit of fame, (or infamy), and there's probably more than a little alcohol involved.
    Add that all together, and throw in the fact that women think they can change men, or that it will be different with them, and BANG, you've got an instant ski date.

  14. Anonymous1:32 PM

    Ok, as a matter of principle, I usually don't snark on people's look (beauty is in the eye of the beholder)...but damn, this guy ugly*. He looks slow & cheap. Why? My spidey-sense just says so.

    *I say this fully realizing I have slept with my share of ugly men.

  15. Anonymous1:33 PM


    What is a ski date? Did I miss something? Have I been married that long?

  16. and BANG, you've got an instant ski date.

    Love it. XD

  17. Anonymous1:44 PM

    gee Enty,

    when you post such a sexy picture of him, it is hard to not fall in love with him! LMAO, awesome pic!

  18. Why are there so many skanky girls in the world that help people like him and Joe Francis exist? WHY?

  19. can you imagine googling your name (come on, you have all done it) and realizing that on the top spot there will, forever and ever, be a picture/story linking you to jon gosselin?

    I would rather get a tattoo that says "justin", its less permanent and visible.

  20. Anonymous2:20 PM

    I actually thought he was kind of cute till started being so douchy.

  21. Blech. That picture should be used for everything from here on out.

  22. He just looks like he doesn't know how to kiss, and even worse, has a very small penis.

  23. It was a "ski date" because he was in Utah skiing.

  24. Anonymous2:50 PM


    Thanks...and UH DUH!! for me. spidey-sense tingles a small weenie too...

  25. I am like John Pinette. I don't ski. I'd go to look at the mountains but the only way I'd ski is drunk on tequilla.

  26. Ya know, before the whole divorce thing started, I used to think he wasn't so bad looking. Not necessarily my cup of tea but he was OK.

    Then his true colors started showing and the only thing I can see when I look at him is the asst manager at my last job.

    My ex-asst. manager is an unfeeling, controlling, coldhearted royal bitch to anyone and everyone. If something isn't done EXACTLY her way, it's completely wrong. I imagine Jon is very much like her.

    My ex-asst. manager has quite the slutty past which I totally don't get. Knowing that she's such a horrible person, why would anyone want to sleep with her? Or Jon? I know my ex-asst manager would put out to just about anyone but still, you'd have to deal with her afterwards. Would it really be worth it? Same with Jon.

  27. EL .. there are women out there who follow/marry jailed serial killers!! I think this behavior is pretty much akin! ; D - LOL!!

  28. Um, enty I get what your saying and all but common, I have seen way way worse looking dudes with women and they have NO money. I personally see nothing in Jon G. but there are scores of desperate lonely men and women out there. Case in point- Chris Brown and Michael Lohan still getting dates

  29. He probably hits onto women hard and long enough so that eventually he gets lucky. There's the fame thing, too.

  30. Sprinkles, I'm NO fan of Jon's by any means, but I think that your
    3rd paragraph better describes Kat the C***t.

  31. Oh big surprise...I just read she comes from money. That man has dollar signs for eyes. $$$

  32. This is my favorite pic of him. It made me smile. ;)

  33. My husband knows people from the neighborhood where he and Kate had their first house. According to them, Jon was a very nice guy and she was a complete jerk.

    She must have the best publicist in the world.
