Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Let's Talk Sam Taylor Wood

I saw today that Sam Taylor Wood announced her pregnancy with her 19 year old boyfriend and actor Aaron Johnson. Nobody has really talked about their relationship at all. I'm wondering if this was some guy interested in a 19 year old girl if we would be talking about it. I think if people are in love they are in love, but the fact is she was 23 when he was born. It seems like an odd pairing, but it is Hollywood. What do you think? Big deal or not so much?


  1. i don't know who she is. Everyone in Hollywood seems weird to me.

  2. Who the hell is Sam Taylor Wood?

  3. Anonymous12:45 PM

    people probably haven't talked about her b/c no one knows who she is LOL

  4. Ok - read about her on Wiki. Still not familiar with her work. I read she has survived two kinds of cancer (colon, breast). I am thinking she is probably just darn happy to be pregnant.

  5. *joins the chorus of WHO?*

  6. lol, yes, haven't a clue who she is or what she does

  7. Uhm the baby daddy looks realllll suspect, ie GAY

  8. I had to google her to find out who she is. But here's my take on ANYBODY who is 42 and dating a 19 year old: Have any of you over 21 talked to a 19 year old recently? It's would take like, intense, like, being crunk, dude, like you know?, and all hot boxed and like, really really intense sh*t to be able to sustain more than five minutes of conversation with a 19 year old.

    So I'm guessing it's not conversation that interests Ms. Wood. Gross, in my opinion--whether she's famous or not. Borders on pedophilia.

  9. Ok, I give, who the hell is Sam Talor Wood?

  10. Who and why should I care?

  11. No clue who either person is. Beyond 10 years older it gets a little weird for me personally, but to each their own.
    I am wondering what could they POSSIBLY have in common? When he is 30 and she is 54...that seems a little better but still...odd.

  12. Just like everyone else...who?

  13. He can't even legally drink, but I bet she could legally adopt him.

    GROSS! (Not because of their sex, because I think it's gross either way.)

  14. Sigh. Not only do I not know who this person is, I can tell you that I am 34 and my bf is 25 and sometimes I want to slam my head against a desk because of the things he doesn't know. Last night I had to tell him that "Velvet Underground" was a group. I nearly cried. 19? How??

  15. thank you, gladys kravitz! my sentiments exactly!

  16. Sam Taylor Wood might be more well-known to Brits than to Americans. She met Aaron Johnson when he starred in Nowhere Boy, a film about John Lennon. This was around the same time she divorced her husband, but I have no idea if the two were related.

    In any case, this kind of oddness does happen in (and out of) Hollywood pretty often, but it doesn't make it any less skeezy.

  17. lol gladys, I talk to quite a few ppl older than me, I find nothing in common with them and I'm only a few years younger.

    Errbodies weirdddd

  18. When she is 90, he will be 67. Two old farts who enjoy each others company, sounds like perfect planning to me.

  19. It does not border on pedophilia. He is an adult. If he's making a big mistake with this woman, he'll just have to learn from his mistake.

    In theory, I want to say that there is nothing these two could have in common. But last year I very nearly dated a 22-year old. Totally by accident. He pursued me, and was whip-smart and mature as hell. So you really can't say that every young man is conversationally worthless. I 38 & usually date older guys, btw. Sometimes these things happen. Mine didn't work out only because of logistics and a really bad allergy. It happens.

  20. @silenttype:

    when she is 90, he'll be living with his 19-year old boyfriend.

  21. hahaha iceangel, i TOTALLY agree.

  22. Their kid is doomed. Its skull will be two feet long and 6 inches across.

  23. From someone who has always dated older, I'm sorry to say I've finally reached the age where older than I am is too damn old. These younger guys are looking better and better.

  24. I am no medical expert, but it says she had chemo. The 1st thing my oncologist asked me was if I was planning on having anymore children, because you shouldn't after chemo. And I know quite a few women who went through chemo & were devastated because they were also told not to have children. Unless she is carrying someone else's egg?? I don't know.

  25. @rocketqueen - He didn't know Velvet Underground ??? Poor thing. At least he wasn't my ex who thought he WAS Velvet Underground!

    I am 33 and when I was 28 I dated a 20 yr old.. it was painful. He was still such a kid. Didn't cook, clean or add anything to our 'relationship' other than his libido. Which was fine for a month or two but after the honeymoon is over...

    I have no idea who tis lady is but good luck, chica.

  26. I don't know who this person is, does one make an age gap like that work?

    I was visiting my cousins lately - I'm 26, they're 16 - and we were playing Scattergories...I had to go for a female celebrity who's name started with J or something, so I said Julia Roberts.

    When we were sharing answers, they both looked at me and went, "Who?"

    That was pretty much terrifying and made me feel old.

    So...I really wonder. What do they have in common besides potentially awesome sex that really makes this work?

  27. i don't know who these people are, but i think they make a cute couple. people who really look at age as an issue (in relationships that are not their own or their young childrens') are the same types who like to criticize just about everyone from their glass houses.

    live and let live.

  28. Yikes! I gave up the 20-somethings awhile back (I didn't go after them, they came after ME) so I can't imagine being in my 40s and dating someone in their TEENS!!! But hey, he's legal, so who cares? (Now if it were Gerry Butler and a 19-year-old, then I'd go ballistic, hahahahaha)

  29. and somewhere out there, Mary Kate LeTourneau wonders where all the hell-raisers have gone.....

  30. The age difference doesn't bother me if they were just dating, but they're having a baby together. Maybe it would be different if he was a little bit older, but he's just 19. They'll be tied to each other for at least the next 18 years no matter where this relationship goes.

  31. @Miss - never even heard of them...or Lou Reed. He's pretty much exclusively from/with the rap era. I've actually considered doing a blog solely about all the things that I can't BELIEVE he's never heard of. It happens that often and actually really really sucks cause you just can't TALK about stuff.

  32. @ gladyskravitz, she could always put a bag over his head.

  33. @Paisley, I agree. If they weren't having a kid together then so be it but this isn't going to feel so good for either of them in about five years.

  34. Anonymous1:50 PM

    LOL@RocketQueen and Miss

  35. It does border on pedophilia for me even if it doesn't satisfy the psychological or legal definitions and here's why I think it's skeezy.

    Myelination (essentially the connection of various parts of the brain) happens for boys in their late teens/early twenties. And the last place to connect is the frontal lobe, where things like insight & judgement occur. At this kid's age, he likely does not have an adult brain yet. And that fact that she was an authority figure for him (as the director of the film), there's a power imbalance that make me uncomfortable.

    That said, it is legal so it's really none of our business if we don't know any of the people involved.

  36. GladysK - Really funny!

    Everytime I hear about a very young man and a much older woman as a couple, it reminds me of "Harold and Maude." Cute movie.

    (Add me to the "I've never heard of Sam or Aaron" group.)

  37. Three years ago I would have said, "ewww." But I've been in two situations were I was pursued by young 20 somethings (and I'm in my upper 30s). It was fun. I say to each their own.

    If the genders were switched, people would say "ew" but generally accept it. What sickens me is what I have heard in the past from men if the relationship ends. "Oh, well she should have known he'd leave her for a younger model. Etc. Etc." Assholes.

  38. I don't have a clue who she is either. But today must be her lucky day.This is probably the most press she has ever received.

  39. No-one has mentioned that Sam TW was the director of that film he was starring in. Taking advantage of a young actor from a position of authority - that's skeazy!

    Both are Brits, working on a Brit film - not Hollywood.

  40. RocketQueen, your're my heeeero.

  41. Okay, I do know who STW is and have followed her work for years. She's a great photographer.

    However, with regard to this relationship--I just don't get it. He's 19! She met him when he was 17. It's weird. I don't get what they would talk about. I think it'll burn fast and burn out. And now a child is involved. Yeesh.

  42. I'm 42 and my last pursuant was 23.

    Young guys are great fun but I wouldn't be able to have a serious 'relationship' with one let alone a child.

  43. She is a very famous British photographer. She recently made the film Nowhere Boy and that young man is the star. She has had cancer twice. Her ex husband, Jay Joplin, is a big time art dealer who dated Lily Allen for like a week.

    This link shows her work:

  44. I agree with Kathrynnova and Lisa ... consenting adults and glass houses. Love knows no colour, race, religion nor age. Live and let live. There is nothing illegal here. Just my 2 cents :).

  45. Tatum, thanks for the link. I know zip about photography, but if I had the money, I'd buy Bram Stoker's Chair II.

  46. Actually the British papers talked a lot about this and the age gap when they started dating - I think all of the major papers had an article or two about it. (Sam Taylor Wood is a British artist.)

  47. In 1980, Juliet Mills (then 39 or 40) married Maxwell Caulfield (then21). They are still together, but I think their situation is the exception.

  48. man, you guys are on a roll today. you made me seriously laugh so hard

  49. STW is best known as a very successful international artist who is just beginning to dipping her toe into the world of filmmaking so to call her ‘Hollywood’ is misleading.
    When I first heard about their relationship I figured it was a fling but, as they are now engaged and expecting a baby I guess it’s the real deal. I am sure that they both know what they are doing so I for one wish them!

  50. I can picture him talking like Chuck Bass...

  51. Anonymous8:06 PM

    When I was his age, I dated a younger guy. Not much younger, just under 2 years, but by golly! I couldn't have a normal adult conversation with him about anything. Once I got over the sex, it was finished. He took it hard, and still doesn't talk to me to this day, even though we have mutual friends.

  52. OMG wtf is he doing with that wrinkled old freaken hag? He should date someone younger lke in their teens not in their fourty's. I think he was paid to have sex with her!
