Thursday, January 07, 2010

Lindsay Lohan Finds New Things To Steal

Not content to just steal furs, clothes, tan creams and jewelry, Lindsay Lohan has allegedly moved on to design theft as well. Earlier this week it was announced that Lindsay's company 6126 was moving beyond just leggings and into every kind of clothing. Sketches of some of the designs were released and within a day, designers were yelling that Lindsay had copied them. Were you surprised?

WWD has a complete breakdown, but I have included some pictures other designers posted of their sketches and Lindsay's. One of the designs Lindsay lifted was easy because she was spotted wearing the dress she was accused of stealing. (picture courtesy of The other involves the picture posted at the top of the post. The design on the left is "Lindsay's." The one on the right is the one designed and manufactured by James Lillis of Black Milk Clothing. When writing about it on his site, he says, "And all you guys who bought the Sheer Spartans - whenever you go out people are going to be saying to you 'Oh, you got the Lindsay Lohan leggings from Nordstrom - I love those!'" I have to say they look remarkably alike.

Of course the person at 6126 who actually runs the thing called the accusations a bunch of crap. “The alleged ‘copying’ claims made by these companies are false and have absolutely no merit or validity whatsoever. Any alleged similarities are purely coincidental. The 6126 illustrations for the upcoming fall 2010 collections do not even describe the fabric content, fit or actual construction details of the garments. This is merely an accusation based upon a pencil sketch with no concrete viable evidence to back up the allegations.”

Uh huh. You want evidence? Here is evidence. Lindsay Lohan. Master thief.


  1. wow, unbelievable and yet totally believable all at the same time.

    i really want to know how she's going to explain "designing" a dress she already owned and was pictured in - it's sure to be hysterical!

  2. Oh dear. How on earth can anyone deny the designs are copied? Are the people around her, and not merely Lindsey, dillusional too? Ugh.

  3. By the way, and completely off topic, does anyone else have to create a new blogger account everytime they want to comment? I can use exactly the same user name each time but when I come back to the site it won't recognise the name or password. Very annoying, and part of the reason I don't post too often. Any insight would be appreciated! :)

  4. Again, no shocker.

  5. Whoever designed them, they are hideous.

  6. It's one thing to draw inspiration from different designers. Whenever I want my mom to make me a dress or whatever (she's super talented), I mix and match different aspects from various outfits to get the look I want. It's more creative than straight up copying the exact design of the clothing, like this hack. Not surprised at all to hear she did this. In fact, I'd be more surprised if she designed one thing completely by herself.

    Kaitx- I have a google account, so I didn't have to create my own blog. You can even have a google account without having Gmail, although Gmail is awesome, so I wouldn't understand why you wouldn't have it already.

  7. @kaitx, i've never had that problem, how frustrating that must be!

    if i log in and leave a comment, i stay logged in until i close my window (probably the cause of too much commenting and not enough work, but let's talk about you some more...) so you may want to contact blogger about it.

  8. yeah that log in thing sounds strange, i am usually always logged in cause i use my gmail all the time!

    as for lohan, i dont think i ever really thought she had any talent for designing, i just imagined other people did it for her! Little did i know those other people were unaware of it.

  9. Karmen stop being a lilo hater ;)

    Victoria Beckham did the same shit an did not get as much crap for her designs and she charges like 5 fold what lilo will probably charge

    and sad to say i am not surprised by this outcome of events as the life of lilo is nothing but bad news after bad news

  10. Think she will make it through 2010?

  11. @kaitx...I had the same problem last year and it finally stopped. I'm not sure if the fault was mine (not using the right password) or not. My account is through Google though and attached to my hotmail account.

  12. Jessica - I finally read your comment. Happy? It's super witty. Glad to see we've carried our conversation from gchat to the CDAN comment board (FYI Jessica's my punkass sister).

    In all seriousness, I didn't realize Posh did the same thing, but I'm not surprised either.

  13. Didn't Kate Moss "design" a bunch of stuff that was already hanging in her closet?

    Anyway, Lohan's have no shame.

  14. They ALL rip each other off. High end designers even rip off other high end designers. Lindsay is a freaking moron but they are picking on her for this when they should be picking ont he entire industry.

  15. Thanks everyone for your help - I got a gmail account. Kaitx is now KaitKx lol! Hopefully I'll be able to comment more now (and procrastonate against studying for my exams) :)

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. maybe the difference between lilo and the others who "borrow" designs is that they didn't accuse someone of stealing their designs the same week the sketches came out? i think that might have put a lot more scrutiny on lilo's designs, as everyone was holding their breath to see the wondrous masterpieces that were so good they destroyed a friendship.

  18. THEY ALL DO IT....

  19. Kaitx, as long as I select the 'keep me logged in' option for my google mail account I am fine here.

  20. Not surprising. And if she never really got fully reprimanded for actually stealing other stuff she probably won't for this either.

    I don't recall EVER buying anything celebrity created, so all these people making clothing lines, perfumes, etc. who is buying it?? Reminds me of when LC from The Hills did a clothing line and it was IMO totally overpriced.

    Wait, I take that back. I did buy a small bottle of one of Gwen Stefani's perfumes....but I liked the way it smelled NOT because GS "created" it.

  21. I saw someone wearing those leggings recently - maybe Rihanna?

    Based on the statement from 6126, I expect the designs will be changed significantly from the pencil sketches soon ;)

  22. I confess. I've bought celebrity designed clothes. Back in the day, I got a pair of Brooke Shields jeans. Completely embarrassed to buy them, but they fit great and were the only ones that had a long enough inseam (I'm tall). This was when Guess was all the rage, but about four inches too short for me.

  23. @ rocketqueen - VERY good prediction

    i'll admit it - i bought a pair of sjp skinny cords at steve and barry's. they were less than 10 dollars, fit great, and i would still be wearing them if they fit me.

  24. If you are going to steal designs, could they at least be for something less horrendous? Those leggings are rediculous! Just sayin'.

  25. I've bought celeb perfume - "Lovely" by Sarah Jessica Parker. Unfortunately my husband stole it & now it uses it to cover up his fart smells. I'm not happy about it but it works great for that, I must say.

  26. Why does LiHo call it 6126 (I don't want to go to the site to find out because that would suggest I was interested and spike her traffic)?

    Thanks, all of you!

  27. something about marilyn. street she was born on? age she was when she did something? something like that

  28. It's Marilyn Monroe's birthday. Has anyone noticed that only the most annoying celebrities have the Marilyn obsession? (Mariah, Lindsay, Megan Fox).

    The only celeb line I buy from is Jessica Simpson's line of shoes, but I highly doubt she's involved in the process aside from leasing out her name.

    Lindsay is an idiot, why is she wasting time mucking about the fashion industry when she could be taking an extended break, working on getting her looks back, and trying to get a comeback role.

  29. sporky..i got Gia by Benefit for Xmas and IT smells like farts..shall i send it over?

  30. @ Kiradris
    YES. I have said that before about the worship of MM.

    I wonder if that designer will sue her?

  31. Uh, "not so master" thief.

  32. Those leggings are HIDEOUS and even though Lilo is a sleazy lil thief, if I were Black Milk I wouldn't be pointing fingers at anyone else.

  33. @Katixl--
    Just so you know, when I enter my username, it is not chihuahuense, it is the email account attached to Google--not a google account, just my email. So that might have been the problem
