Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Mischa Barton To Guest Star On SVU As A Hooker

Mischa Barton must be pretty desperate for work. No offense to the people over at Law & order SVU because you have a great show, but a stunt casting of Mischa Barton is not really going to bring in that many extra viewers. Stunt casting only works if it is someone who will be a big draw or big publicity or something like Mariah Carey playing a nun. Mischa Barton playing a hooker? Not the same kind of thing. What is hilarious about this is that Executive Producer Matt Baer said he thought viewers would be surprised that Mischa was cast to play a hooker. Really? Are any of you surprised? Does it seem like a stretch for her to play a hooker? It will seem like a stretch if her character tries to charge more than $20, but I can see her playing a hooker. Baer went on to say that he has been a fan of Mischa since Sixth Sense. Well, last I checked that was a long time ago and she hadn't done drugs yet. Her track record since then hasn't been the best, but hey, at least she gets a paycheck for a week.


  1. Mr. Potato Head has his Mrs. and now Dreamboat Doherty has his :-)

  2. $19.99 Hooker. Too funny.

  3. LMAO @ It will seem like a stretch if her character tries to charge more than $20...

    Why don't they really go out on limb and cast her as a promiscuous drugged-out starlet? Gah, can you imagine if she effed up that performance?

  4. This picture is scary. Didn't someone say it was old last time Enty used it?

  5. I LOVE this picture! Every time it re-appears my day gets so much better. The jacket she is wearing (cropped) is also totally nuts. I am counting down the days until her SVU airs -- she is going to nail this role.

  6. That is a sad, sad picture of Mischa. I am sick of these f#$%-ed up actors and actresses. They should be grateful they have a job, not makiing a huge mess of their lives.

  7. did you guys see that thing on bwe about the rules of law and order?

    "if they are famous, they did it!"

  8. oh but wait - does that mean mischa did it, or that she will officially be recognized as not famous by being innocent?

  9. OMG - Does she look like Mr. Hyde????

  10. Oh Enty, that is just pure mean to post that pic!

    *giggle giggle*

    Yes mean of me to giggle, but dang,I will have nightmares from this pic!

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. I wouldn't be surprised if Mischa Barton actually IS a hooker.

  13. What's with the Clockwork Orange hat?

  14. Mushy playing suzie homemaker in Greenwich Connecticut would be stunt casting.

  15. maybe they were just trying to help the girl put some food on her table...we all have to eat:)

  16. Though I've got no love for Mushy and certainly don't think she has any talent....ain't no WAY her guest star on SVU is going to be worse than Erika Christensen's was. That "performance" took bad acting to a whole new level.

  17. this isn't stunt casting. it's typecasting.

  18. Well said, Nancer.

    To all who asked, this is Mischa's "Pete Doherty" look.

  19. yeah, mngddess, I wonder if someone could make a fortune helping these effed up rich people find their true purpose, and save the rest of us from hearing about their bullshit at the same time?

  20. yeah, mngddess, I wonder if someone could make a fortune helping these effed up rich people find their true purpose, and save the rest of us from hearing about their bullshit at the same time?

  21. Sounds like Matt Baer might be giving her the hooker job for services rendered.

    I would only be suprised if she played someone who had a life purpose. Why do the people who are the stars of the show put up with no talent guest stars??

  22. good lord, i thought that was boy george!

    hey, i don't give two farts in a shot glass for her, but the best stunt casting was CSI with k-fed... IIRC he got punched in the face, didn't he?

    is matt baer max baer's son?
