Monday, January 25, 2010

Thanks Dad

Have you watched American Idol this season? Have you kept track of Michael Lynche? Well if you like him you will be happy to know that he made the Top 24 out of Hollywood week. If you dislike him you will be happy to know that his dad told The St. Petersburg Times that Mike had made the Top 24 and Idol kicked Mike off the show. Dad broke the confidentiality agreement and now his son is paying for it. That has got to suck.


  1. Didn't this guy break the contract in the first place when he told his dad?

  2. I'm sure his dad didn't sign an agreement. But by Michael telling his father how he did, Michael actually did violate the agreement. In this case, don't tell anyone means, just that, don't tell anyone. Still dad should have kept his mouth shut.

  3. Moron #1 and Moron #2.

  4. after reading this i thought, "i wonder how long until he sues his dad?"

    then i thought, "no way! he wouldn't sue his own dad!"

    but it's more of a possibility than i'd like to think it is, isn't it?

  5. Aw, that is sad for that kid.

  6. This sounds kinda passive aggresive on the Father's part. Oh my son could be succesful so let me cut him off at the knees.

    I mean maybe he was just happy for his son but to give an interview when the son signed a confidentiality agreement. I mean think a little before you speak.

  7. And what about that newspaper? I mean, couldn't they have sat on the story until the day (or at least hours) before the actual broadcast? Yeah, the kid and his Dad did spill the beans, but that paper is part of it too.

  8. he's the one that broke the NDA in the first place. brought it upon himself, i say.

  9. @Austin media has no consience. They had insider info and of course are going to run with it.

    Ultimately it was the son's fault for saying anything. Many reality show contestants have to stay quiet for months to their own parents and wives/husbands.

    I'm sure this kid won't be too resentful to his dad snatching the best chance a fame he will ever have.

  10. OK, after doing 30 seconds of research it seems getting kicked off didn't really matter in the end. I found this online.

    Michael Lynche (aka Big Mike) was reportedly dropped from American Idol after his father told the St. Petersburg Times that his son had made the finals. That’s a big no-no according to American Idol rules, which state contestants and their families cannot reveal Hollywood week results until after the shows are broadcast.

    Lynch was reportedly replaced in the top 24 over the weekend after news he had made it through hit the press. Fox has not commented on the story so far.

    Although he may have lost out on finding fame and fortune through American Idol, all does not seem to be lost for Michael Lynch. The former football player has reportedly signed a recording contract with Hood Famous Music and already has a page up on their website featuring some of his audio clips.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Anonymous11:23 AM

    Then perhaps it was done intentionally so he could pursue a contract with Hood Famous? I'm not familiar with what type of contract the Top 12s, hopefuls, or whatever are bound by at that level.

  13. @apple - wow, it looks like it was intentional then!

    in that case...

    -guess he won't be suing the dad, lol

    -what a moron!! why would you give up your chance at american idol only to turn around and sign with the first crappy label that offers you a little money? whatever happened to patience???

  14. How old is this dude? If he's under 18 then of course his dad would know. Underage kids on TV need a guardian with them at all times.

  15. how are you even ABLE to keep that quiet from your s.o./mom or dad/kids/boss?

    i mean, plans have to be made, no?

  16. The families have to sign them too. I only know this because a kid from my hometown is on it and his sister-in-law was saying they had to sign them as well.

  17. There is a former idol contestant here who was to top 12 and went no further and was happy about it because the closer you get the tighter the contracts/limitations. She's working on an album now so it could have been something like that.

  18. There is a former idol contestant here who was to top 12 and went no further and was happy about it because the closer you get the tighter the contracts/limitations. She's working on an album now so it could have been something like that.
