Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Today's Blind Items

This one is kind of complicated, but interesting. This foreign born B list actress who is a Golden Globe nominee/winner has been seeing a former B list movie actor and now a middling C with almost A list name recognition. No big deal right? Well the thing is that the actor is dating our Golden Globe nominee/winner's best friend who is also a C+/B- movie actress. Oh, and the guy is a tool. I could have made this a Four For Friday because there is one other name I could have thrown out there who connects, but that would have made it too easy.

#1 - GG nominee/winner
#2 - Former B list movie actor
#3 - C+/B- movie actress

A note. When I say nominee/winner I do that like I do child/ren. It is an either/or situation.


  1. Wouldn't it have Oscar winner for Cruz not GG winner?

  2. Possibly, but countdown to GG is all over TV, now.

  3. Who's Ralphie Fiennes dating these days?

  4. Blunt and Krasinski?

    Keira Knightley and her boyfriend?

    Penelope Cruz and Javier Bardem?

    Charlize Theron and Stuart Tonwsend?

  5. not cruz...bardem is a-list-infinity in spain. doesn't fit....not to mention he's also an oscar winner.

    i think it's charlize...poor stewart just can't seem to rise above c.

  6. Charlize is an Oscar winner, Enty would have mentioned the Oscars instead of the GG.

  7. charlize theron is an oscar winner. can't be cruz either, and bardem is B+ anywhere in the world, i think, at least.

  8. Keira and her bf are having troubles right now.

  9. Though I don't think Rupert Friend has A list recognition. Keira, yes. Him not so much.

  10. can someone explain this new "middling" description?

  11. Of medium size, position, or quality.Mediocre.

  12. ...or this one just for Enty.

    Pork or bacon cut from between the ham and shoulder of a pig.

  13. Sunnyside beat me to it.

  14. Bwa ha haaaa, sunnyside! Good one.

  15. How funny I thought the same thing

    Penelope Cruz
    Javier Bardem
    and Salma Hayek ?

  16. Carey Mulligan
    Shia LaBoeuf
    Keira Knightly

  17. Are Keira and Carey friends? Not sure that Shia is a C.

  18. I feel like we haven't mentioned the right people yet...Javier Bardem is way higher than a C (sadly, so is Shia).
    If we were to throw in Enty's clue of a fourth celebrity, does that help?
    Is Abbie Cornish considered B list?

  19. Anonymous2:56 PM

    Aren't Keira and Sienna Miller close friends? I wouldn't say that Rupert Friend has "almost A list name recognition" but Keira/Rupert/Sienna are my best guess at the moment.

  20. @m - you might be on to something. Lainey had a blind a year or two ago called "Two Girls in a Limo" widely believed to be about Keira and Sienna.

    Also, I take back my Abbie Cornish/Ryan Philippe guess - I doubt she's been ever nominated for a GG.

  21. this bi confuses me, i'm leaving. cyall tomorrow loves!

  22. Keira is A list. Blockbusters with PIRATES, multiple nominations, including Oscars. An IT girl on many lists.

    Penelope and Bardem are global A list. Both are Oscar winners, too.

    Who else???

  23. Remember guys, GG are given out for TELEVISION as well.

    My first thought was JLH and Jamie Kennedy, but she doesn't have any famous friends, does she?

    BUT the key here is that the FOURTH name's description would be obvious. It is probably the best friend's boyfriend or husband.
    I never have any good guesses, I'm just thinking out loud.

  24. Foreign born b list actress and GG nominee: Rose Byrne, Movie actor who is a tool: Ryan Philippe, Current girlfriend who fits the description: Abbie Cornish, the fourth name that connects but would make it obvious (the A list ex-wife): Reese Witherspoon

  25. This BI seems overly complicated. I'm really at a loss-- I have a feeling that these people might be some folks that we could all care less about.

  26. flanny-- you may be on to something...

  27. Keira, Jude Law and Sienna? It says that the B actress has been seeing him, that doesn't mean officially/publicly dating.

  28. Rocket Queen got me thinking, I saw something today on another blog abbout RP and AC having issues. I googled Abbie and found out Rose Byrne is her best friend and a GG nominee, so it all fits :)

  29. RocketQueen, I thought the two dirls in a limo story was thought to be Blohan and Barton. Also, since it's the GG girl who is the new addition to the mix, was Sienna nominated for anything? I didn't think she was that great in Factory Girl.
    I am liking the Cornish, Philippe guess, though.

  30. no way is Javier a C after "No Country". No way, too talented.

  31. #1 - Keira Knightly
    #2 - Rupert Friend
    #3 - Carey Mulligan

  32. i like Phillipe guess too, but Reese connects the dots.

  33. That sucks if its Rose Byrne because she's been with the very hot and talented Brendan Cowell for several years. I also didn't realise her best friend is with Abbie Cornish, I"ve never seem them together or mention it.

  34. I like Flanny's guess. Ryan Phillippe is a tool.

  35. @flanny - then maybe I should go back to my original guess ;) but has Cornish been nominated/won a GG??

    @Erin - see this link:

  36. Ted C is that you? I'm having a hard time keeping this all straight.

  37. K and according to IMDB, Cornish has never been nominated for a GG.

  38. Nominee: Nicole Kidman
    Best Friend: Naomi Watts
    Boyfriend: Liev Schreiber
    Can't name Keith Urban
    Look at the Random Pics. Enty shows Kidman/Urban and then mentions Watts/Schreiber is in Australia. Just an odd mention

  39. Rose Byrne is the foreign born GG nominee; Abbie is the best friend/girlfriend who is the C+/B- movie actress.

    They are cited as being best friends in this article:

  40. Nicely done - then I think you've got it!

  41. This comment has been removed by the author.

  42. but how would saying his girlfriend is a D List actress (Abbie Cornish) "make it too easy" as Enty says?

  43. I think flanny's got it.

  44. @rb he didn't say that RB, he said he could throw in a 4th name but that would make it to easy.

    Like if he said the fourth name would be the ex's boyfriend acadamy award nominee/winner.

    That would cleary point to Reese.

    So Flanny for the win!

  45. oh flanny so got it. Wowsas. I think that was a hard one, but you guys always work it out so well. I just come in late and watch the comment progression. LOL!

  46. Well done Flanny, I think you've got it!

  47. I really like Flanny's guess, but guys, is Abbie Cornish REALLY C+/B list? Really??!!

  48. I think you've gotten carried away a bit with this Abbie/Rose/Ryan guess. Rose lives in New York. Abbie and Ryan live in LA. Also, if you read this to refer to Rose as the GG nominee/winner where does that leave Rose's longtime boyfriend? He's definitely not the 4th name who would give it away as he is almost unknown in the states.

  49. I think Flanny is right.

  50. Comment from

    I would be very surprised if Enty (or Hez, or Heather, or Mooshki, or Jax, or whoever is writing Crazy Days) ever revealed the HIV one. Or if "he" decided to be really obvious about who coke mom is. Why? Because Enty doesn't reveal the really significant blind items. Hasn't anyone else noticed that the ones that get revealed are boring? And anything that is moderately interesting has been made known elsewhere. This is so scaredy-cat Enty can never get sued. Which is good, because being that "he" is not even a lawyer, "he" would have no idea how to handle the legal process. Geez, people, come to terms in 2010. Enty is a woman, not a lawyer, and has shallow ties (at best) to the entertainment industry. If there's anyone from CDAN reading this who feels like they're part of some special CDAN family, you need your bubble burst. Enty took a lot of your money and is feeding you lies every day. Enty "himself" is a lie, and it's sad if you really see "him" as someone who genuinely cares about your life. Sorry, but it needs to be said. The commenters on the CDAN blog can be so touchy-feely.

  51. @SittingPat: Given that this scenario has Rose "seeing"/(f@#king) Ryan behind her BEST FRIENDS's back, the fact that she's cheating on her long-time boyfriend in the process isn't particularly scandalous/shocking!

    I don't think the NYC-LA thing is an issue, either. Actors travel ALL the time, and they have plenty of $$$ to spend on booty-call airfare! ...To your last point, I don't think anyone suggested that Rose's (virtually unknown) boyfriend is the "4th name" connected to this BI. That's obviously REESE WITHERSPOON, who is better known than all the others combined!

    The fact that we already know that RP is a major tool is just a bonus. :)

    GREAT JOB, flanny!!!

  52. I still major doubts that this is Rose and Abbie.

  53. "Interestingly, "Enty" went missing yesterday (12-28) and then today he apparently made a plea to Jax to post in his name for him since his internet connection is being "dodgy." Of course, everyone accepts it without question. What is the deal with Jax's connection to this thing? Jax, Bad Fish, Mooshki, Hez from long ago - who are these people?!!"

    from crazyliesandnights

    hahaha oh man, why do ppl care so much??

  54. joss,
    who cares.
    i dont stay awake at night figuring out who "enty" is...some reveals are legit on reveal day...again, if you dont like it then dont read...this is fun and interesting for people.

    taking too long to write, too much vino...relax joss...more things to worry about.

  55. This comment has been removed by the author.

  56. i mean WHO is hez, heliot hell fire?? more vino!

  57. This comment has been removed by the author.

  58. Joss,

    We the CDAN readers have willingly come back to this site time and time again because we find the gossip and Enty highly entertaining. Who Enty is or what he does has no relevance on whether or not we keep coming back to the site. Once again, we come back to the site because we are entertained.

    As for being a "family", one definition is "a group of people who are generally not blood relations but who share common attitudes, interests, or goals"...sounds like CDAN readers to me. We may not be a traditional family and we may be a bit disfunctional at time, but if we define ourselves as a family than we are a family.

    Now to be a bit catty: you may want to look into your obsessive nature. While disfunction is perfectly acceptable, serious and untreated psychological issues are a concern.

    Wishing you good mental health in2010.

  59. i'd just like to add that (i at least) think it's pretty effing obvious that some of the blind items enty posts often wind up coming out so those get revealed. also the not-too-damaging ones that we've guessed correctly get revealed. so they're boring sometimes - i don't see any other sites doing reveals and i still enjoy reading them. and of course the super juicy ones won't get revealed. we all know that and those of us with some common sense don't really mind. we still enjoy these "mysteries" just as much as say, someone who reads mystery novels and tries to figure out whodunnit before the book is over.

    also, sitting here, gabbing with my fellow cdaners about gossip (which often turns into more meaty conversations like drug abuse, parenting, etc.) sounds a hell of a lot more fun than sitting on another site obsessing about what we are reading/commenting on over here. it's like you're in third grade, coming here to spy on us and then running back to your fort to make fun of us. lol, i'll take my enty over that any day.

  60. Way late here...

    I love CDAN and don't give a rat's ass who is the real writer(s).

    This is the only "fun" site in the world (meaning other than professional forums for my work) on which I ever comment.

    I will say, though, that I noticed that Enty's prose/opinion/tone often sounds female-centric.

    However, anyone who thinks Hurt Locker was the best film of the year might very well be a MAN. I am usually in the very low minority being a woman who loves action movies and has a primarily man's point of view about life. Not many other women like war movies, people!

    (Of course, stuff like that could just be a red herring.)

    But who gives a shit, anyway, JOSS? Can't we all just have fun without dissenters pissing on our Wheaties? Eff off.

  61. Who gave enty money? It doesn't cost money to read this site right? I'm so confused about why this person..ahem..Joss even cares. Why bother? I agree with most on this site. You are expending so much time obsessing over enty and his/her readers, it really makes you look like the nut bag....and for the four billionth time; if you don't like it GO THE EFF AWAY!!!!!

    Oh yeah, and I'm liking the RP/AC vote...FTW!!

  62. I have no idea who Enty actually is (and don't care much). But I also have no idea who Joss is (and ditto).

    I do know that I like some people and hate others. Guess which person in this scenario that I like. Guess which one in this scenario I dislike.

  63. So Joss was upset that the readers of this site had yet to rush over to her site to read this comment she posted, so she rushed over here to post it? Really? REALLY? Wow. XD

  64. @jennifer - yup. and we're the weirdos.

  65. OMG. I'm in a glass case of emotion.

  66. Icecat, Enty did some begging for money a while back to help pay for the photos he posts. I called it out as bullshit at the time and am more than happy to state once again that it is complete BULLSHIT to beg money from your readers.

  67. Ryan Phillipe and gang sounds like a good fit.

    and fyi, selenakyle, hurt locker was directed by a woman.

    though enty is a male lawyer for sure. lots of evidence of that.

  68. selenakyle - I love me some action movies. Throw a chick flick at me and expect vomit in return. I want battles, blood, and pyrotechnics!

    @ the haters. Keep on hating!

  69. Thanks WBotW!!

    Yeah that kind of is Bullshit. I don't think I would've given any money...

  70. And yet, the people who think it's bullshit are still here....

  71. Icecat, yes, WBotW is right. About 5-6 months ago Enty asked for money to offset price increases from photo purveyors. I sent $5.00 (hey less than a movie ticket and far more entertaining). He promised thank-you's to everyone who donated. Never got a thank you nor a status update on donations received. Kind of odd... Anyone else with the same story?

  72. Easy there Rocket - Just because I think it's kind of messed up that Enty would ask money of his readers, doesn't translate to me not liking the blog. I'm new here. I doubt I would've given money. Maybe if I had been reading this blog for years it would be a different story. BUT I think everyone can attain to times being tough right now...

    No need to make us feel unwanted or unappreciated just because we feel different then you.

  73. This comment has been removed by the author.

  74. Not doing so, Icecat, and didn't mean to include you. dori did a good job of explaining how Enty asked people to volunteer cash as his costs were going up and he doesn't do this for profit. I personally didn't send Enty any cash, either.
    I suppose my comment was primarily directed at WBotW, who routinely spouts vitriol in Enty's direction, yet continues to read here. I just don't get the point.

  75. Thanks for clearing that up. I can tell you are a long time reader and didn't mean to offend anyone. CDAN is quickly becoming my favorite blog! I love Enty's writing, and this is one of the only blogs I comment on...

    I also don't understand the haters who continually comment here. There seem to be a lot right? Oh well, what can ya do eh?

    PS. "Rocket Queen" is one of my favorite Guns N' Roses songs EVER!

  76. Thanks, Icecat - mine too! :)

  77. As long as we're talking about Enty asking for donations to pay off his photo bill, keep in mind that it was completely voluntary, and everyone still gets to read CDAN, no membership fee or donation required.

    So I have to add my two cents - Joss, Crazyliesandnights, etc - please screw off and leave us in our happy CDAN community. We don't care about your issues with Ent. I took a look at that site, and you do sound seriously obsessed. It's pretty creepy.

    Maybe you should get another hobby to take up your time. Something maybe that gives back to the community? Or maybe make a contribution to making other people happy, like our favorite entertainment lawyer does for us every day. (Except weekends, of course, when we're forced to leave our computers and go out in the sun. Good god, it's bright out there!)

  78. I don't care if Enty is a lawyer. I don't care if he's male, female, or a teletubby with gender issues.

    This is fun, interesting, and how I wish to spend my time. I don't care if CokeMom ever gets known. What gets revealed is OK with me.

    What's it to you where people spent their money? It is THEIR money. It's cheaper then cable and more interesting then PEOPLE MAG.

    If you don't like it ...don't come back. Please stop being the Blog Police for the rest of us.

  79. Enty is a man, and I know who CokeMom is. You think if he's publishing it on a site others in the industry don't know the stories? You're a moron. So suck it, Joss.

  80. I personally don't care if Enty is a man, woman, hermaphrodite, tranny or giraffe. I come here to unwind and read good old fashioned gossip.

    Joss, please don't come here and read anything you don't want to read. Wherever your blog is, may it flourish in all of its obscurity. I won't be reading it.

    Mine is a hectic, stressful life and this is my secret pleasure. I personally know some of the people these blinds are about. The people here are pretty good at figuring out who the culprits are. You would have to be an idiot to not figure out who some of these blinds are about. Why would ANYONE open themselves up to a defamation suit by naming names. Even E's legal team knows better than that. You can't, however, sue if you write a blind and don't name names. Everyone else does it for you.

    That's the beauty and the simplicity of a gossip blog. If you don't like it, GET OUT! Off you go now.....

  81. @all you cdan'ers -I agree, most of us don't care who or what ENTY is. To me 'Enty' is a place to go, like "Cheers", but with bacon ;) It's an Enty place to be when you are in an Enty state of mind.

    And I gave $, I enjoy this site more than reading any repetitive kneepad magazine, so I chose to donate. I did get an e-mail thank you on July 2nd.

    I don't care if Enty is a lawyer or if this is a project that a bunch of runners and mailroom people put together. I like it and the posters and that is all I care about.

  82. Who gives a rat's ass what anyone thinks about this site or its readers? Some people takes things way too seriously. This is all for fun.
    I'd be really disappointed in Rose Byrne if she's having anything to do with RP. He's disgusting.

  83. WHO CARES who/what enty really is? i mean, seriously, do any of REALLY believe he's a 400lb. lawyer with umpteen ex-wives, lives in his parents basement, and eats bacon all day every day, washing it down with a quart of whiskey ALL THE WHILE being a successful entertainment lawyer to various celebs? COME on. It's all in fun, and i have fun reading it during my looooong work hours!
    This site has made my workdays a little more tolerable for the past, what 3+ years.

    and no, i didn't send $. i personally didn't think it was necessary. it's not THAT big of a deal. and to the peeps that did, and didn't get a personal "thank you" GET A LIFE. u can do nice things without always being honored for them.

  84. First time posting here. I'm kind of fascinated and very bored today.

    Has anyone been to Joss's blog? Good gravy! Its obviously someone who was the subject of a blind. I'm going with Julia Ormand.Or Chris O'Donnell's wife.

    let's make Joss our very own blind and figure out who he/she is?

  85. I realize I'm wayyy late to this conversation, but about the comment that only guys like action movies: I'm a female, and I absolutely love The Dirty Dozen, Cool Hand Luke, The Usual Suspects, and Reservoir Dogs which my sisters see as gory guy action films.
