Thursday, January 28, 2010

Would You Get A Tattoo So Your Kid Could Go To A Concert?

I have camped out for concert tickets. That wasn't really a bad thing though because it was just an all night party. I think that is about the extent of my efforts to get concert tickets. Apparently this woman decided that she was willing to do anything to get tickets to a Justin Bieber concert for her daughter. Anything includes getting a tattoo on her back of the face of some no name DJ from a local radio station. Really? You do realize that in like three years he will probably be desperate for fans and your daughter can see him at some casino. Other alternatives include Craigslist and eBay. Neither of those actually require you getting a tattoo of some DJ who will probably be in another city next year. The video did get the attention of Justin Bieber who also thought the mom was crazy. Hopefully the daughter appreciates all of this.


  1. LOVE LOVE LOOOOOOOOVED michael k's "Insert Fark's 'Florida' tag here." line. omg, i was dying.

  2. I don't even know who justin bieber is.

  3. What a douchnozzle.

  4. Come on Enty - She not only got concert tickets, but she got to MEET him too...

    Yeah, I don't know who this guy is either. That Mother is KRAZY!!!!

  5. what in the what? It's going to cost her more to remove that ridiculousness than it would have been to just BUY the tickets?
    I sometimes wonder if the world's gone crazy while I was sleeping.

  6. Anonymous11:20 AM

    In answer to the question here: hell to the no.

  7. Justin who?? Dumb a$$.

  8. ugh. i really hate that parents will bend over backwards just to get their kids to a concert. i absolutely refuse to pay more than the face value of a ticket and if my daughter wants to go to a concert someday she will have to appreciate going enough to pay for her own overinflated ticket price.
    THIS is just some idiot who wants to be her kid's "cool friend" over her kid's parent. there IS a difference.

    sorry, rant over. :)

    i will get the joy of seeing justin bieber in concert at the rodeo in a couple of months. (*note the sarcasm.) four of us are going for 80 bucks AND we get deep fried twinkies and carnival rides before the show. take THAT tattoo mom!

  9. It happens way more than you think. I once had a mom tattoo the name of my radio station and (I think) morning show on her body just to get a pair of Green Day tickets for her kid. In fact, I think the words, "Green Day" were in there, too. People will do crazy things for their children. It's what we, as radio professionals, bank on.

  10. Embarrassing on many levels.

  11. I'd never do that for my kid. I'd stand in a long line for them, but I wouldn't use my skin like a doodle pad. What does that tell your kid? That if you act a fool and are willing to do anything, you'll get what you want? No thanks.

  12. Okay, if she got to meet him, I would totally do that for my daughter if I had one. I remember what it was like to be an infatuated teen.

  13. That's nothing, this radio station here in San Diego got this mom to tattoo "Jonas Brothers" on her NECK for her kid to get tickets.

    The station made a game of it to see who would get the biggest tattoo and who would put it in the best (or worst) spot. The person taking the biggest risk got the tickets. I totally lost respect for that morning show after that.

  14. If I was going to do something like get a tattoo so my kid could go to a concert and meet the headliner it had better be someone pretty spectacular. The Jonas Brothers and Justin Beiber are not on that list.

  15. Justin Beiber is the latest 15 year old sensation/singer/heartthrob.

  16. How old is the daughter? My 12 year old niece has a thing for Justin Bieber and she's about half the size of that girl.

    I found out who Bieber was at Christmas when I asked my sister-in-law about my niece's likes so I could get an idea of what to get her. Her mom told me that she was into Bieber, but also said that her tastes change every other week. I'll bet that the daughter will be into some other pop star before the year is out.

    @ Pookie - I have a friend in LA who reads Fark daily and who relishes sending me links for crazy Florida stories so he can rub it in that I live in Freakshow Central. Believe me, not all of us here in the Sunshine State are losers. :(

  17. Anonymous2:27 PM

    I'm right there with you Ballyhoo and Sue Ellen!
    Kids need parents as examples of proper adult behavior, not as cool buddies. It serves everyone better in the long run.

  18. as crazy as that is, my mom would do the same for me

    my moms not the crazy one, ce moi, but damn that woman loves me.

  19. I wouldn't get tattoos for bands I love, much less one to get my (theoretical) kid into a show!

  20. JM&J!!!
    Now there is a mom that can show her kids limitations.

  21. It takes me years to decide on a tattoo design because they have to mean something to me, and I design them. So, No. Way.
