Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Best Gossip In The World Right Now

I have been trying to find a way to make everyone excited about this story, but because it is taking place in the UK I am afraid people just won't be interested. It has everything a gossip story should have though and I can't get enough. Let me summarize and for those of you in the UK or anyone who knows more, please correct me or add to whatever I say.

The UK soccer team's Captain is John Terry. He also plays for Chelsea. John is married and has twin three year olds.

Wayne Bridge is also on the UK soccer team and plays club soccer for Manchester City. He has a now ex-girlfriend named Vanessa Perroncel who is a French lingerie model and with whom he has a three year old son. (They are pictured above). Vanessa and John Terry's wife were best friends.Vanessa has been having an affair with John. Supposedly she also had an affair with another soccer player also. Anyway, this came as a huge shock to Wayne who split with Vanessa in July. Meanwhile Vanessa has sold her story to some tabloid for huge, huge sums of money. In the UK this is Tiger Woods multiplied. John Terry is playing tonight and then flying to Dubai where his wife is in hiding to try and save his marriage.

This story is everywhere in the tabloids there and everyday there is new dirt and more revelations about the affair. It is really, really good stuff except for Wayne, John's wife and all the kids.


  1. whores. both of them.

  2. he also knocked her up and paid for the abortion... classy guy

  3. Anonymous12:46 PM


  4. What is wrong with these people?

  5. So, couple on the top is Wayne and Vanessa? Couple on the bottom is John and his nameless wife?

  6. It's made an even bigger story because John Terry tried to use the law to suppress all mention of it. He got a super-injunction, one which forbids mentioning there is an injunction in force, but that got thrown out. Their 'privacy' ain't worth protecting!

    The big discussion on TV was whether John Terry can retain the captaincy. Will there be punch-ups in the dressing (locker) room?!!

  7. You're right Enty...kinda hard to get into this one...but it sounds juicy!

  8. I'm glad you wrote about this, Enty -- I've been following the story with great interest.

  9. John Terry's wife is Toni.. Enty also left out the part where John Terry and Wayne Bridges played together for Chelsea until the end of last season and John and Terry lived a stones throw from each other.. Oh, and when Vanessa and Wayne broke up, it was Toni who took Vanessa away on a girls holiday to cheer her up.. It's even more fucked up then Tiger Woods in many ways.. John Terry also tried to have a EU Supreme Court give him an injunction to prevent the story from being published, which a UK court overruled, primarily because John Terry has admitted himself that he has cheated on Toni too many times to count, since they were HS Sweethearts...

    Enty, you will always get me excited about UK things as I am an Anglophile.. lol Been following this story since last week.. The fact that he got Vanessa prego and arranged for the abortion is the part that makes me hope he loses the English Captaincy, because at this point half the English team doesn't want to see him..

    Funniest thing out of this, is last game Terry played the Fans shouted out 'Chelsea where ever you may be, don't leave your wife with John Terry'

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  11. Are they way behind in fashion over in the UK? Mini denim skirts and uggs, really? And a shoulder bag with an evening gown?

    (I also have no idea when these pictures were taken.)

  12. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1247779/John-Terry-make-Dubai-Valentines-Day-dash-save-marriage-miss-key-Chelsea-FA-Cup-tie.html

    Prolly the same link Enty has, but I think they still have the photos up from when the two couples went to Disneyland together.. as it's been pointed out, the two couples were good friends and really close..

  13. John Terry is the Captain of England just to clarify and Chelsea, on the pitch (field) he's the ultimate professional, paid over $270,000 a week, he's committed, fearless and a leader, off the pitch he's slept with at least seven women even though he's been in the same relationship since he was 17 (29 now) and recently had twins with her, after marrying 2/3 years ago and getting caught with one of the 7/8/whatever he professed he was going to be faithful and a good dad. In this case he's been offering 'comfort' to an ex-team mates girlfriend after their relationship finished, it helps that she's an underwear model also I'm sure. He paid for the abortion also.

    In the last year his Mum has been caught shoplifting and his Dad selling cocaine just to fill you in.

  14. @Lauren, not all people from the UK dress that bad- all WAGs just have notoriously tacky style! :p

  15. *WAGs - Wives and Girlfriends of UK football players

  16. John Terry, serial shagger, shits on his own doorstep by:

    shagging his club team-mate's wife
    shagging his national team-mate's
    shagging his best mate's wife
    shagging his wife's best mate
    shagging his next-door neighbour's wife

    in one fell swoop! what a guy!

    He pays for an abortion, but really, since the latest revelation is that this Vanessa tramp was with ANOTHER premiership player at the same time (who is also now sh*tting himself with worry about whether his name is going to be made public - my money is on Frank Lampard Jr, another Chelsea player who is a serial shagger, like John Terry, and like his own father before him) - I digress... and when JT paid for this abortion, who's baby was it, I have to ask??

    Oh, and on the grapevine today, Mrs Terry is certainly not without her OWN indiscretions either...

  17. Does this mean that David Beckham isn't the answer to every soccer player blind item?

  18. LOL Califblondy!

    By no means does his name come to my mind first when all these intrigues are out in the open!

  19. There's no such thing as the 'U.K. soccer team'. U.K. stands for United Kingdom (of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) and is collectively England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, all of whom have their own national football team. John Terry plays for the England team.

  20. ALSO it's a World Cup year and both of these guys are top-of-the-table first-team players. John Terry is already being preemptively blamed for destroying team morale straight out of the gate. If England fail to make it anywhere but the final you can be certain that every single smidgen of blame is going to be put on John Terry's shoulders, even if Wayne Rooney gets sent off, Beckham, Lampard and Gerrard all miss in a shoot-out and Ferdinand stamps on an opposing striker.
    There have already been (completely fabricated, but that's by-the-by) stories in British tabloids that Bridge has told the England camp that if Terry stays then he goes.
    It's marvellously awful. I do feel terrible for poor Wayne Bridge.

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  22. OMG thought Colin Firth was Charlie Sheen at 1st glance.
    Would that up his bad boy cred??

  23. To be fair, in the UK all the rags (constituting most of the newspapers there - I said most, there are some quality sheets) ever print is gossip, innuendo and (in some cases) tits. They also love their soccer players and WAGS (wives and girlfriends) so the fact that this story has more za za zoom than Susan Boyle's breakdowns surprises me not.

  24. oooooooohhhh


  25. Oooh thank you Ent, I kept meaning to google this as I kept hearing John Terry's name bandied about all day, but totally forgot. JUICY! <<<say like joo-saaaaaaaaay. ;D

  26. Wow! Bigger than Tiger Woods' scandal...that is JUICY.

    If my best friend was sleeping with my husband...I'm afraid the suppressed redneck in me would come out and I would have to take care of that situation.

  27. @John- your comment about gossip in the tabloids is true, with one exception- news of the world and a scoop. They are notorious! Seriously, I'd love to befriend their journo's (easy-keep it clean!)for the goss they have on people and AREN'T able to print. In this instance, Terry created the rope that he's currently swinging from.

    Chav move from a chav-to-his-core man, but ho so stupid given his position (England captain- we take it seriously!) and that its a world cup yr

  28. this was awesome gossip enty! I have no idea who these ppl are but gossip like this is universally delicious> thanks for the info, keep us updated please :)

  29. oh yeah, wanted to add that this reminded me of a show called FOOTBALLERS WIVES. straight up all four ppl look like they could be on the show. i have heard that footballers are notorious womanizers. but then again so are our athletes in the u.s. so i guess thats another thing thats universial. Whats up with that? Its like if you kick a ball or throw one or putt one you a most likely to have a penchant for banging woman outside of your relationship. weird

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  31. the best friends were wayne and john , not the girlfriend and wife ......

  32. Yessica, Toni and Vanessa were good friends, not sure they were BFF and as close as Wayne and John were, but they were close enough to holiday together.

    And yeah, I'd say it's worse then Tiger, Terry's been caught out multiple times, going back years, including one occassion with a 17 year old in the back of his Bently (classy guy), yet he keeps on doing it, time and time again

  33. @agent_krycek, yeah should correct myself... but still the same issue at hand... the four of them were close, but the best friends were wayne and john so while he was pretending to be his bff ... he was probably sleeping around with his girl ...

    and yes its worse than tiger, specially since they are high school sweethearts and all of that...

  34. Its like if you kick a ball or throw one or putt one you a most likely to have a penchant for banging woman outside of your relationship. weird

    The primary factor of whether a man will cheat is opportunity. And rich, famous, hunky athletes have plenty of opportunities.

  35. Aha! I'm in Texas and I already knew about this and you know why? Because I am frigging addicted to the Daily Mail. And I'm too frigging tacky to be ashamed to admit it.

    Honestly - I love reading about the footballers and their women. Those people are amazing.

  36. It's been mentioned already, but just wanted to reiterate that there's no such thing as the "UK soccer team." John Terry plays for England.
    Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland have our own national teams, John Terry has nothing to do with us ( well, until he's gone through all the English WAGs, then he might branch out! ;-D )

    And those are very old photos!

  37. Anonymous11:38 AM

    Golden Balls David Beckham is a bigger slut than Mr Terry, but gets away with it cos he makes sure his liasons are covered by confidentiality agreements. English soccer players in England are way way way too famous and ridiculously overpaid. Money and fame corrupts weak souls, I have no respect or sympathy for the girlfriend who sold her story. Don't see why anyone outside of Britain should care about ageing English soccer players
