Friday, February 19, 2010

Brangelina Staging Photos - Why?

The NY Post has a report today from an unidentified source. I'm guessing from the tone it is probably that Ian guy or one of his people. In the report it says that all these photos we are seeing of Brangelina and their brood in Venice are staged so people will know they are together. OK, here is my thing about that.

Why? Who cares? Let us take a step back and think about this for a second. Whether you are a couple that is happy together or about to split up why would you want to stage photos? If you are happy, why do you need to show the world you are happy? Every tabloid in the entire world can say you are about to split, but if you are happy that is all that matters. Why do you need to appease anyone by staging photos? I won't say the photos aren't staged, but it might just be to keep them in the spotlight and have nothing to do with showing they are a couple, because I don't think they really care what people think about that. Also, it could just be they are in a country that is fun and their kids are excited to see and they are being good parents and playing tourist. What is wrong with that?


  1. I watched "Snatch" again last night. That Brad Pitt guy can act when he wants to. This comment is totally irrelevant so just let me add, you make good sense Enty.

  2. why is enty actin like he doesn't know what's going on?? im going to guess he'd rather see these two in the tabloids then aniston?

    i will throw a party when they finally split.

  3. They're certainly going through a lot of effort just to stage pictures. Taking even one small child anywhere is a pain, I couldn't imagine four (even with nannies and bodyguards).

    I wonder if they ever take all six kids out for a stroll?

  4. wait and didn't angieho just say they're adopting a haitian kid? come on now..

  5. i think they just do what they want to do and lets face it, no matter where they go there's hundreds of photographers following them so kinda hard to stay under the radar. That being said Johnny Depp and family are also in Venice and no pics of who knows ?

    they are masters at manipulating the press - releasing photos to certain magazines has now become common mainly due to them, but when i look at the recent pics - all i see is a guy and gal out with their kids - whether they're still a couple i have no idea

  6. Biel and Timberlake always stage photos when they're relationship is said to be over...
    I though it was a pretty common thing these celebs do!

  7. They like the adrenalin rush of being photographed. Plus, the publicity helps keep their per-movie price up.

  8. I'll bet this bag o' Doritos I'm munching on that Angie will announce the adoption of a Haitian baby in 3...2...1...


  10. i'd like to know who this Ian guy is. I've lived here for 35 years and never heard of him...either there is no 'Ian' or everything he says is a crock of sh-t. someone doesn't just pop up from no where and have all this insider info...from Alberta

  11. how about this? they're famous, they have a bunch of kids and any time they show their faces, it's going to get photographed.
    it doesn't mean they're 'staging' anything. they're trying to live their lives, which at times requires getting from point A to point B.

    i'm getting pretty sick of this kind of shit. all the money in the world wouldn't make it worth it to me to have to live under a microscope like this.

  12. Well, in ideal world they shouldn't care what anyone is saying about them. But we don't live in an ideal world! It must be hard to hear a different breakup rumour about yourself nearly every day. Also, these breakup stories always tend to be quite negative about Angelina, rather than Brad. She's meant to be quite media savvy and no doubt wants to counteract all the unfavourable reports about her with these pictures. Fuck it, If there were a million media reports about ME saying that my husband was leaving me, I was a bad mother, I was anorexic and possibly reptilian - I would be staging photo ops all over the place!

    I don't like Her, but I don't blame her.

  13. um, hasnt anyone noticed this before?!? its a pattern of theirs! every times there's something in the news about them splitting, they're out and about with the whole clan, staging pictures. They know exactly what they're doing and what message it sends.

    that bitch is crazy.

  14. It isn't because they really care what people think. It's because their continued success depends a great deal on their popularity, and their popularity is in turn dependent on their image.

    All this talk about them breaking up and fighting over custody over the 6 kids they had in 5 years is bad for their image as a couple and as individuals, even if it is complete bullshit. So they're playing the game because they know it's necessary. I really can't fault them for it.

    If they were just playing tourist and having fun with the kids, how did the paps know where to find them? Because I'm pretty sure they do manage to take the kids places and have fun with them without having paps follow them.

  15. They do this because Angelina is notoriously maniacal about controlling her press coverage. She is her own publicist, she does not pay one. Hence why she would fly to Miami to be seen together at the Super Bowl. She will go to any extreme to control her image. Ask yourself why she never allows any of her various nannies to be photographed. She wants to be seen as an Earth mother capable of having 12 children, saving the planet, and all the while being a movie star.

  16. @telesma,

    You explained it quite well.

  17. i just don't believe their whole life is one big photo op. i think the paps have their feelers out all over the place and when these 2 make a move, they know about it.

  18. Agree with the above. For some reason I don't understand, people want to see this couple implode, so saying their every move is staged is feeding into that. Whatever. Who cares. When they break up, they'll break up.

  19. jenna said...
    Also, these breakup stories always tend to be quite negative about Angelina, rather than Brad.

    Totally agreed. Lainey always explains this way better than I ever could. She's the evil woman, temptress, she's SCARY AND BAD! Doesn't matter that BRAD was married and fooled around on his wife, NO, it's ANGELINA'S fault, always is. F*cking misogyny is all it is. Excuse my language. LOL

  20. I was just in NOLA and never made it over to their (supposed) street. Feet hurt too bad to do any extraneous walking on the last day, and I ran outta time, dang it! Nic Cage owns (or used to own) on the same street. God, I love that place.

  21. I believe they are over but are not ready to announce it. They still want to show that they are together. They can at least use it as proof when the sue tabloids for saying they broke up.

    Angelina is all about her image. She has so much control about what gets released and what image she is portrayed at.

    If they didn't want to be photographed every second they could be more private.

  22. But I read that someone overheard her screaming at Brad that she hates NOLA. She's probably very insecure, for all her bravado and savvy and strength, blah blah blah. Probably ebbs and flows with the week, hint hint.

    It does with me, anyway...

    But I love y'all's comments above, jen and jenna--why is it always Angelina's fault whenever there's (supposed) drama?

    He might occasionally be an insensitive cad who stinks up the place with his BO, feet, farts and dirty clothes, and be a crude idiot man just like the rest of 'em are sometimes. Sheesh!

  23. The animosity from some people, including me, is that Angelina has a habit of going after married men. Yes, it takes two to tango and maybe his previous marriage was already on the rocks but that doesn't excuse shitty behavior. Either get married or don't but don't fool around.

    Not sure if they are staged or not but together as a couple they make more money so wouldn't surprise me if it were true. And how can you hate NOLA? Love that city.

  24. i'm tired on Brangelina stories!

  25. Other than Brad, who else was married that Angelina "went after"?

    She married Jonny Lee Miller in 1996 when she was 21.

    Billy Bob was dating Laura Dern, not married to her when he and Angie hooked up and they were together 1999-2003.

    She and Brad met in 2005 and have been together ever since. Who and where are all the married men she went after?

  26. Why do the men always get the pass? So what if she or anyone "goes after" someone who is married - if the man is married it's HIS responsibility to say "No thanks, I'm married." It's always made to sound like these poor poor men are so weak and just can't help themselves, and if it weren't for the evil whore of a woman he NEVER would have cheated. BULLSH*T. As usual the men are let off the hook & the women are villified. And the majority of people who villify the women while neglecting (or refusing?) to hold men accountable are other women. No wonder so many men think it's OK to cheat - THEY'RE not the ones who will have to answer for their actions. Again, it's misogyny, plain and simple.

  27. After the persistent split rumors, all of a sudden there are photos of them with Angelina touching Brad in every conceivable place that says "I am so into you, I love you". If they are not staged, they do seem a little in defense. Angelina is a woman who uses the tabloids to shape her persona - she calls them to let them know where she is going to then sell the photo which she donates to charity - noble but also shows a woman very media savvy.

    And who cares? Obviously us or there would be no post and no discussion about it :-)

  28. MCH: I've been to NOLA a couple of times, and while I'd very much like to go back, I do have to say that the area definitely has an odd vibe to it, and not always a good one at that. I have vivid memories of being in one of the touristy voodoo shops in the Quarter once (I got a Marie Laveau shirt there, but that wasn't the place--Dr. Zombie's?), and as I was browsing around, I was hit with this incredibly intense sense of "GET OUT! GET OUT RIGHT NOW!"--I can't really explain it, but it was frankly terrifying, and I grabbed my shirt, hit the register, and was out the door ASAP, and didn't really feel better until I was out of the Quarter and en route to the hotel (the Hyatt
    Regency, FWIW--our whole crew LOVED that place, and they loved us in return). It's not as if I'm obsessively religious or freaked out by voudoun beliefs per se, having done some reading on the topic beforehand. I really can't do it justice, except to say I've never had that kind of experience before or since; and if one believes in spirits, God only knows NOLA has enough of them lurking around, and they aren't all sweetness & light. Perhaps Angie's picking up on some of that? It's a thought...

  29. @selenakyle: The house Nic Cage owns (owned?) in New Orleans is the LaLaurie House, which is supposedly one of the most haunted in the area because of all the horrible things that happened there. Mr. (Dr.?) LaLaurie was supposedly an inspiration to Josef Mengele. Not kidding.

    It is beautiful, but creepy as hell if you know the stories of what supposedly happened there.

    @MCH: I've lived in and around New Orleans for the better part of 2 decades, and I hated it for the first few years. It's hot, sticky, filthy, corrupt as hell, and a lot of it looked like a 3rd world country even before Katrina. Visiting and staying in a hotel and doing touristy stuff is NOT the same is living here. But it grew on me and I don't know that I could leave it now.

    @jen: I absolutely agree with you. It is misogyny that women are always painted as homewreckers and the fuckers they cheat with get a pass. The married person is the one who made the vows and the one responsible for breaking them. All they have to do is say no. Homewrecking averted.

  30. I think Angelina is a control freak. And Brad is the new Katie Holmes. He made his bed and he can lie in it but I don't see a lot of love between these two. Just Angelina trying to establish ownership because Brad wants to chew his arm free and doesn't want to lose the kids.

  31. I think Brad Pitt has always had the 'good guy' image and in this case, it is probably why she's 'the bad guy'. After all, Angelina wore a vial of blood around her neck, married a man so beneath her physically (BBT) that it boggles the shallow mind, dabbled in heroine, sexed women and was essentially a wild child for much of her life. I'm not surprised she's vilified, or that she is trying to control her image these days. I don't know if these photos or staged, and I don't really care, to be honest. The kids are cute, so they're sort of a Brangelina buffer for me.

  32. STAGED. STAGED. STAGED. I can't believe this phony b.s. is actually WORKING on some people.

    Angelina is a manipulative c*nt.

    Robin The Mad Photographer - If that's the case, Angelina would feel right at home in NOLA.

    I can't wait until they're finally ready to announce the split. I see right through her.

  33. @maryja. I stand corrected. I thought Laura and BBT were married. Either way they were together. There is someone else too but it's 2am here I'm tipsy and don't feel like looking it up.
    In NO way am I givIng brad a pass either; it is just as much his fault.
    @robin TMP that is a creepy story!!! I used to live in charleston sc and voodoo is pretty big here too. Scares me.
    @telesme glad to hear you like it there now. I am going in April and havnt been since college when I would go for mardi GRAS. Got anything fun to recommend for my first semi-sober trip there? ;)

  34. Haha@ Jax. The first time I heard of Ian I thought the same thing. Alberta? Insider Hollywood gossip? No.

  35. They'll split when no one expects it.

    Angelina always needs to be in control of EVERYTHING.

  36. I'm sure there is some sexism involved, but I also think people talk more about what Angelina did because she's so much more interesting than Brad.

  37. Madame Delphine LaLaurie was considered one of the most beautiful & intelligent women in the city. Her party invites were sought after & her 3 story home on Royal Street (Rue Royal) was one of the most luxurious in the Vieux Carre (or the French Quarter). What they didn't know was how cruel she was to her slaves. A fire broke out in the kitchen (supposedly set by the cook who was chained to the fireplace). Firefighters discoverd a horrible sight behind a locked door in the attic.

  38. A dozen naked slaves were chained to walls and makeshift operating tables. Some of the women had their stomachs sliced open & their insides wrapped around their waists. One woman had her mouth stuffed with animal excrement & her lips were sewn shut. Men had their figernails ripped off, eyes poked out & privates sliced off. One man had a stick protruding from his head, the stick had been used to 'stir' his brains. Tortures had been performed so as not to bring about quick death. Moths pinned shut & hands had been sewn to various parts of the body. A woman had her arms & legs removed another had all of her limbs broken & then set at odd angles. All cried out in pain to the firefighters & begged to be killed just to escape from their misery.

    The stories of ghosts & haunting at 1140 Royal Street began as soon as the LaLaurie carriage fled the house & the angry mobs. All who have owned the house have reported terrifying & strange events.

    Today, the house has been renovated & serves as luxury apartments. Recently, the owners were remodeling & found a graveyard in the back of the house under a wooden floor. They believe they found Mme LaLaurie's private graveyard & the reason why the slaves simply kept disappearing.

    If you ever go to NOLA, take the Haunted Tours. You never know what you might experience.

  39. If you still think the Brangelina photos are suspect, you might be interested in reading "Brangelina: The Untold Story of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie". The first chapter of the book is available for free here:

  40. @caydian - CREEPY!!! I definitely want to take at least one haunted tour when I go!

  41. Well, Brad and Jen were photographed looking together when they went on that vacation, and then announced the next day they were splitting.
