Wednesday, February 10, 2010

A Cause For Celebration - No Dina Lohan Shoes

Last October Dina Lohan was all over the internet talking about her new line of shoes and how she was excited and couldn't wait and they were going to be the best because, hey, everyone knows she has lots and lots of shoe designing experience right? Umm, not so much. Lucky for us the shoe company decided to drop Dina and her shoe line "Shoe-Han" before they could even launch. In a statement the company said, “Love My Shoes regrets to announce we are not moving forward with the Dina Lohan line of shoes at this time due to continued economic sluggishness and the prevalent mood of today’s shoppers. Love My Shoes and its President, Robert Yeganeh, wish Dina continued success in all her projects.”

All her projects means of course trying to find new ways she can get money from Lindsay or any of her other kids. I swear that if she could figure out a way to get pregnant with a bunch more babies she probably would just for the money. Anyway, the company was nice about the whole thing, but Dina being the classy person she is decided to take a dig at the company.

“There was a miscommunication over finances, this was too local and we need a larger partner,” said the rep. “We are currently exploring other options, and we will have another announcement soon.”

Yeah, because what the world needs is Dina selling shoes.


  1. I love how these people will do absolutely everything to keep their names in the limelight. Everyone in the states wants their own clothes line, their own shopping bag lines, etc.

    I have an idea for mrs. lohan. Put the bag over your head; there, now you got a product!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hmm could the 'prevalent mood of today's shoppers' be that they wouldn't touch her shoes if they were the last shoes on earth?

  4. I can't wait to look like a 2-bit hooker in her shoes.

  5. That name "Shoe-Han" is just god-awful. And way to take the high road with that statement, Dina. I predict other "partners" will be few and far between.

  6. When I see her smile like that.. makes me think she is going to bite someone!

  7. RocketQueen - every time I see the name, I just want to burst out laughing! Shoe-han? Are you kidding me??

  8. Hmmmmm....."miscommunication over finances" - translation - she wanted them to front the cash 100 percent and felt using her "name" was worth equally as much. And they told her to take a hike.

    I'll be waiting for that other announcement any day now :) :::::crickets::::::

  9. aww yeah, keep it klassy, dina.

  10. Is it just me, or is that one ridiculous looking shoe

  11. Have you guys seen the Shoehan blog? So funny - somebody pretending to be Dina and blogging about all her "designs" --

  12. lloks like she got recent cheek implants.

  13. @nyemerald - glad I'm not the only one!! ;)
