Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Greatest Tabloid Cover Ever

At this point I don't even consider OK! a tabloid. I think it is just a bunch of people who sit around the office all day drinking booze and smoking pot and trying to outdo each other with headline possibilities. There is nothing wrong with that as long as you recognize it as such. It doesn't really matter to me except when they do the diet stories. You know how I feel about those. Anything else they want to say though they can and I will think of it as fun. This week is priceless. Not only do they have the great headline but check out what Shiloh is saying down in the corner. In case you can't read it or can't click to make the picture larger it says, "Shiloh Begs Daddy Don't Go." Oh, you have got to love that. Like Brad was leaving and about to reunite with Jen and then Shiloh said it to him and Brad told Jen he loves her but can't leave the kids.

Oh, and inside, that Ian guy gave OK! a quote. He thinks the couple will split, “when no one expects it.” This stuff is gold.


  1. please! another tabloid stories than Brangelina!!!!!

  2. WTF is wrong with Aniston's face in that pic??

  3. I wish I could sit around smoking pot all day, but unfortunately I'm out of pot. I guess I'll just have to make do with sitting around!

    And really, isn't this whole Angelina/Brad/Jen thing tiresome and boring to everyone yet? Who cares about any of those people? Hasn't it been YEARS since Brad and Jen broke up? I mean, I am no fan of Angelina's (or Brad or Jen for that matter), but seriously, everyone needs to STFU and get over it. I couldn't be more bored with them, and I am a ravenous gossip hound.

  4. @RocketQ: I think they erased her upper lip.

    @ Amanda Rae: I think sitting around smoking pot is part of living the dream.

  5. aniston had her chin shaved down awile back. she's since gone back and fucked it up even more.
    not Rachel anymore.

  6. she looks like the Bean!

  7. also, i cannot wait for Ian undercover to be exposed for the svengali he is.

    do NOT believe.

  8. Aniston had her chin shaved? Are you kidding? Now that would be insanity--her chin is a great feature.

    What's so hilarious is, even if Brad and Angelina do break up (yawn), as IF he'd go back to Jen. That's so silly. (Almost) no one does that, much less celebrities.

  9. ...and yet, my enquiring mind wants to know, or is at least the teensiest bit curious, what IS really going on between B&A now? We'll never know, but I wouldn't mind being a fly on their wall.

  10. Jeez and I was just joking about the extraterrestrials idea. They REALLY went overboard with this one.

    I can't see "OK!" without thinking of Keith Olbermann saying it. lol

  11. angie has his balls in a jar above the fireplace,Billy Goat ain't going no where!

  12. IF (big if) Brad ever leaves, he'll go younger- Jen is 40+. I guess it's the mom in me, but I think putting Shiloh begging on the cover sucks.

  13. i'm predicting Brad will leave Angie for Diane Kruger.....which will leave Josh Jackson all MINE.

  14. Jax, any details on how "chins are shaved down"? That procedure boggles me.

  15. Anonymous1:48 PM

    Having your chin shaved seems like a painful, unnecessary thing, especially when the big long chin is so handy for scooping up extra food at cocktail parties.

    Who really cares if they break up? I'd be sad for the children, but I'd be sad for any children in any broken relationship. As for Aniston, I think the "poor sad Jen" thing is definitely overplayed. Why would she want him back? Why would he want to go there? That's over. Has been for years. Move on.

  16. As if Jen would take him back.

  17. I am so tired of hearing about "Brangelina and Jen." I can't imagine Pitt leaving Jolie to go back to Aniston -- what would Jen do with the 6 kids when it's Brad's weekend to have them?? Have to admit-- it would be pretty funny to watch!

  18. Brad and Ange were doomed from the start. I totally believe the rumors and I always knew it would never last. Angelina, who loves to portray herself as a practical Mother Theresa, is a homewrecking whorebag. She stole Brad because she could and all just to see if she could get the best looking man in Hollyweird to leave his wife of 7 years.

  19. If they break up, which I'm starting to think they will, he's not going back to Jen, he's going to some hot 20-something.

  20. amen Jax - Ian is a tool who claims to have sources and his flock take his word like its the bible. A magazine claims a source says the Brange is together and they mock the source ?? ummm pot meet kettle !!! Ashamed he's Canadian.

  21. Drinking booze and smoking pot every day.. ok, I have that part down, now who can I outdo??
