Friday, February 12, 2010

Harrison Ford Makes Relief Flights To Haiti - Doesn't Bring Scientologists

Harrison Ford is a pilot. Harrison Ford owns a plane. Harrison Ford is a huge supporter of Operation Smile which provides free reconstructive surgery. Obviously they are needed in Haiti and Harrison Ford was happy to help. Over the course of two days last week, Harrison transported 20 surgeons and nurses and medical supplies all on his own dime. And guess what? These surgeons do actual healing and don't just touch a patient and expect a cure.

"This is not about me, it is just about doing what I can to help Operation Smile and the people of Haiti."

For their part, Operation Smile said, "We are truly thankful that we were able to get here so quickly, in order to begin treatment of patients who are suffering from infections, open wounds, and untreated fractures from the recent earthquake."

You can tell by the pictures how important this was to Harrison. I don't think I have ever seen him smile this much. Makes you feel good that something as important as this is what can make him smile.


  1. Aw, that just made me teary.
    John T et all - Harrison is showing you how it's done.

  2. Good for him. Love Harrison Ford.

  3. Very nice indeed. Indy would be proud!

  4. Ah, Han Solo to the rescue!

  5. Come on, someone had to say it.

  6. What a feel good story. I've always loved Harrison Ford, and now I like him a little more.

    Side note to Travolta: See John, this is how you help.

  7. Gotta love him for this.

  8. Blessing to the good. He's on my Good list now. It will take a hell of a lot to get him off of it.

  9. That deserves a standing ovation!


  11. Thanks, Enty...I really needed this. I was very surprised to see him smile like that (I can't remember seeing such a grin on any celebrity's face - it is refreshing). He looks giddy and for goddess's sake, that is how Everyone should be who truly helps those who are so desperately in need of any and all good will and kindness.

    I have a *good* feeling about this, Han....

  12. Harrison Ford is today's sublime-fries covered in awesomesauce.

    Thanks, Enty.

  13. He also lends out his helicopter for search and rescue missions and has flown it himself in emergency situations.

  14. @ Cheryl, yes he does lots of behind the scenes things with Young Eagles and Angel Flight. I have a tremendous amount of regard for people who don't need recognition for good works.

  15. love him! love his movies. Always have.

  16. that's nothing.

    angelina jolie went to Haiti and met with injured people then met the President and then took some pictures with kids and then did an interview with CNN. harrison ford wasn't even shown on tv going to Haiti, how selfish of him.

  17. He seems like a great guy. He is beaming in the photos. Jolie took her druggie, bony ass down there and posed using her "terribly concerned" Oscar abilities. Five car UN caravan, personal photographer and her stupid notebook which with her 9th grade education probably only says

  18. Dun da da daaaa....dun dada...dun da da daaaaa....dundadundunda.....INNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNDDDDDDDDDYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I LOVE YOU!!!!!

    (I know...)

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. It's stories like this (and not vag shots coming out of a car or coke related madness) that makes me remember why celebrities make a difference thanks to their 'name'. I love that Enty runs the good deed blinds (and reveals them!) because the media loves to report on doom, gloom, sex and sensation.

  21. HF is a very nice man. He got his first break in live theatre in the small town I live in, and every now and then he comes and does a fund-raiser. Friendly to everyone.

  22. I've never seen him smile like that. Come to think of it, I'm not sure I've ever seen anyone in Hollywood smile like that. And now we know this about him: acting fills his wallet; Operation Smile fills his soul. Good on you, Mr. Ford.

  23. Love him, Han Solo rules!
